
I love my girlfriend, Marriann.
This is my Beautiful Girlfriend's Avatar.
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And this is my beautiful Girlfriend.
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HI! It's Ron's Girlfriend here to tell you what a wonderful guy he is!
He's fantastic, amazing, and spectacular in every way!! ♥♥♥ He's honest, cute, and well..... Awesomely awesome. I just can't describe him. He's too perfect. And he's mine! Sorry ladies. twisted I know I don't say I love you every time you do, Honey, but I really do love you, with my very being I love you. When you're in pain I practically die inside. I hate seeing you upset. I'll fight for you, I'll die for you. Simple as that. I hope you'll do the same.....

Love you always and forever...


As of 9/7/10!!

Hey! It's Marriann again. (: Just here for an awesome update. Soooo its been 1 year, a month and a day and wellllll I still love this guy! He's my world. You make me laugh. We have so much retarded fun together. We're both blatantly rude and obnoxious and we make scenes whenever we can. I love it. Nothing could be more fun! I see a bright bright future for us Teddy. and I can't wait. I'm terrified of growing up yeah, but I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. (: I lalalaloooooove you dork.


Another onnnnne.
I love my Teddy he makes me so happy. We're both so dumb and its amazing. I pray to God everyday and thank him for bringing this boy that I love into my life. I think about him every single second. He always comes first in my book. Never ever could I imagine life without you Baby. Back off Ladies! D:<

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Wow look at that lovely drawing I did for my babe! How beautiful! It's for Valentine's Day. He hung it in his room with all the other things I've done for him. Oh how I love you, Teddy Bear! We've lasted so long! Let's keep on truckin'!



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