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Report | 05/25/2008 8:11 pm



How've you been?

I haven't talked to you in ages!

Life's going well, could be a little better, but it's going. Hehe.

Report | 03/28/2008 1:42 pm


how's life?

Report | 02/24/2008 9:00 am


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Report | 02/12/2008 6:06 pm


Hey. It's me! How've you been? Good I hope. Sorry we lost contact all those months. I've just been so busy, still am, but tryin to be online as much as possible. Take care!

Report | 07/06/2007 3:07 pm



I'm back...actually I've been back for a while now! I had soo much fun. Sorry I didn't get to you sooner, I was really jetlagged but it's all good now. I took DOZENS!!! of pictures, (thank god for digital cameras) i had to put

some on cds during the trip, but i've been looking through them the past few days. Well, gotta lot to do for tomorrow. hope to see you on line!!!

Report | 06/23/2007 8:38 pm



How've you been? It's been awhile since I've been on!!!! I'm in Chicago at the moment...I go to Las Vegas next week, and then LA, and then home, the trips cutting short by a few days...we're kinda homesick and a bit tired.

Hope life's been treating you well. Saw a few movies while we were here too...Knocked Up was funny!!!! Fantastic 4 was OK...not really my type of movie, but my brother wanted to see it.

Well, talk to you later!!! Miss ya!


Report | 06/05/2007 2:38 pm


Tour Log: #1

i'm in nyc!!! It's really nice here, a lot of tall buildings!!!!!

we popped by the NBC studio (we didn't get up for the today show...too lazy and jetlagged)!!! we're gonna try the empire state building tomorrow, we leave on friday for washington for about 2 days.

I'm really loving it here, the weather is nice as well.

I'll try to talk to you again later!!! razz

Report | 06/04/2007 1:40 pm


Hey. I'm at an internet cafe. Just wanted to say hi...miss ya

Report | 05/25/2007 8:15 pm


Hey. I'm off on my trip!!! I'm going to Portugal, then the US...I'll try to get online if I can. Miss ya!!

Report | 05/20/2007 11:43 pm


Hey You!!!

Dont worry about the job thing, I've gotten applications, but I'm not filling them out until after the summer. I'm not going to quit my job before getting another one. At the moment I'm living with my brother, Tom. But I"m also driving around between London, and East Sussex to visit my other brother and sister, as well as my parents. I'm trying to visit and get together with as many friends as possible too, so basically juggling between homes and stuff. I've decided to declare my major in Art History, and minor in Music Industry. I went to see Spidey 3 this past week-end!! It was pretty good. I wanna see Shrek 3 when it comes out.

My summer trip is going to be cut by a month. My cousins, brother and I decided that being gone for 2and 1/2 months is way too long...so We're just going to Portugal, then States wise: NYC, WDC, Orlando, Chicago and LA. for about a week each. So I'll be back by late july.

Anyways...I'll be on a lot know....hopefully. I'm always happy to hear from you...Miss ya!