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Hello. If you're reading this, it means I've died. LOL NO. But I am dead... ON THE INSIDE!! eek xd

Well I'm not a happy kid and I absolutely hate myself. I do pride myself on my intelligence and creativity, however. Though I'm not as prolific as I used to be... crying

I've had 17 near death experiences, and I have seen some WEIRD s**t. I am thoroughly convinced that if there is a god, it hates me, though I hope someday to convert to Judaism. (I am aware that I have a very conflicting personality). I am also aware of how disturbed I am and of all the affection issues I have because of my f*cked up childhood, so if you could please just love me, that'd be great emotion_kirakira heart

Also, if I ever bothered to get around to it and if my computer ever stopped being a d***o, I should have some of my very own original artwork posted on this profile! If it's up, your reaction is probably as follows: burning_eyes

yum_puddi yum_strawberry yum_tea xX+___+Xx cheese_whine yum_burger dramallama


Sykelig's avatar

Birthday: 06/28

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xX ___ Xx "Little demon crawls through this world Little demon a little girlBut everyone sees right through its disguiseEveryone knows it's made of lies"