
Sophitia_Alexandra's avatar

Last Login: 06/13/2010 1:54 am

Registered: 02/06/2007

Gender: Female

Biographical Information

Sophitia Alexandra


Athens, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)


Unknown (refuses to reveal)

Birth Date:
March 12

Blood Type:

Short Sword & Small Shield

Weapon Name:
Omega Sword & Elk Shield

Athenian Style

Father / Achelous
Mother / Nike
Brother / Lucius
Husband / Rothion
Daughter / Pyrrha
Son / Patroklos


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Athenian Style


Sophitia's Story

It is only the light of heaven that shines pure and leaves no stain.
-"Maximen und Reflexionen," Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

With great determination in her heart, Sophitia set out on her journey to free her children from their cursed fate. She also worried about Cassandra, who had run off on her own. She had to reach Soul Edge as quickly as possible and destroy it...

Following the rumors of Nightmare, she arrived at the bank of the Rhine river, overlooking Ostrheinsburg Castle. The eerie silhouette of the castle was visible through the enveloping mist. This land was steeped in a sinister presence--not a beast nor bird could be seen.

Just as the sound of a bird's cry pierced the silence, a figure appeared out of the fog like an illusion taking form. It was a small girl dressed in dark green clothes. Her clothes were tattered and torn, and her skin was visible through rips in the fabric. "Hi! Nice weather, isn't it?" the girl said casually.

Sophitia was not caught off-guard by the girl's cheerful smile, and readied her weapon. The girl was carrying an oversized ring-shaped object completely incongruous with her small frame. Sophitia recognized its deadly nature instantly. "Soul Edge isn't in the castle anymore. Say, I'd really like to play with your children." The smile the girl directed at Sophitia was neither gentle or heartwarming. Without a word, Sophitia lashed out at her, but the girl pulled her body back and dodged the swing.

"Sorry, it's not time for that yet. When the time comes, we'll meet again, okay?" Giggling, the girl melted away into the fog.

"Wait!" Sophitia tried to follow her, but the thick fog blocked her way.

"On a moonlit night, the young siblings went into a deep, dark forest. The poor siblings got lost in the mist, and were never heard from again." The girl's voice echoed in the distance, as if singing a nursery rhyme.

Her children were in danger! Sophitia hurried home at once and was relieved to find her family safe. She couldn't relax just yet, however. The girl after her children was still out there. She had to destroy the threat of the cursed sword, but she couldn't leave her family alone. Uncertain what to do, she went to the temple to pray to Hephaestus, the god of the forge, in hopes of receiving some sort of guidance. But instead of receiving guidance, the girl in green clothes was waiting for her there. Sophitia hurriedly picked up the sword and shield laid upon the alter.

"I won't let you touch my children!" Sophitia pointed her sword at the girl.

"Ahaha! You want to fight? That should be fun!" said the girl, with a tone of twisted madness in her voice, as she unleashed a strike with her entire body. While desperately parrying the blow, Sophitia read another emotion apart from madness in the purple eyes that gazed at her across the blades.

"You've never known happiness, have you..." Sophitia spoke slowly. At those words, the girl stopped in her tracks.

"Pity doesn't suit me." Sophitia was startled by the cold, rough sound of the girl's voice. Looking at her face, she saw a look of incredible hatred that was completely unlike the fake smiles the girl had shown up until then. The girl pushed away the stunned Sophitia and, weapon still in hand, took her distance. "Humph. I've lost interest in this. You're really irritating."

As the girl glared at her, Sophitia was unable to see any trace of the loneliness she had caught a glimpse of earlier.

"As for your children...When I need them, I'll come for them." The girl jumped out of sight, leaving only those words behind.

Left alone in the temple, Sophitia thought quietly to herself. She was worried about her children, but merely waiting in fear would change nothing. True, she was no longer acting under the auspices of the gods, but she could still fight for the ones she loved.

Even now, Soul Edge was spreading its evil influence. The disaster had to be stopped at the source in order to save her beloved children.

Returning home, she explained her decision to Rothion and prepared once again for a journey.

"Please take care of the children...Please, be safe." Sophitia spoke softly to her husband.

"You be careful, too. May the blessing of the Goddess Nike be with you."

She could still do it, even if she no longer heard the voices of the gods. Sophitia believed in what she must do. She would fight for those she must protect. In her eyes shone a light of hope that would illuminate the future.

Send me a letter, drop me a line!

View All Comments

Riko Shiro-Usagi Report | 11/05/2010 5:00 pm
Riko Shiro-Usagi
Sophitia! heart
Old School KnightFire Report | 07/30/2010 3:16 pm
Old School KnightFire
hey Sophie *huggles*
I Kisuke Urahara I Report | 01/01/2010 6:11 am
I Kisuke Urahara I
namuh >.>
Just anAverage Guy Report | 06/06/2009 8:45 am
Just anAverage Guy
Ur sister Cassandra is hot

u too ^_^
Asari Consort Report | 04/05/2009 3:58 pm
Asari Consort
love your avi!
Kilik - LingShengSuMaster Report | 03/31/2009 6:46 pm
Kilik - LingShengSuMaster
Kilik - LingShengSuMaster Report | 03/19/2009 8:03 pm
Kilik - LingShengSuMaster
Have a nice day~ User Image
iBelarus Report | 11/30/2008 3:31 pm
awsome avi!

i LOVE soul calibur <3
CassandraMitokagi12 Report | 06/29/2008 1:18 pm
hello there! i like ur avatar! ^^
x-xRimax-x Report | 06/28/2008 7:00 am
hello sophitia!!

how's you?User Image


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