soul stitch

soul stitch's avatar

Birthday: 12/03

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You dont have to tell me Im beautiful, I already know

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Yes, I know, Im awsome

Top Secret Information.....

Username: soul stitch
Name: Katie
Age: 13
Birthday: Dec. 3

Lives with: Parents, lil sister
Sibling info: My little sister, Sam, is the craziest, evilest, cutest, sweetest little girl in the world.
Job: None, unless you count writing books...
Location: Some were unknown to man

Status: Single
Love of life: Yours truly
Dated: Josh, Timm, Lucas, Mitchell

Go to school?: Unfortunately...
Grade: 6th
Fave subject: History

Best Friend: Emily
Popular: Some what
Pet: Used to. We had to give all our reptiles away when we moved

Worst Fear: Murderous crazy clowns
Worst Enemy: Frank, the bunny
Hate: Frank, Clowns, Mimes, stupid people, most Twitards, closed minded people
Love: Interesting things, Writing, Family, Friends, the comp, reptiles

Fave Animal: Cats
Fave Food: Mashed potatos and gravy
Fave Color(s): Black, White, Purple
Fave song/band: Currently Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance
Fave Book: The Hunger Games

The zombies are coming for you!

You should join Worlds Beyond Simplicity
its awsomness

blah blah blah

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lo0o Apocalypse o0ol Report | 04/22/2011 9:40 pm
lo0o Apocalypse o0ol
sorry- my bad! was replying to someone else below!!
thanks for buying smile have a good day and i like your profile!!!
lo0o Apocalypse o0ol Report | 04/22/2011 9:39 pm
lo0o Apocalypse o0ol
that's cool!! the snow here.. you can't really make good snowmen or castles :/
we drink hot chocolate here too! during winter heaps of people (but not usually my family) go out to ski.
we iceskate all year round cause we have 2 main icerinks indoors! do you guys iceskate outside on rivers and stuff??!
in summer it's mainly the beach, bbqs and swimming! and we go overseas sometimes smile where have you travelled?
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/10/2010 7:48 am
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/09/2010 7:51 am
Damn. That (bloop) really wanted that account <.<
And the name sounds a bit familiar....But I can't remember
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/09/2010 7:32 am
Tell emenoh to report it.
Thats what my sis's exgirlfriend (or are they back together? 8O DUN DUN DUNNN) said to do
She's gotten hacked alot
But recovered the account.
But if they changed her pas, her user, her stat things, and even hacked her email......
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/09/2010 7:16 am
At least she has a small chance of recovering her account.
1% chance.
But I got banned twice for reasons unknown to myself 8
Lost everything.
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/08/2010 7:00 pm
Fuuuuuuuuk it
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/08/2010 5:02 pm
I know.
I ment that its dumb she was hacked <.<
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/08/2010 4:58 pm
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 09/07/2010 11:50 am
Soul Stich was emenoh hacked or something? D:
Cause if she was, then I will be EXTREMELY pissed off. I'm not kidding.


Every Soul has a Rip
Every Soul needs a Stitch
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