
static!magic's avatar

Last Login: 04/11/2011 4:27 am

Registered: 05/13/2006

Gender: Female

Location: England


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The Flodoll

Well hey...
My name is Flo

I live in the south of England, but I'm a northener really smile

I'm never online, so if you message me and I don't reply, don't think it's cus I'm rude..

what else... well my main intrest is art, (film, painting, drawing and art theory) and i like to think im good at it...
hmmm... other stuff

I'm pretty into caving. Caving is fun. There's nothing like squeezing yourself into tiny dark spaces that you can only rely on yourself to get out of, then swimming in an underwater lake in the middle of winter, all before climbing back up often vertical drops whilst wearing water filled wellies. Then (not that this is the selling point) after that find yourself in a hut in the middle of the beautiful countryside full of mates with a roaring fire and a looot of booze. It's the best.

I don't know if anyone reads these things.


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xXOXxmy technicolor nightmarexXOXx

here i shall write a bunch of trash which i doubt you wanna read but i shall write it anyway - i'll try and keep entries short so you can be bothered to read them


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Digital Clock Report | 08/10/2009 12:45 pm
You need to add "Hunting wild mammoths" into your likes column.
Digital Clock Report | 03/11/2009 5:15 pm
You got offline, right when I got online =(

I haven't gotten one recently, but I got a HUGE one last week, it is still feeding me...

...Terribly sorry about your nail....gotta stand your ground!
Knave Girl Cyborg Report | 03/11/2009 9:37 am
Your avvie is awesome ^.^
Digital Clock Report | 01/07/2009 1:14 pm
That's odd.

I am home with a stomach virus, myself.

I hope you get to feeling better
Digital Clock Report | 01/07/2009 1:02 pm

that's not good at all.

i hope you get that sorted soon!
Digital Clock Report | 01/07/2009 12:43 pm
Hey, how are you?
Digital Clock Report | 12/27/2008 5:48 pm
My windows Live ID is

.....which is for hotmail and all that far as I know..
Digital Clock Report | 12/27/2008 5:37 pm
Not too bad, thanks.

That's pretty cool. Being the oldest must be fun...on occasion..

Oh, and that's okay, I understand. I would've been asleep already...

...but if you have some sort of messenger or something, you can add me...I like talking to you, but I am not on here enough.. for everything.....except AIM, digitalclock138....I am good at naming..
Digital Clock Report | 12/27/2008 5:27 pm
wow, 1 of 5... many brothers vs. sisters?

Oh, and how are you today?
Digital Clock Report | 12/26/2008 5:45 pm

Hmm, that's nice of your sister, even if she does run away..

..or tries to, assuming that's what you meant by what you said..

I am an only child, which is okay, if you want to get lots of things..

..but I get kind of lonely on occasion..


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oh, well I AM awfully rock and roll wink