
eay erbody, wat it dew? Im 17 years young n currently stayin in ohio egh. I have lots going on right now. Im home schooled nd working on mi GED while getting ready for college, yaye meeh. Im still deciding between these tew colleges 1 is in the town I live in n da other is in cali. Wich mi brother goes tew. Im very blunt when I think somethin I have tew say it even if it does hurt ur feelings. I really dont like watchin tv but if its on dont plan on tlkin tew meeh. I get stuck tew it. I love da petter pan movie n instead of da normal disney princesses i like Pocahontas : ]. Ummh I really dont kno much bout this site yet im used to da myspace thing. so0 its prob ganna b plain 4 a min. anything elsa jus hit meeh up ight...muuhhsss...1

(p.s i hardly ever get on only if im realy bored or if mi lil sis wonts some1 elsa to go on n tlk wit sry )

