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Steam Rider



[.]alt mode:
Steam powered motorcycle

[.]weaponry/fighting style:
Steam Rider has a rather unique set of weapons that he uses whenever the situation calls for it. Made from the chrome that decorates his alt mode, he wields an odd 'shotgun' type weapon with a forked end. The blasts in itself are deadly, being composed of high temperature steam but the pitch-fork styled end can cause just as much damage, the fork made from pure energy.

When it comes down to fighting itself, Steam Rider prefers to be right in the midst of battle, not afraid to go head to head with other bots. He's a ruthless fighter, not caring who or what; as long as his side wins, nothing else matters. He's a decent hand to hand combatant, able to trade blows with the best of them but in the long run he prefers to use his weaponry.

He's not perfect though, and has his fair share of weaknesses like his fellow bots, one being that he's much smaller than most but where he lacks in height he makes up for in agility and speed.

First and foremost, Steam Rider is not overly sociable. He's not a closed off bot or a cold core one, he's just more of the quiet type, a thinker, an inventor. While his fellow Decepticons spend their time plotting the end of the Autobots, Steam Rider is usually working on some plan or project and really only gets involved when he's told to go do something such as throw himself into battle.

It's kind of one of those all brawn no brain things...even though he is smart in his own right. (Not a genius, but he's good at just messing around with stuff and making something useful. Might have something to do with the humans he lived amongst when he first arrived on the planet.)

As mentioned before, when he gets into battle he's a completely different bot. All emotion gets put aside and he truly does become cold cored; it makes it easier to slag your enemies that way, if you don't think about it and let yourself get worked up. At the end of it though Steam Rider will be the first to take a moment to say a small prayer to Primus, asking for safe passage for the bots that have fallen whether they be allies or enemies.

He's kind of old fashioned that way.

It's hard to say where exactly Steam Rider came from. He could have just as easily had creators that placed his spark in a protoform or he could have been created, fully and completely, by some wayward scientist bot that was experimenting with things.

No one seems sure.

What is known is that Steam Rider is a very peculiar bot. From the day he arrived 'on the Decepticon's doorstep', meaning from the day he found them on Earth (since he had been there for quite some time before they arrived), it was clear he was not like the others. Unlike his fellow bots who depend on Energon to keep their cores working, Steam Rider is able to use water converted to steam as an alternate form of energy. This made him an interesting asset as he's never in danger of powering down or anything of that sort.

Let's back track a bit though.

Before he joined with the Decepticons, Steam Rider had been on Earth for quite some time prior. He wasn't sure why he was there and if one were to ask him he honestly doesn't remember much before Earth. (Scrambled circuits? Most likely.) Doing what most of his fellow Cybertronians do, Steam Rider took on an Earth mode and began to live amongst the humans trying to figure out exactly what was going on. The group he hid himself amongst was an interesting bunch, a group that seemed to be stuck in a world all their own which explains Steam Rider's choice of alt mode. He was amongst them for almost two years before he had his first run in with another bot like himself and it was from there that he fell into the Decepticon ranks and truly began to understand what he was supposed to be doing.

Or, at least, what they told him he was supposed to be doing.

Not knowing any better, Steam Rider faithfully follows orders that are given to him while still falling into his tinkerer habits, something that seems to come well before his time on Earth...but he can't figure out why he's like that.

Alt Mode

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oVelocity Report | 08/04/2009 3:53 am
"It's exactly what it sounds like. We were created by the same bot, thus making us brothers of sorts," Velocity said plainly, relaxing just a touch more now that the weapon was down. "I have... Well... It's complicated. See, technically we aren't supposed to meet until I'm created a few centuries from now, but I've been breaking the rules a bit."
Jumpstart the Femmebot Report | 08/03/2009 4:58 am
i see. *smirks and watches*
Jumpstart the Femmebot Report | 08/03/2009 2:06 am
hello there *she smiled at the mech, it was rare for her to see another con with a bike alt mode* im Jumpstart. and you are? *she asked with her hands on her hips, her purple decepticon logo gleaming in the sunlight*
oVelocity Report | 08/02/2009 9:17 pm
A confident smile played across Velocity's face, despite the charged weapon at his chestplate. "You may never have met me, but I've met you. I'm Velocity. In a way, we are brothers," he informed the smaller mech, reaching out with a servo to gently push his weapon down. He knew he probably had the other's attention, and while he had it, Steam Rider wouldn't fire.
oVelocity Report | 08/02/2009 8:58 pm
"Woah, Steam Rider, I'm not your enemy," Velocity assured him, lifting his servos defensively. He stood slowly, looking down at the smaller mech, offering him a friendly smile. "Put that away, will you? I already know I'd win." Even so, he was more than ready to either enter the time stream to avoid getting slagged or grab his bat to take down his brother.
oVelocity Report | 08/02/2009 8:36 pm
Adjusting the sensitivity on his audios to listen for the tell-tale hiss of steam, he managed to pick up a faint noise coming from the alley, and managed to look just in time to see Steam Rider emerging. His face lit up and he started to take a step towards the other mech.

"Stea-woah!" Throwing himself to the ground was the only way he was able to dodge the shot, the blast sizzling just milimeters from his doors. "Woah woah, put that away!" He urged as he stood, digits ready to grab the oversized baseball bat on his back if the attack persisted.
oVelocity Report | 08/02/2009 8:17 pm
It was a casual night for Velocity. He was out in his DeLorean form, simply cruising the town and watching the humans of the era, making notes about behavioral and physical differences like the inward scientist he really was.

Honestly, he hadn't decided what alliance he wanted to take at this time. His father was receiving him very well, but there was a femme on the Decepticon side that had really caught his attention. What was a mech to do, choosing between family and fun? The war seemed pointless to him anyhow.

So on a Saturday night, why not cruise the nightlife? Of course, the nightlife didn't always mean partygoers. Sometimes Velocity liked to see what was lurking in the shadows. Hobo watching ftw. That was about the time he picked up a familiar signature. "Steam Rider?" he muttered to himself, transforming and looking around.
Lady LaserStrike Report | 07/27/2009 6:08 am
ooc: And it is simply awesome. <3
Lady LaserStrike Report | 07/26/2009 5:50 am
ooc: OMFG a steampunk 'bot~! Awesome, simply awesome. <3
oVelocity Report | 07/23/2009 8:20 pm
(<_< *smooch*)
Steam Rider