
Emii-chan's Crazy Life Story~! ^0^

Oh~?? Hello~! ^0^ Woops you crashed into my page and now your going to help me repair it~! Well I'll tell you alittle about myself while your fixing the dents in my page~! You'll be here for awhile so...lets get started~! ^0^ Well first comes the things I enjoy and thats spending hours and days with my friends.Family..bleh... >O< We dont mix well...Love majorly depresses me so dont come asking me if I love you or not.There's only a few things I adore and I'm trying to keep a small amount of things I love~!!^0^ Anyways CHANGING SUBJECTS~!! #>0<# I'm boring when your boring..so if you find me inetersting then leave me readable comments and mail~!#^0^# Keep me entirly entertained~! #^__^# Dont be afraid to talk to me..I'm sheepishly shy and can't go up to people..so it would be nice to come to me.Nice crash you had here~!! I would love to have you here again~! Baii Baii~!! # ^O^ #

Super Happy Fun Time~!: D

Oh my I went to deep in what I think about what I love. O : Well like I said there isn't that many things I love.#>.<# Friends are one of the many things I cherish. #^___^# There the awesomest and they help me when I look depressed~! Friends worry to much which annoys me abit, but I know there showing me a great need of love.Each and one of them has a heart of gold~!#^.^# I'm pretty much sure thats a good thing.My top friends are special friends...Mainly the friends I enjoy talking to.My top actually take some time to write to me when I leave them a comment or something.Some I know in person and some...I would love to meet~!^0^ So many friends I have I wish I could mix them into one friend but that would've been nuu fun~!TT3TT...Oh also comes the Orange juice.It's the best Wiskey..Vodaka..whatever kind of drink you want to call it.NUU ONE TAKES MY O.J~!!#>.<# Or people will end up...um..raped~! >.> So I'm just giving you a warning..^__^

Hidden Itentions~! ^0^

Awww~!! We'll I'm not very good in sports, but I'm good in ice skates~! #^0^# I adore standing ontop of ice.Swaying my body side to side and turn in circles~! O///O We'll anyways you get the point.Also I enjoy being anyones therapist.We'll I am one..as they say everywhere. =.=;; I'm always solving problems, but it doesn't mean I can solve yours too.If your feeling unquite sure come to me for advise and I'll be gladly to open my doors and help you.Um..but wasting my time in hopeless things doesn't acure in my clock..so make it worth it to listen.^__^ Oh also I can't forget...DANCING~!!! >///< I enjoy caring my body into deep, seductive tunes~! ^0^ Once a beat starts going I completly start dancing to it.{LMAO} Just think about DDR~!! >///< I totally suck in the begginer level but when the machine is in high speed I'm pretty much unbeatable~! #^0^# YESH~!! I only lost to one person, but I haven't seem him in ahwhile.. TT3TT

Seductive Gentlemen and Blood Stained Wine Glasses~!>//>

Ahhh...you can probably guess what I'm scared of..>///<..Rapists~! >O< ..Ahhh...my friends have turn into them..and I'm afraid I might end up dead one of these days..TT3TT..I'm afraid of big booms but not thunder..I knuuw weird but I'm use to thunder.I'm afraid of anything that has less legs then me~!#>0<# Meaning bugs and insects..but some have more legs then me so them to~!#>.<# Oh and I dont like men breaking wine glasses..Thats just immature...the last time I had that happened was over my place.Wine glasses give cuts and blood splurs everywhere..>//< It's a very blissful view to see blood go everywhere, but not all over my room.TT3TT So dont get a man pissed when there drinking wine...They get very scary and...mean..#>O<#...and it can leave you into a very messy mess you have to clean up..;____; Also get a man mad they could end up ravaging you~!! So dont have men and wine at your house..they dont mix we'll..


Viewing 7 of 7 friends


Cry2me's Journal

We'll I'm confused for the moment so I would love lots of people to help Also I love being here *smile*



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/14/2009 8:24 am


happy easter XD
Night Rain 483

Report | 10/05/2008 3:57 pm

Night Rain 483

I know yous! Your are the OJ ninja!!!!!

Report | 10/03/2008 6:51 pm


I'm so sad though. he asked me to make him some strawberry cake...

but... but... I HAVE NO STRAWBERRYS! User Image



Report | 10/03/2008 6:43 pm


HI HI Emii_chan!

arnt you happy that L-kun is coming to the mall?

Report | 04/17/2008 11:40 pm


Ello! :]

Report | 02/15/2008 10:00 am


i gave you the maids dress :3

Report | 02/02/2008 3:34 pm


its joewy comment me or msg me i vewy vewy bored well bye bye ^///^

Report | 01/28/2008 12:48 pm


ice cweem^^^!!!! and its soooo pink and hypnotizing O_O......*HIPNOTIZED*

Report | 01/02/2008 8:14 am


BUDDDDDYYY :3 ^////^
N o i r A l i c e

Report | 01/01/2008 11:11 am

N o i r A l i c e

happy new year!


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