Surreptitious Faerie

Surreptitious Faerie's avatar

Last Login: 09/30/2011 2:49 pm

Registered: 04/03/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Under your bed!


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My name is Alaina[you can call me that or fae on here, whatever you prefer], I like the word ******** far too much than could be considered healthy.[Its pretty] I'm sixteen years old, highly intelligent, but still manage to do and say the stupidest ******** things. I'm not the model Christian I should be, but I will defend my beliefs tooth and nail. I've done a lot of stupid things in my life, and I'm not going to say I regret them because life shouldn't be lived with regrets, but some of the things that have happened because of the stupid things I've done do make me said. I rarely say what I'm thinking and have a tendency to say things I don't mean. I miss the times when I was younger and the things that matter now didn't. I screw up a lot, but the really important people to me still love me none the less. If you piss me off I'll probably tell you to shove it up your ******** a**, right back where it came from. I still don't know who I am exactly, but I'm searching. I like to draw, paint, write, and pretty much anything else I can do to express myself. I dream of writing a novel some day, and of becoming an illustrator. I live in a fantasy world half the time, which leads to a lot of confusion when I come back from there. I tend to quote song lyrics too much, but I don't give a ********. I dye my hair pretty much every month, but have to stick to "natural colors" because my stupid as ******** co-op has a medieval flail wedged up their rectum. In short, if you don't like me, ******** you. <3



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Esdella Vie Report | 03/16/2011 11:06 pm
Obligatory Happy Birthday comment :3
Esdella Vie Report | 08/13/2010 12:54 am
iHepburn Report | 08/04/2009 11:02 am

im 15 now ;D

shows how long XDD
iHepburn Report | 08/04/2009 10:58 am
i miss you soooooooo much D>
iHepburn Report | 08/03/2009 12:09 pm
rawr ;D
TenshiJaNai19 Report | 06/30/2009 2:58 am
Hello There Fellow Gaian xd
Passive_Machine Report | 06/14/2009 1:44 pm
I haven't seen it *looks it up on youtube* haha I also really dig the Moldy Peaches aka the chaps who did the Juno Soundtrack. biggrin Bat For Lashes is like the soundtrack to any fantasy novel.
-x-Insanity_Plea-x- Report | 06/14/2009 12:30 am
Hi! heart
I was thinkin about PM'ing you, actually.
How are you? since we haven't talked in Bob knows HOW long!
Passive_Machine Report | 06/13/2009 10:46 pm
I know biggrin Her voice is so... ethereal.
iHepburn Report | 05/19/2009 6:53 pm
hey grrl
how are ya?
i like your profile~



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