Spray Paint My Heart

Spray Paint My Heart's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Empty warehouses

Occupation: Whatever you want me to be~

Beating bass

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I.D at the front door

Out Of Character: Pssssst...hey...I'll be gone for about a month or so, RL getting in my way and all that fantastic jazz. I promise I'll be back A.S.A.P! So don't do anything crazy while I'm gone (Yes that means you, FAUSTUS).
You know where to reach me if you need me, and if you don't, well, there's probably a reason for that....
I love you all
- Painter

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Name: Sona
Birth Name: Mary Anna Stevens
Age and D.O.B: Twenty-two, February 14th, 2062*
Gender: Herm but identifies as female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 162.5cm (5'4)
Weight: 54kg (119lbs)
Race: African(1/2), Korean(1/4), Caucasian(1/4)
Species: Neko/Nitor**
Nationality/P.O.B: Canadian, Toronto Canada
Occupation: Computer technician, hacker, cleanser, and D-jays on the side

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Skin Color: Dark coco
Eye Color and Shape: Neon violet and wide almond
Hair Color and Style: Naturally Sona's hair is very thick and curly, but thanks to it being very manageable she's able to wear it in many different styles. Currently it's her natural color, a bright coral-magenta, and worn straight and shoulder-blade length.
Build: She has a very lean and flexible body that would be almost perfect for gymnastics. She's short, and her hips have just the slightest feminine curve to them that offset her c-cup bust rather nicely. Her facial features are impish and she's always thought that her size 10 feet were too big and goofy looking, even though people hardly pay them any attention.
Extras: Thanks to her mother, Sona has a long-furred tail and a matching set of cat-like ears that are gauged near the 'lobe' with 16mm plugs, three studs in the left, two in the right along with an industrial. Her tongue and lip are both pierced, along with another place that shall not be mentioned.
Sona has no room for tattoos, because her father's genes have left her with rosette like spots, only visible under a black light or in the dark that pulse and change color with her mood and body temp.
She also has a large, round, slightly raised scar on the base of her neck.

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* She typically is a futuristic character, but I don't mind playing with time lines at all!
** Strange things happen when you pop pills and it's cold outside! Don't do drugs, kids!~

The rumor is...

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Glacial Hearts Report | 01/06/2014 11:18 am
Glacial Hearts
(Sorry to see that you're leaving before we could interact. Hope RL doesn't stress you out too bad, and that you come back soon! heart )
Alucard 132 Report | 12/25/2013 9:03 pm
Alucard 132
-pounces and hugs-
Pup of the Black Worgen Report | 12/24/2013 10:18 am
Pup of the Black Worgen
(*noms on your feet* Where did you go?)
-SiNiStEr-nico- Report | 12/18/2013 8:38 pm
Hello there.
Addio Principessa Report | 12/10/2013 9:25 pm
Addio Principessa

The feline tilted her head back in an amused giggle. How funny this one was, to get so defensive over a simple remark and yet to offer
kindness that desperately. No wonder it looked so far beyond help, picking fights with strangers yet acting so amused or surprised
by any response to their provocation. Bianco shook her crossed leg as she listened to the invitation, not at all impressed or interested by it.
"Cocky little snit, eh? Is that the newest insult on the streets these days?" she flicked some of her ebony bands and pursed her lips, tail
twitching. Sapphire pools focused on the stranger before closing shut. "Grazie." she muttered, getting to her feet and stretching her arms slowly, ebony
tail arched in the air. There was precious time being wasted, Bianco thought it was best to take her leave now. "I'll...keep that in mind when I'm
feeling sorry enough for stray cats, colorito amico mio." She'd covered her mouth with a glove hand and yawned as she tread across in her
heeled boots, flashing the other one last fleeting glance before disappearing into the darkness of the alleyway. Well. That was awfully thrilling.

Kyle Thatcher Report | 12/02/2013 2:49 pm
Kyle Thatcher
GAHHHH! DX *runs*
Addio Principessa Report | 12/01/2013 12:35 am
Addio Principessa

"Don't complain over what you have asked for, then." the feline sighed. The sporadic way this individual's mood swung almost made Bianco
uncomfortable and she was beginning to contemplate leaving due the the exhaustion of having to converse with another wild animal. Was she in the presence of the
mentally ill lately? She wondered if the don would have minded if she could cut this one in two and take home the entrails as a souvenir, possibly for inspection
for any diseases--but the pelt would most certainly offer no reward with colors like that. Bianco watched the other have some form of seizure, once again finding it ironic that the
kettle was calling the pot black with such...interesting fashion sense. No matter. The black cat turned on her heels and took a seat to watch the poor animal finish
having its hysterics, legs crossed and cheek rested in her palm.
This person had confronted her over...nothing, supposedly but did nothing but sound like an imbecile and boasted about it. Big surprise. "Where I stay is of no concern to you and
even if it was, it has been taken care of. What do you want, brutta puttana?"

Addio Principessa Report | 11/30/2013 3:37 pm
Addio Principessa

"Assuming such ageist and paltry things. Not impressive for an...'adult' such as yourself." Bianco's voice hinted nothing short of amusement for
the sudden criteria offered by her obnoxiously dressed judge. In fact, she almost found it ironic that she was being evaluated for her maturity by something that looked
like anything but an adult and all she was reduced to doing for now as this individual eyeballed her like some hungry wolf was to cross her arms and roll her eyes
impatiently. She had better things to do...but no matter. It was just another pest. It wasn't as though it needed the attention of her 'childlike' assassination skills anyhow.
Whatever club she wasn't meant to get into, she could easily infiltrate anyway. "I feel sorry for the tiger," Bianco mused softly "I am in need of a new throw rug."

Kyle Thatcher Report | 11/30/2013 3:29 pm
Kyle Thatcher
B-but....I'm a virgin! cat_surprised
Kyle Thatcher Report | 11/29/2013 11:50 pm
Kyle Thatcher
GAH! You weren't supposed t know about that! >////////<

My Mark

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