It's Starlight~

Starlight Surprise's avatar

Last Login: 02/18/2014 12:29 pm

Registered: 12/04/2007

Gender: Female

Location: On your computer screen :3

Birthday: 11/04

That posting place's info

Posts per Day: 4.33

Total Posts: 26556

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So you're a nosy one, eh?

Hello there~
Welcome to my profile. I'm Alyssa and I'm a Southerner(Southern part of the U.S. to all non-Americans that come to pay me a visit. You may not even get the "joke" but just bear with me). Go ahead and get those laughs out of your system. I'll wait....
Done? Alright. I like cute looking things, evil looking things, cartoons, and compliments and criticism(just not harsh).

I dislike rude people. racists, people who think they are better than others, People who use 1337 speak all the time because they think it's just awesome, and people wHo CaPiTaLiZe every other letter because they also think it's awesome, Mainly just assholes in general....

Enjoy your stay here, or not, I always like comments and people who like the same music I do.

Art Request
Check it here: Avatar References

Donations are listed in the journal entry "Donations <3"

Dwell deep inside my mind

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Just Bandit Report | 11/04/2013 1:31 pm
Just Bandit
Happy Birthday, Star! yum_cupcake emotion_bigheart
Just Bandit Report | 09/18/2013 12:04 am
Just Bandit
Their new battle cry is that they're 'a business' and they have to try 'new business incentives' but in truth what they're doing is bad business. After seeing what they've been doing week after week, nothing surprises me anymore, more waiting to see what happens next.

I'm heading off to bed now, so talk ya later. emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
Just Bandit Report | 09/17/2013 11:55 pm
Just Bandit
When I came back, the community seemed the same, but they just got a whole lot angrier over the pass few months.
The higher ups...I don't even know who they are, but they seem keen on rolling in the dollars despite the users asking for a break in the cash releases, so needless to say, I don't think they care.
Just Bandit Report | 09/17/2013 11:44 pm
Just Bandit
Yep! She is! xd And still keeping up with aquariums as well. Oraa, no worries, this site has it's wear and tear effect on you after a while.
Ugh, they sunk their own battle ship this round and they're just killing off the crew as they continue, just when you thought it was all stable they trash the place, it's kinda sad.
Just Bandit Report | 09/17/2013 11:30 pm
Just Bandit
Oraa, I miss having you around. xd It's definitely a bit quieter without you.
Just Bandit Report | 09/17/2013 11:23 pm
Just Bandit
Thank you Staaaaaaar!! emotion_hug emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
I don't see you anymore. ; 3; What are you up to?
Just Bandit Report | 04/11/2013 3:14 pm
Just Bandit
Thank you so much, Star! emotion_kirakira emotion_bigheart emotion_bigheart
G-girl-2-bold Report | 06/07/2012 3:14 pm
hi its machi i got hacked a few days ago so this is my new account
Craddi Report | 06/04/2012 2:55 pm
Just wanted to say your avatar is gorgeous! emotion_awesome
Robotic Marionette Report | 05/05/2012 6:04 pm
Robotic Marionette
Star. classified_fu


Main quest:
Quest? What quest?

Side quest:
ART! Lots and lots of art!



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Stal- er I mean visitors

Hellbilly Storm on 01/31/2020