
Welcome to my Profile blaugh

this is an awesome avy art made for me by Hatori Miharu
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heck ya, check out all these extra espesial colors that I got from a thread on halloween!

Bump aliceblue
Bump antiquewhite
Bump aqua
Bump aquamarine
Bump azure
Bump beige
Bump bisque
Bump black
Bump blanchedalmond
Bump blue
Bump blueviolet
Bump brown
Bump burlywood
Bump cadetblue
Bump chartreuse
Bump chocolate
Bump coral
Bump cornflowerblue
Bump cornsilk
Bump crimson
Bump cyan
Bump darkblue
Bump darkcyan
Bump darkgoldenrod
Bump darkgray
Bump darkgreen
Bump darkkhaki
Bump darkmagenta
Bump darkolivegreen
Bump darkorange
Bump darkorchid
Bump darkred
Bump darksalmon
Bump darkseagreen
Bump darkslateblue
Bump darkslategray
Bump darksteel
Bump darkturquoise
Bump darkviolet
Bump deeppink
Bump deepskyblue
Bump dimgray
Bump dodgerblue
Bump firebrick
Bump floralwhite
Bump forestgreen
Bump fuchsia
Bump gainsboro
Bump ghostwhite
Bump gold
Bump goldenrod
Bump gray
Bump green
Bump greenyellow
Bump honeydew
Bump hotpink
Bump indianred
Bump indigo
Bump ivory
Bump khaki
Bump lavender
Bump lavenderblush
Bump lawngreen
Bump lemonchiffon
Bump lightblue
Bump lightcoral
Bump lightcyan
Bump lightgoldenrodyellow
Bump lightgreen
Bump lightgrey
Bump lightpink
Bump lightsalmon
Bump lightseagreen
Bump lightskyblue
Bump lightslategray
Bump lightsteelblue
Bump lightyellow
Bump lime
Bump limegreen
Bump linen
Bump magenta
Bump maroon
Bump mediumaquamarine
Bump mediumblue
Bump mediumorchid
Bump mediumpurple
Bump mediumseagreen
Bump mediumslateblue
Bump mediumspringgreen
Bump mediumturquoise
Bump mediumvioletred
Bump midnightblue
Bump mintcream
Bump mistyrose
Bump moccasin
Bump navajowhite
Bump navy
Bump oldface
Bump olive
Bump olivedrab
Bump orange
Bump orangered
Bump orchid
Bump palegoldenrod
Bump palegreen
Bump paleturquoise
Bump palevioletred
Bump papayawhip
Bump peachpuff
Bump peru
Bump pink
Bump plum
Bump powderblue
Bump purple
Bump red
Bump rosybrown
Bump royalblue
Bump saddlebrown
Bump salmon
Bump sandybrown
Bump seagreen
Bump seashell
Bump sienna
Bump silver
Bump skyblue
Bump slateblue
Bump slategray
Bump snow
Bump springgreen
Bump steelblue
Bump tan
Bump teal
Bump thistle
Bump tomato
Bump turquoise
Bump violet
Bump wheat
Bump white
Bump whitesmoke
Bump yellow
Bump yellowgreen


Viewing 12 of 47 friends


my joural of randomness



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Yasashii Miss Author

Report | 06/28/2011 6:59 pm

Yasashii Miss Author

Thankyou for the buy. Have a nice day!

Report | 06/09/2010 2:45 pm


did u just change u user name? btw mega cute new avi also *cheek kiss*
Hatori Miharu

Report | 03/09/2008 8:53 pm

Hatori Miharu

Take good care of my prrrreeeeeccccciousssss! D<
Hatori Miharu

Report | 02/10/2008 1:31 pm

Hatori Miharu

Fine. D:
M U R A S A K i  T E A

Report | 07/15/2007 11:16 pm

M U R A S A K i T E A

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Hatori Miharu

Report | 07/15/2007 2:08 pm

Hatori Miharu

Was it good? D:

You have to tell me everything, I still haven't seen it. >>
Hatori Miharu

Report | 07/10/2007 10:16 am

Hatori Miharu

Have fun at teh movies. :3
Hatori Miharu

Report | 07/04/2007 9:05 am

Hatori Miharu

Yus! =O

Report | 06/30/2007 8:59 am


When I scroll down/up a lot really fast my computer makes a loud beep. My computer just made a loud beep.

Report | 06/27/2007 9:39 pm


Thanks for the random comment in my profile User Image

Luff the anime pics in your profile. User Image


I love Random PMs
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