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I have decided to do something good after all this drama. I know it was fun, but since its the end of the year, let's stop the drama and just concentrate on having fun!

Being talked about can be so hurtful. Here's how.

Even if the rumors aren't true, the victim may not be able to live them down for years. And if they happen to spread online to even more people, the pain will only be magnified.

Gossip can change other people's view of the victim. So even if you know you should take a rumor with a grain of salt, others may believe its true - and abuse the person as a result.

loss of respect
The victim can feel angry because someone betrayed their trust - and humiliated everyone knows their business. It's hard to be confident if you know people are talking about you.

Reader - Reading this made me realize how easily we all pass along gossip without considering who we might be hurting.

Break the Habit.

if you gossip, this is how to quit!

step 1: stop and think.
The next time you hear a juicy rumor that you want to pass along, ask yourself, Is it true? Could it hurt someone if I repeated it? Just remembering the consequences is powerful enough to zip your lips.

step 2: speak up.
When you're around other people who are gossiping, do the right thing. Tell them, "It's not fair to talk about someone unless we were there - how do we know what really happened?"

step 3: apologize.
If you get caught spreading stuff, be brave and apologize to the victim's face. Just say, "I'm sorry I hurt you - I didn't mean to get caught up in the drama." They'll feel less alone.

Spread the Love.

The only was to truly balance out the negative things we dish about is to say something positive - and hope it spreads fast! Everytime you say something mean, say something nice about a person. Voila!


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Bndy Straw_ Report | 04/07/2010 8:57 pm
Bndy Straw_
you know if you ever come back on and see this well its still not right
Bndy Straw_ Report | 12/10/2009 7:16 pm
Bndy Straw_
you are sooo asinine how could you i will omg this is sooo annoying how could you damn it trator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
aznlilboi54 Report | 08/20/2009 10:13 pm
aznlilboi54 Report | 08/20/2009 10:11 pm
aznlilboi54 Report | 08/20/2009 10:09 pm
aznlilboi54 Report | 08/20/2009 10:09 pm
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SoUljA BoY 1001 Report | 06/23/2008 11:02 am
SoUljA BoY 1001
wtf people today is a bad day 2 be bitching at each other..... so yeah and she stopped the gossip hold on idc ima quit this gay a** game...
XxBadB0yxX Report | 06/16/2008 8:05 pm
trinh no one care about gg no more quit being a fckin b***h and dont reply hate ur comments comment here anymore if ur a gey @ss 13itch
1aStHaWtBoi Report | 06/16/2008 2:28 am
hey look...its priscilla! thats wat jamie said...-_- r u priscilla gg? O.O
1aStHaWtBoi Report | 06/13/2008 10:39 am

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Have a great end of the year!