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iRhape_ z o m b ii e z Report | 02/08/2009 1:33 pm
iRhape_ z o m b ii e z
Heey; Sorry for botherin ya ,but I was just wonderin if you had any spare items your werent using if you could donate.

If not thanks anywayz ^^
iChibi Matty Report | 01/29/2009 4:24 pm
iChibi Matty
Hello good sir, i saw a couple of things about you on some friends profile, and i would like to make friends.

So, my name is matthew, i like your name though, Tai lee chao User Image

BurnThisLetter Report | 12/08/2008 1:07 pm
omg if your nice........PLEASE donate cuz im dirt poor.......ANYTHING! even if you dont need it pwease bellaluvsanime and i know u dont know me, but if u care you will donate...........PLEASE!!!
Chibi Kenzie Report | 11/19/2008 1:14 pm
Chibi Kenzie
dude in every rally room i go in, i see you, creepy stuff.... User Image
Xx_inerdy_xX Report | 11/10/2008 7:53 am
yea im jus helping u make gold lol,16k right now,i know the item will be high lik this last month
Xx_inerdy_xX Report | 11/10/2008 7:30 am
no in the evolment letter,when it co outs,the letter will change man,i just found out by my friend takun08,i will get 2 new items i hae to pic one,lik the other letters,lucky me doe,u should buy one,because when it com out the items will be worth alot and the letter will go up,the new monthly clobles com out on the 15th
Xx_inerdy_xX Report | 11/10/2008 4:23 am
a im asking about something,i have a Sealed Envelope for thisd month,it the cloletble com out,will i have it in the Sealed Envelope,lik it will change to novmeber monthy cloetble,im lik asking if i have the new item in it,when it com out
XxFaery LoverxX Report | 10/24/2008 11:27 am
XxFaery LoverxX
oo my love
XxFaery LoverxX Report | 10/24/2008 11:20 am
XxFaery LoverxX
hi sexy
darlo_08 Report | 10/21/2008 7:35 pm