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Splediferous Masochism

Splediferous Masochism's avatar

Last Login: 01/03/2015 12:32 pm

Registered: 05/05/2007

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/01/1992


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"It's too late to fall in love with Sharon Tate, but it's too soon to ask me for the words I want carved on my tomb. You see you just don't know. I give you my heart, you want some fashion show"- BRILLIANT. Miss ya every day, JC

My ******** anthem


Liliana Amber Vittari is:
- Pansexual with such an intense preference for those female-identified that she borders on lesbian.
- Pagan and proud
- Demonic in ways even she doesn't fully understand, knowing only that she's a sort of combination between a psychic vampire and a succubus.
- Dominant by instinct, and unable to control her drives unless sated.
- A now and again poet
- A literary critic
- An English major
- An ardent fan of independent film and music, David Lynch and Bright Eyes being two prime examples.
-Sometimes told she's a bit "much" or "off" or (as a dear friend put it) "delightfully deranged".
-Really quite lovable once you know her
I am Liliana Amber Vittari. I believe that identity is performative. Anything i say about me i can and probably will contradict.
Current Lyrics I'm Digging:
"Well I drug your ghost across the country
and we plotted out my death
in every city memories would whisper here is where you rest
i was determined in chicago but i dug my teeth into my knees
settled for a telephone and sang into your machine
'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine'"
-Bright Eyes, "The Calendar Hung Itself"

"Do you like to hurt? I do, I do. Then hurt me."- Bright Eyes, "Lover I Don't Have To Love"

"You are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place."

-A very close friend told me I remind her of Delirium from Sandman. It's accurate.
- I'm a multiple
- I am human and I suffer. I need support and fellowship and reassurance and contact. That tends to start a cycle of people withdrawing and me climging more when i notice.
- what i feel most and fear most is that im being forgotten.
- I'm terrified of loss. If you show me love for a second, I'll need it for a minute.
- I'm semi-demonic, and as human as I choose to be.
-I'm an anarchist
-I'm a studying pagan
- I understand the distinction between erotica and pornography.
- I'm a sadomasochist. Equal parts masochist and sadist.
- I feel strangely connected to Robert Mapplethorpe
- His photography, and the writing of Stephen Elliot, Alison Tyler, Rachel Krammer Bussell, Violet Blue, Nancy Friday, Claudia Varrin, Karen Finley, Eve Ensler, Holly Hughes, and several other writers who I'd end up leaving out if I tried to single out everyone are also quite amazing.
- Get me books by any of these and I will perform sexual favors. Or just smile and say thank you very politely, curtsying if it's someone who'll understand why. We'll go with it's a reflex XD
- Most women can see right through me, but to all but one man, I'm a bigger ******** mystery than James Bond, and that's how I like it
Things About Me I Can't/ Wouldn't Change:
- I'm pansexual
- I'm a dominant-leaning switch, but I sub to the right people.
-If you're my friend, I'll have NO filter with you once you've proven yourself
-I'm a VERY sexual person and it probably seems like I'm constantly horny
- I'm a terrible flirt and a worse charmer
- I'm also a VERY social person
- This makes those who don't know me think I never shut the ******** up (Wouldn't change that, cause I don't- well unless ordered/gagged, but did you REALLY want me to go there. You proly did- ******** perverts. stare stare heart )
-I have a sense of humor all my own (well, my dearest friends share it to different extents, but far as I know, only one person has ever beaten me to it, and proven herself to be worse than me, and trust me she gets props for it every day heart heart )
- I can't/wouldn't change any of this either, cause it sure as hell beats the alternative
Slightly Amusing Things About Me
- Despite M-dom not being my thing, the novels of Jacqueline Carey and the Dough Wright play Quills are some of my favorite books in the world.
- I carry handcuffs. Yes, everywhere. It's kind of a good luck charm. Some people carry rabbit feet, I carry handcuffs. Just seemed more practical to me. <3
-I twirl my handcuffs on my finger when I'm bored.
- If it's someone I know won't mind, I try to cuff my friends when I'm bored. (it's always better when they reciprocate wink .)
- I have two rolls of PVC tape and a couple pairs of handcuffs on my desk
- I hide my cuffs behind a foam finger
- This is because I AM NUMBER ONE!
- I have a strange obsession with Dante from Devil May Cry.
- I'm convinced that DARE stands for "Do All Recreational drugs in Existence"
- I also love bands that blur the poetry music line, as I am both poet and musician: Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, The Jim Carroll Band, The Doors, Tom Verlaine (solo and with Television), Lou Reed (solo and with The Velvet Underground), Leonard Cohen, and The Dresden Dolls are among my favs <3
-I heart performance art: Eve Ensler and Karen Finley are two of my favorite performers .Tim Miller's Body Blows is also the s**t. I have a secret goal of shadowcasting it at my school coffeehouse. It's not gonna happen though, too many damn conservatives. If you're reading this, V, I love you anyway. XD
- Peter Shaffer is my favorite playwright, but many are tied with him
- Michael McClure's The Beard is quite possibly my favorite play by someone that wasn't a playright foremost (if you don't know, he is a poet, and get out and buy Mysteriosos when it comes out April 20, because I haven't even read it and I know it'll be the s**t <333. Then buy me a copy cause I'm poor.)
Things that will amuse my RL Friends:
- I secretly want to straighten my hair/ dye it either crimson, black, or violet
- I secretly want earrings/ detachable n****e rings.
-I secretly want most of you in my bed. heart heart
-Honest, I don't sleep well unless I'm being cuddled! What did you think? stare stare
Things I Find Pathetic:
- Monothestic patriarchal religion: how many men do you know that can birth a BABY, forget a universe?
- Monotheistic matriarchal religion: takes two to tango, folks.
-Homophobia. If you break it to its Greek roots it means "Fear of being the same." Think about that.
- The idea that war can ever be anything but destructive


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Gimmie Some Truth


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IchigoNeko23 Report | 07/26/2014 8:28 am
cool avi
Masona Report | 07/08/2014 7:46 pm
Happy Birthday!
Mistress Lithias kitten Report | 01/22/2014 4:41 pm
Mistress Lithias kitten
Aw, thank you. the healing process will take time but we'll get through it.
Mistress Lithias kitten Report | 01/21/2014 4:30 pm
Mistress Lithias kitten
We've been helping Mistress's brother-in-law to cope with the loss of his wife. It was... a very difficult holiday season for us as a family. To make a long story short, her sister had complications with her second pregnancy, and when she got pregnant again, while using protection, she was going to abort but the day she went to do so, some people were very ugly towards her. She kept it, went into premature labor and hemorrhaged. The doctor's weren't able to save her. Mistress and her little sister were very close so its been very, very rough.
Mistress Lithias kitten Report | 01/21/2014 2:57 pm
Mistress Lithias kitten
*giggles* i was commenting on a conversation Mistress had in a thread since me and the person she was talking to have had similar situations. It can be a bit trying can't it? That's why when i do have the time to get on here i usually hide in the Lick My Boots thread.
Mistress Lithia Report | 01/20/2014 5:00 pm
Mistress Lithia
Well hello there. We recently deleted our fetlife accounts because I got tired of people harassing my pets to play with them as well as being asked to dominate complete strangers. Perhaps I will rethink it though and if so I will send you a message here. Or just PM me your fetlife info and if I remake it then I'll let you know there.
LiaThistle Report | 01/19/2014 6:58 pm
Meh, totally your choice. I'm irregular in the TTG sf now, anyways. No one plays Netrunner, and I don't play Magic, PokeMon, or D&D anymore (and never played YGO or PF).
LiaThistle Report | 01/19/2014 6:37 am
I don't use FB, mostly for security, partially because there's a lot of people who I don't want to deal.
LiaThistle Report | 12/17/2013 8:24 am
Nope, nothing here but us the distance...picking the next one to light on fire and send careening into oncoming "traffic."


Mistress Lithia Report | 08/23/2013 6:56 pm
Mistress Lithia
Hello. It has but I decided to hop on again. I get those moments from time to time. Things are going well. How are things with you dear?


You're the yellow bird that I've been waiting for.- Bright Eyes

Hark close and still what I now whisper to you
I love you, O you entirely possess me.
- Walt Whitman
heart heart

P h r e n z i c_ L o u
The Erudite Cheshire
death on dark wings

"Words are like baby shoes. When you roll them in sugar, they can't be used."- John Updike

"If I were a much younger man, I'd write an encyclopedia of human stupidity."- Kurt Vonnegut

"You must be the most adorable thing to ever walk the earth."- Mag <333333.


"Not even in the Twilight Zone are you dominant."- BECKY! *loves on*

A-wing stairwell is cold and always smells like seawater- IT MUST BE HAUNTED BY A DEAD WHORE!- Shy <3


"JIMMY'S BACK! QUICK, GET YOUR GUNS!" Would've been funnier and more effective if it was a Marilyn Manson reference, darling Liz

"Guns don't kill, sexually deprived Jimmy does!"- So ******** me already, darling.


Alex took this <3333

This is my kitten-minion. *sets her in my lap and strokes her while explaining my evil plan* XD

This is Matthew Stewart's art for "Force of Will". As for why it's my background...that's personal. So I'll try to explain it universally: everyone has elements of their natures that take willpower to overcome, so I keep this background to remind me that I'm not alone with mine.

I'm a LVL 2 Judge. Besides, this art just calms me. Too bad the legend Orim wasn't a better card. I'd consider making her my EDH general.