
User Image
Total Value: 117,900 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
After Exclusions: 28,005 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]

Item List:
Zorro Mask
Shadow Spirit
White Leather Belt
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Charred Tundra Boots
Card Shark Bands
Neo Gloves
Neo Punk Sock
Nitemare Claws
Nitemare Collar
Womens White Nurse Shirt
Wine Tavern Wench's Bustier
Sharp Fish Teeth

S W E E T. This word is the kind of stuff that rots your teeth.

C O N T R A D I C T I O N. Is what happens when dentists recommend that you chew gum!

~Konnichiwa Minna Minna!

i'M JuST a SiLLY GiRL who f e l l for a stupid b o y.

I love the color pink & love dancing in my underwear.
I'm a mess & my room is usually is too.

i laugh at the stupidest things
& always say the wrong things at the wrong time.
I cry for no reason & sometimes. I get mad easily.

but i'm just me and that's all i can be

I Don't know what tomorrow brings or even what I'm gonna eat for breakfast.
I Couldn't tell you if I will find my Soul-mate or even what outfit I'm gonna wear tomorrow.
I Still can't figure out what my destiny is or even if I will feel like doing my homework tonight.
But I Do know this..
I have got my music in my car.
A closet full of clothes,
and the best friends a girl could have,
and baby, that is all I really need.

I'm the one who has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want.


[ trusting ] your feelings & taking chances
loosing and [ finding ] happiness, appreciating the memories & learning from the past and realizing people [ always change ]...

User Image
By: Vaginal Blockade

Name: Sweet, Con-Chan
Age: Seventeen
Height: 5ft 7in
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Piercings: None
Tattoos: Not Yet

This Or That?

Coke Or Pepsi: Pepsi
Day Or Night: Day
TV Or Movie: Movie
Spring Or Fall: Fall
Summer Or Winter: Winter
E-Mail Or IM: IM
Call Or Text: Text
Hot Or Cold: Hot
Day Or Night: Day again..?
Chocolate Or Vanilla: Chocolate
Guys Or Girls: Guys


Color: Blue and Green
Number: 28
Month: April
Movie: I don't know
TV Show: Family Guy?
Food: Pizza
Drink: Black Cherry
Store: Hot Topic

Can You...

Drive: Yes
Speak Another Language: Yes
Swim: Yes
Sing: Sort of
Dance: Yeah
Play An Instrument: Mhm
Play A Sport: Mhm
Whistle: Not so much
Cook: I'm Amazing

User Image
By: Vaginal Blockade

Random Questions.

Who was the last person you talked to? Kenzie
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
Do you have any fears? Rejection, Isolation, Being Forgotten
Screen name? Sweets, Mi-Mi
Do you have an iPod? Yeah
Do you have a cell phone? Yes
Siblings? Six counting me.
Do you like your name? It's Okay
When was the last time you went shopping? A few days ago
What was the last movie you saw? Drillbit Taylor
What color shirt are you wearing? Blue tank top
Do you have glasses? Yes
Braces? No
Who was the last person you said "Bye" to? Kenzie

Do You...

Smoke? No
Drink? At Times
Do drugs? No
Swear? Yes
Shower daily? Yeah
Eat meat? Certain Meat

In A Boy/ Girl

Hair color: I don't Know
Eye color: Pretty Color?
Tall or short: Tall
Fat or skinny: Either
Complete turn off: Lots and Lots and Lots of Muscles

Name 3 things you couldn't live without.
My Music, Notebook, and My Books

Name 3 people (besides family) you couldn't live without.
Wesley, Alli, Maxiine

Lefty or Righty: Righty
What Do You Drive: Nothing Right Now.


Band: Boys Like Girls
Music Genre: All but Rap.
Movie: I Don't Know
Actor: Jim Carrey
Actress: The One Who Isn't a Whore?
Kind of Movie: Horror
Sport: Volleyball
Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream
Cereal: Cap'n Crunch
Candy: Twizzlers
Drink: Orange Pop

{---Do You---}

Have any pets: Yes
Have a job:Yes/No
Have any special talents or skills: Heck Yes!
Have any fears: Doesn't everyone?
Have a bedtime :No
Sing in the shower: Maybe
Want to go to college:Yes
Get along with your parents: Depends

{---Love & All That Crap---}

Ever been in love: Maybe..
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No
Are you single: No
Are you in a relationship: Yes
Do you have a crush on someone: Yes
Ever been dumped: Mhm..
Ever dumped someone: No

{---This or That---}

Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit
Black or White: Black
Lights On or Lights Off: Off
TV or Movie: Movie
Car or Truck: Car
Cash or Check: Cash
Rock or Rap: Rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
French Toast or French Fries: French Fries
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: Cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break: Spring Break
Hugs or Kisses: Hugs

{---Have You Ever---}

Danced in a public place: Heck Yes
Smiled for no reason: Mhm
Laughed so hard you cried: Yeah
Partied 'til the sun came up: Yes
Gotten a ticket: To the Fair
Been arrested: Mhm
Been convicted of a crime: Maybe
Been in a wreck:Yeah
Been out of the country: Yes

{---Random & Silly Junk---}

Ever egged someone's house: Yes
Ever regret anything: Always Will
Do you like being tickled: Sometimes
What are your goals: Don't know yet.
Are your fingers tired: No
Are you tired of this survey:eh..
Are you happy: Do I Look Happy?


??? - 10000
Raissa FireHawk - 5000
ROFLMAOZ - Buck Teeth
Heavens Demon1 - 300
My_Deepest_Regret - 2000
Lorrean - Flamingo Inner Tube
Holy Tyler Marshall - 500


Viewing 8 of 8 friends


The Life of Sweetie!!

Randomosities out of the hoozah!!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/05/2010 12:02 pm


cool avi
Beefcake Pantyhoes

Report | 07/03/2008 2:52 am

Beefcake Pantyhoes

I propose that we have a time skip to the party.

To add momentum to the RP.

Report | 05/31/2008 12:48 pm


Well yay for happy things!

Boo for unhappy things.

My school gets out thursday, but i finish tuesday...and tehn ill be in the same spot as you waiting for those stupid grades and trying to find a job...

my brother never left...so dont have to deal with that.

Ah but since I said I wouldnt be lazy this summer...I set a lofty goal which shall be hard to acheive.

I told myself I would:

-Clean my room, like CLEAN it...

-Learn German and/or Chinese


-Hopefully tan in that exercise since my current color is ghost white...maybe a tad lighter.

-Start looking at AP courses

-Start Senior Exit Project

-Start/Plan Gold Award( Thats for Girl Scouts)

-Job would be nice too

As you can see, Im an IDIOT.

This might last... a week?

So I cant say Im doing bad yet...
Creativity is Dead

Report | 05/31/2008 12:01 pm

Creativity is Dead


Report | 05/30/2008 10:36 am


Tis ok, I forgive you.

-in facts i usually read others conversatioin User Image, but you didnt hear it from me-

lol, and i think edward is NOT hot enough! I mean come on, edwards hotness will make or BREAK this movie....

and im excited for midnight sun, ive read the first chapter...and it seems AHMAZING. lol.

then again im just a sucker for these books...

so how goes sweets?

Report | 05/21/2008 2:25 pm



Report | 05/19/2008 1:35 pm



Report | 05/19/2008 8:09 am



I like yours too!

Report | 05/17/2008 9:46 pm



I love your avatar!

Report | 05/16/2008 4:29 pm




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