
Swarlz's avatar

Last Login: 09/20/2012 8:15 am

Registered: 01/04/2007

Gender: Female

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Swarlz's Snazy Journal

My many many ramblings


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snowflake318 Report | 06/07/2012 1:26 pm
It cut off my comment!

I call you a noob, since you called me a noob!!!!!!!! You are a nitwit, an idiot, a snob, a bigot, a bungler, goofball, harebrain, numskull, screw up, feather brain, fool, an idjit, and, worst of all, you are the biggest noob this world has and will ever see!!!!
snowflake318 Report | 06/07/2012 1:22 pm
I didn't see my comment... Maybe I forgot to put this or something... Anyways, I'll get right to the point! I saw your comment on my avatar contest thingy, and I cannot find it at the moment! As punishment for your rudeness, I will comment on your profile/PM you just to annoy you. You probably won't read this, but I don't care! Oh, if you were the one who said that I wasted my money, think again! I learned something through that! IF you were the one who called me a loser, you're a bigger one! And, if you were the one who said it wasn't original, look at the title and description! If you said that i lost money, I made 70,000 gold in 2 months!!! If you don't get how I entered, read the freakin' description!!!!!!!! It says that my cousin made me, and I didn't even type that, my cousin did that on her own!!!! NO :wasabipie::tuna::tamago::strawberrypie::shrimp::sausage::salmon::pumpkinpie::icecreampie::coldone::bacon::tea::strawberry::puddi::pizza::pie::onigiri::hotdog::donut::cupcake::burger: for you!!!!!!!!

P.S. If you were the one who said I could've gotten more stuff by using my 1k for clothes look at this and search it on the website from something:
[["700",true,[{"n":"Neutral Starter Khaki Shorts","f":"2ed0bf8a1bb5","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Sporty Starter Shirt","f":"3ded20ee1c07","v":"2","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Starter Polo","f":"50c38b721bb1","v":"2","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Dress Starter Shirt","f":"3a821ba11c0a","v":"2","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Punk Starter Pants","f":"393b34fb1c0d","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Baggy Starter Pants","f":"e2444751c10","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Sporty Starter Shorts","f":"30f831121c16","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Dress Starter Slacks","f":"77584bc21c19","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Starter Boots","f":"40473b4e1c1c","v":"2","t":"equip_feet","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Recipe: Garlic Plushie","f":"2f00d9274565","v":"100","t":"battle","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Sporty Starter Sneakers","f":"5cdf29251c22","v":"2","t":"equip_feet","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Skater Girl Cargo Pants","f":"2175e8b2489b","v":"5","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Skater Guy Shoes","f":"25a3fca7488d","v":"5","t":"equip_feet","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Skater Girl Jacket","f":"ae351d124895","v":"5","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Xmas 2k10 Event Santa's Bag of Toys","f":"a1e306fcfd2d","v":"-1","t":"equip_item","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Basic Fishing Rod","f":"5ecf6e8a9db","v":"100","t":"use_only","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Khaki Shorts","f":"13b0963a1bb4","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Citrus Snug Balloon Skirt","f":"55eb3897296d","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Citrus Snug Slip-On Sneakers","f":"689c93c4297f","v":"2","t":"equip_feet","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Citrus Snug Layered Tees","f":"6b374df22973","v":"2","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Holly Pin","f":"6bc5463c3ead","v":"-1","t":"equip_neck","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Caroling Sheet Music","f":"1c0786473ed5","v":"-1","t":"equip_item","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Tan Peasant's Top","f":"e4a314584c2","v":"30","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Enforced Tundra Coat","f":"31a3b30bb02","v":"1100","t":"equip_coat","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Wine Hippie Shoes","f":"38f95e96ee6","v":"150","t":"equip_feet","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Homemade Cat Mask","f":"eaa797393883","v":"360","t":"equip_eye","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Long Black Sparkle Top","f":"4f3319543bc9","v":"50","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Celebrity Miniskirt","f":"c073ecf43bc7","v":"50","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Skater Girl Beanie","f":"aae30907488f","v":"5","t":"equip_head","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Cool Starter Skater Girl Beanie","f":"d0235a674891","v":"5","t":"equip_head","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Red Beetle","f":"48cb469d186e0","v":"0","t":null,"s":0,"z":0,"l":1},{"n":"Pink Carnation","f":"3
Cannabis Corp Report | 07/24/2010 3:17 pm
Cannabis Corp
Have YOU heard about the health benefits of sanity loss? dramallama
Rubeus_Lycan Report | 05/15/2010 11:43 am
thanks for buying
Amulet Coin Report | 01/28/2010 3:46 pm
Amulet Coin
Thanks for the purchase ^^
[The Shadow Hawk] Report | 10/08/2009 3:53 pm
[The Shadow Hawk]
Thank you ^^ Dengeki Daisy does need more love. It's the first manga I've really like in a long time.
khrystyan Report | 08/07/2009 7:47 pm
thank you blaugh
Shouting Whispers Report | 09/16/2008 5:50 pm
Shouting Whispers
Yeah hai.
Shouting Whispers Report | 09/15/2008 5:18 pm
Shouting Whispers
Hay...... Emily.
sapphiregirl925 Report | 07/31/2008 11:13 am
OOOOO NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! School starts soon! Y must the good ( summer vacation) die young! I hate school!!! :'(
