
Suicidel_Squishhy285's avatar


My mouth makes sailors blush;;
I'm a biotch but i'm still sweet[:
I like briqht thinqs.i take care of my self.
I wear make up and name brands.
I'm not stuck up or snobby.
I'm thick not fat i have curves!!
I have a thinq for qreen or brown eyed boys.
I love my hair! summer is my season.
I also love photoqraphy<3.
I hate beinq pale.
Stay coco color year round.
I've qot the qhetto in me and i show it but i also have class.
I've been in the qame since august 24,1995!
There's only a few qurlies i consider real.
iI'm no hoe but i rolls with mostly niqqas[:
I wan a man not no lil boi.
You can find me on the fone most of the time.
I luh the outdoors!
Cuddelinq is the best.
Jahleil Lettsome is the best friend!<3
There are to many resons why.
I luh lollpops[:
Brass knuckles are my best friend.
My standerds;

1: Dark skinn;;
2: Fresh as hell
3: Sweetheart.
4: Killa body
5: Likes em thick.
6: Smells fresh.up & down stairs!
7: Tall
8: Sweet talkers<3
9:Amazing kisser
Lets Talk[:

- Squishyy [♥)


[: Ashlehh.Marie.Montgomery :]

Muzikk (:

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