
summersuiteheart's avatar

Birthday: 10/28


1.I dont accept Random friend requests! i will decline u if u randomly friend request me!
2.i hate people who make fun of noobs cuz they are noobs cuz everyone was a noob once so if u make fun of noobs think about what i just said.
3.on this account, i wont friend u or accept u as a friend unless u r a close gaia friend or real life friend.
4.i will report u if u r doing something against the rules. i am not kidding i am not afraid too.
5.if u annoy me, i will block u.
6.if u send any thing asking me for my password i will report u 10000000000000000 times
7.dont hurt my friend's...i mean it...don't even go there...
8.dont make fun of me
10.dont say anything bad about my fave music
11.If u ask me out,u never know what i might say.yes or no.and Dont ask me out just so u can get a little something something if u kno what i mean.I'm not that kind of girl
12.i hate the number 9...i dont know y....
13.dont say anything that will offend me or anyone around me
14.dont hurt me...i am very aggressive...
bye for now :3 <3 biggrin


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Victor rutledge Report | 01/23/2011 4:22 pm
Victor rutledge
how old are u
Monotone Polka Dots Report | 09/05/2010 10:24 am
Monotone Polka Dots
the sky biggrin
Monotone Polka Dots Report | 08/28/2010 3:20 pm
Monotone Polka Dots


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