
I'am real sweetheart and really friendly,I get along with just about everybody and I have a bubbly personality. I'am 20 years wise and I love to shop,and eat Chinese, Japanese food StrawberryCheesecake,Strawberry and Chocalate smoothies and,listen to music,and I enjoy looking at cherryblossom trees and letting the cherryblossoms fall into my hand or I will try her hardest to catch the cherryblossoms myself. I love cherryblossoms so much, I believe that cherryblossoms are magical and very beautiful. I want world peace I would do anything that I can to have peace in the world we live in today. I also love to catch cherryblossoms and let them fall in the palm of my hand and blow it away, I also enjoy looking at the clouds and find pictures too.I also enjoy reading Manga and staying up late on a Firday night wactching Anime I love Kenshin from Ruroni Kenshin and Miroku from Inuyasha,Sasuke from Naruto,Zolo from One Piece, Squall and Tidus from Final Fantasy, Takashi from IGPX, Jaden from Yughi-OhGX, Renee/ Zakuro from Mew Mew Power/ Tokyo Mew Mew Power , Jin Kazama from Tekken, Lee Chalon also from Tekken, Ryu form Street Fighter and SF2, and last but not least Ryu Hayabusa from Dead or Alive and I also love playing Random and "Intresting" RPG. I'm basicially an Anime Addict or at least I think so ^^; and a true video gamer but I know when I've had enough of it. I love just about any Anime that comes to mind I just love the Japanese and Chinese culture and always will ^_^


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Viewing 10 of 14 comments.


Report | 06/28/2010 2:09 pm


☺hppi b-day☺
sailor star rainbow

Report | 06/28/2010 11:31 am

sailor star rainbow

Happy Birthday Sweet-Chan! I hope you have a really happy birthday today.

Report | 11/15/2009 7:22 pm


x-Neon Cupcake-x

Report | 11/08/2009 10:50 am

x-Neon Cupcake-x

that is true...
sailor star rainbow

Report | 11/08/2009 12:38 am

sailor star rainbow

Good grief my mom lose her key more then one a week. it is really funny at times to see what will happen once she finds them.
sailor star rainbow

Report | 11/07/2009 11:45 pm

sailor star rainbow

Lols that is pretty funny. you should hear what my mom sometimes lose her keys some were in the house. then she will find them in the bathroom are some were that she think they were not at lols. today she lost her keys over at my place we go outside get in her van. then I say "Oh no don't tell me you lost your keys again." sweatdrop so then my mom says this to me. "I think I left them in your house can you please go get them for me." so I go inside talk with someone and find them on a notebook. that woman lose's her key more often ten I lose mine.
sailor star rainbow

Report | 11/07/2009 11:12 pm

sailor star rainbow

please due tell me and no I said it did download the music. then it deiced to be pain once I tired to make a cd. with said songs am not sure why this computer love to get me mad so much at it lols.
sailor star rainbow

Report | 11/07/2009 10:37 pm

sailor star rainbow

Sure and lets see at first I was trying to pay a home made Sailor Moon musical cd. I had made for my self 2 summer's ago by now and I found a hole in it so then. I try to make a new cd and my laptop the dang thing let me get the music download. then when I tired to brun the the music on a blank cd it would not let me. one other thing was I have been waiting to play my ps2 for the longest. I could not find the dang cord to plug it in the wall for it. after wile I find a piece of my form my first ps2 and it work. redface sweatdrop redface sweatdrop
sailor star rainbow

Report | 11/07/2009 8:24 pm

sailor star rainbow

Hey and I had such crazy after noon so far.
x-Neon Cupcake-x

Report | 11/07/2009 7:55 pm

x-Neon Cupcake-x

hey! hows life?