Who am I?

"It's a brand new day, and the sun is high, all the birds are singin' that you're gonna' die."


My name is; Sugar.
My age is; Unknown.
My birthday is; November First.
Height; 5'3
Weight; Too much.
Gender; Female.
Sexual orientation; I don't give a ********.
Likes; A lot of stuff.
Dislikes; More stuff than I like. Assholes. Trolls. Elitists. Illiterates. Morons.
Music; Techno, Dubstep, Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative, Screamo, Pop, Rap, R&B.
Movie Choice; Horror movies, animated films, Disney s**t. Anything Tim Burton Produced.
Game Choice; Anything scary.
Food Choice; Spicy stuff. Sushi. Cheeseburgers.(Not Burger King. ******** hate Burger King.)
Reading: ...Anything scary. Or has a good plot. I am also in love with Homestuck.


That's about it.