Sorrow Princess Choco

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Last Login: 09/03/2012 4:52 pm

Registered: 11/17/2007

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Birthday: 10/21/1993


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Hello everyone, this is the wonderful Sorrow Princess of all your nightmares, Choco. Now you may be wondering why you should care who I am…then again, you’re reading this aren’t you? Well You don’t have to care, but in case you do, welcome to my Profile/Journal (It’s posted on both). As you can tell I like the word Random, both as a word in general and in the sense that I love BEING random. As you can also probably tell this whole thing is about BEING random in every way, shape, and form… I could probably be weirder but I’m kinda blanking since I’m writing this at 6:30 in the morning. XD Uhm…I’m trying to make this as Grammatically correct as possible with no spelling mistakes except for words not in the English, or German Dictionary, even though I do not actually speak German…it’s just an awesome language. You wanna know a good place to be? Limbo, and no not the party game with the stick and the people chanting one of the most annoying phrases ever, I mean really how many times can you say, ‘How low can you go?!’ in complete synch?! Bleck, it’s too weird! And on a note similar to that I’m currently trying to figure out something about some anime characters. See if you can help me out with this one? If you’re stuck in a room with Kon from Bleach, Miroku from InuYasha, and Ebisu and Jiraya from Naruto, which would you go crazy on first? I personally think that they’re all super hilarious so I don’t know but I’d like to know what you think, comment me on my profile when you get the chance to answer that. I think I just ran out of things to say, maybe it really is too early for my brain to work…
Well, then I’ll just say stuff my friends have said, or stuff they talk about. Then again the only friend that comes to mind that says anything that would fit here would be my BF who is the most random and annoying person I know, but you gotta love him. He’s so random the only time he makes sense is when he’s talking nonsense, which is usually because I’m almost absolutely sure English isn’t his first language, I mean his Grammar is so bad, but it’s cute too. I could talk about my friend who I call wolf boy but that wouldn’t work because he’s not super random, he’s awesome but not really random… My friend Rachel now THERE’S someone Random as hell…she’s so crazy, but we all luv her too so everything’s ok.
Well this isn’t half as random as I expected…I could just start Yelling out colors but I don’t see how that helps since I always do that anyway… They need to start making a new Digimon, that was a stupid as heck show but we all loved it as kids so…they need a new one that doesn’t suck like that weird one with the Digimon appearing out of the digivices and crap…I mean really it’s almost as stupid as the new Yu-Gi-Oh shows. So speaking of shows we anime-lovers watched when we were kids, Let’s get into Yu-Gi-Oh… What’s with these new shows huh?! WHY IS YUGI, THE MAIN CHARACTER, NOT EVEN IN THEM?! HIS NAME’S IN THE DANG TITLE!!! Once they started GX, where Yugi only appeared like, ONCE in the whole series, we all knew it was gonna die, I still don’t see how they get kids to watch it, maybe it’s because they never knew the original so they like this because it looks cool, I’ve even watched two whole episodes of the newest 2 D’s s**t… I really couldn’t believe it, I really couldn’t , I looked and I was saying to myself, ‘Oh crap another shitty spin-off of the original Yu-Gi-Oh series…the only people who could ever pull that kind of thing off were Pokemon and Digimon, because in Digimon they had two or three series that they did with different Digi-destened and it worked because they ended up being awesome and kick-a**, I didn’t really get the one where they used cards or whatever, but I liked it all the same because all the digimon we’re super cute and so they worked around it and made it work, because with that it’s same basic story-line and it all works out in the end, and in pokemon, they did a whole series with that kid and the Typhlosion, they even took out one of the main characters and replaces Brock with Tracy in another series, and how can we ever forget the episode where it’s all about Jessie and James at James’s Grandparent’s house, or whatever they are to him. I still feel bad for poor Chimeco… I’m honestly still debating on which is better, Naruto or Naruto: Shippuden… I just don’t know anymore…I like Shippuden CHARACTERS more…but the stories of them both are kinda tied, but I’m still leaning towards Shippuden because it’s a lot LESS about emo Sasuke boy and more about cool characters like the Akatsuki and Sai-kun. InuYasha was just a total disappointment, I loved it until I saw the so-called ending…Kikiyou died…they walked off into the sunset, what the hell??? I even still love four of the characters though. Sesshomaru, Miroku, Shippo and Koga, and several side characters that were super cool! Bleach is definitely my new fave, especially with all the smexy guys running around, definite Favorite? Before the Arrancar Arc it’s definitely Captain Zaraki Kenpachi. During and after the Arrancar Arc it’s a tie between Ulquiorra and Szayel. But I don’t really watch any other Anime, well, I just recently watched Shana and I like it, but that’s really new to me so I’m not sure, it seems all the evil characters have some weird sex thing, I’m not gonna ruin it for anyone that wants to watch it, although I doubt there are many of you. (Then again I doubt there are many people reading this at all.)

Well that’s it for now, I don’t have much else to say or complain about, except about people in my life and Gaia, and I won’t do that because I don’t feel like it, and this surprisingly only took me like half an hour even though it feels like more…hmm… Yay for Microsoft word. And no, these aren’t all the Anime I could yell about but I’ll stop there since this is already almost three pages long (Shesh), so I’ll talk to you later, PM me or Comment me and don’t forget to answer that question for me ok? Bai!!!


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Katz Vishar Report | 11/15/2012 7:48 pm
Katz Vishar
"I wish to poke you, soo..."
Finger draws closer to your arm.
walker of the third path Report | 11/12/2009 11:25 pm
walker of the third path
thnaks it was a truly awesome veterans day.
walker of the third path Report | 11/11/2009 8:27 pm
walker of the third path
cool happy veterans day and hope you had a nice day off from school.
walker of the third path Report | 11/10/2009 8:22 pm
walker of the third path
thanks and it may be clutterd but it still looks cool.
walker of the third path Report | 11/08/2009 3:18 pm
walker of the third path
sorry pepsi lol.
walker of the third path Report | 11/08/2009 3:18 pm
walker of the third path
Nice new avatar byt the way it looks cool. Oh and spawn says hi and he wants more peosi lol. biggrin
walker of the third path Report | 11/08/2009 3:10 pm
walker of the third path
its not that bad, it is just work but hey as said all is good.
walker of the third path Report | 11/06/2009 8:30 pm
walker of the third path
Iv'e been pretty good very busy but good none the less.
walker of the third path Report | 11/05/2009 10:44 pm
walker of the third path
go evil conscience he took the pepsi lol!!!
walker of the third path Report | 11/05/2009 10:40 pm
walker of the third path
yup and besides all of that crazy jazz how are you??


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My Characters

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Hokaru Kayami

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Pain on the outside hurts for a day...

Pain on the inside hurts forever...

I'm the cause of alot of pain...

and I'm not really that sorry.

I am me!

I'm the brother, my name's Damien...yup.

I am Daruku, I own her Gaia soul, and treat her very well, of course.

I'm Zero, But Choco calls me Ita, I'm her BF in real life and I love her, more then anything.

We're the One-on-One RP Partners, Kyyubi-san and Mali.

We're the One-on-One RP Partners, Kyyubi-san and Mali.

We're her friends in RL of course!

Me Him =



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