Taihe's avatar

I'm currently editing my profile. I'll probably write something more substantial to put in this box once that's done. But for the meantime, I'll leave it as is, featuring a paragraph of lorem ipsum.

In 2022, I was diagnosed with ME/CFS. For me this means:
- Everything is overwhelmingly exhausting, be it physical, mental, or emotional.
- It makes my entire body hurt.
- My brain slows to a crawl. Speaking becomes especially difficult.
- It takes me a long time to get back to my normal.
There is currently no "cure" or proper treatment, but that doesn't mean I can't improve.
I'm doing my best to manage my symptoms.

At times I may struggle with conversations as a result.
My memory of things from back in the day is especially terrible. Consider it a fresh start!

I co-wrote a DMS guide, but it is currently too much for me to play.
I now try to attend dev meats to stay in touch with other zOMGaians.

Art Twitter
I used to play osu!
Random game videos on youtube here.
I'm also Taihe on discord. I'm happy to chat, but please send a message with any friend requests!

Phasellus vehicula quam turpis, et interdum dolor imperdiet non. Pellentesque lacinia, magna imperdiet pellentesque congue, velit erat commodo augue, vitae ullamcorper erat ante sit amet dolor. In consectetur sollicitudin purus, at hendrerit leo sagittis sit amet. Morbi id iaculis arcu, quis efficitur augue. Nunc dictum accumsan nunc sed hendrerit. In imperdiet velit erat, nec commodo velit rhoncus et. Curabitur eget turpis condimentum, euismod sem vitae, venenatis mauris. Aliquam maximus dolor eget ligula rhoncus, at hendrerit dui lobortis. Pellentesque quam massa, laoreet egestas tincidunt sed, viverra quis erat. Mauris a purus ac nibh suscipit egestas eget ac tortor. Cras consectetur libero orci, nec malesuada nisi ornare varius. Ut sodales ante eget pharetra mattis. Nunc commodo, augue eget ultrices finibus, felis arcu pulvinar nibh, ut lobortis massa felis at ipsum. Nullam commodo magna sem, a fermentum est interdum et.


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InfIuenced Report | 05/10/2024 5:32 pm
nice avatar yum_strawberry
bit390 Report | 03/06/2024 3:27 am
Hi Taihe 3nodding ;

I found this video of breathing exercises
I hope that one day it can be useful to you emotion_yatta

Sailor Moon Report | 02/26/2024 9:19 pm
Sailor Moon
Hey I saw your status; I'm here if you want to talk, always heart been through it with my mum emotion_bigheart emotion_hug emotion_bigheart
Thinking of you both x emotion_hug emotion_hug
TA-Regret Report | 02/09/2024 10:12 am
just dropping by to say hi
you don't know me, we've never interacted w/ each other

but i'm a high tc zomger (not ultra high)
and i just wanted to say hi

and when is ur not quite finished guide gonna be finished?

just kidding it's pretty good. no reason to fix something that's workin fine
bit390 Report | 12/27/2023 11:58 pm
Hi Taihe;

I want to ask you, if you build your entire pc
via the website pcpartpicker dot com ?

And how did you get your computer parts?
His Yandere Report | 12/26/2023 7:49 am
His Yandere
I LOVE your profile!!
McMobile Report | 12/15/2023 6:14 pm
Thank you for purchasing from McMobile! 3nodding
brofessor Report | 11/24/2023 8:09 pm
thanks for purchasing some wares from my store, traveler redface
emotioneater Report | 11/03/2023 6:40 pm
Hello Friendo cool
Safurina Report | 11/02/2023 3:37 am
You already got a fan of yours blaugh