[ About Squeeke ]
I'm just your average twenty-teen psychopath. I'm well matured for my physical age and progressivly my body is catching up to me, far too intelligent for my own good, lusting for personal experience and propelled by my curiosity I'm just trying to figure everything out for myself . I put on a tough exterior, but get to know me really well and deep down, I'm not such a hardass, I'm kind of like a burnt marshmallow, hard and crispy on the outside, and soft and mushy on the inside. No, I guess that's a bad analogy, I'm not crispy on the outside, but I do smell like fire/burning/smoke most of the time XD and I'm not thoroughly soft and mushy cause I have bones for structure and support XD. I'm a very kind, understanding, open-minded soft spoken individual, but screw with one of my friends and I'll hunt you down and the remains of your body will end up in a foreign country.

Devilishly Delicious <3

[ x ] Kitties, my kittie-cat, Banshee
[ x ] Bats, rats, honey bears, snakes, I just <3 animals
[ x ] Body piercings & Tattoos - I have a large tiger that I drew the art for on my right shoulder blade, currently drawing my next tattoo and financing, Atum the winged solar disc for my lower back, I have snakebites, right ear has an industrial and a surface piercing that looks like a double tragus, left ear has 5 cartilage and both lobes are 0 gague, navel, and nape ( har-har, people squeal when I show them that one ) You know what they say, once you get one, Addicted much?
[ x ] Yoga, Meditation, Rollerblading, Snowboarding, Cross-Country Skiing, Scuba diving, Hitting Up The Gym, Jogging - long n short of it, for a pot smoker I'm extremely active ^w^
[ x ] Sweet grass, ganja, reefah, gangster, green, pot, mary jane, herb, bud, dope, leaf, whatever you want to call it, just puff puff pass it
[ x ] Boots. I loooove boots, especially knee-high, lace-ups, buckles, zippers, leathers, pleathers, I <3 them, yes.
[ x ] Vodka, rum, pretty much anything over 40% does the job effectively ^_~

-[ Q ]uotes-

-Yarrr I'd be what I'd be, a pirate cat.-

-BULLETS!! *grabs chest* MY ONLY WEAKNESS *sputter* H-HOW DID YOU KNOW!! *dies* x_x-

-And now for something completely different.-