Talia Demon

Talia Demon's avatar

Registered: 05/06/2009

Birthday: 06/10


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Talia al Ghul is the daughter of the late Ra's al Ghul and the paternal older half-sister of Nyssa al Ghul. Much of her background is not clearly explained though her history is relatively well known. A worldly and cultured elite warrior who never stays in a place very long, Talia is the leader of her own cult of combatants, similar to the League of Assassins.

Alias Daughter of the Demon

Relatives Ra's al Ghul (father), Nyssa al Ghul (half-sister), Sensei (grandfather), Damian Wayne (son), Bruce Wayne (ex-husband), Melisande (mother, deceased), Dusan al Ghul (brother, deceased)

Height 5' 8"

Weight 140 lbs

Eyes Brown

Hair Dark Brown

Alignment Bad

Affiliation League of Assassins · LexCorp, Secret Society of Super-Villains

Occupation Assassin, Leader of her cult

Identity Secret


Despite being a child in 1960, Talia still possesses the health, performance, and appearance of her physical prime of life. It is likely that she uses the Lazarus Pit to maintain her youth like her father.


Genius-level intellect/Master tactician/Detective:
Talia is an exceptional investigator. She is highly tactical, both in preparation and while in action, able to quickly analyze the situation and how best to handle it.

Peak of human physical condition: As a highly skilled assassin, Talia is in top physical condition with fast reflexes and physical strength that is powerful enough to swiftly incapacitate men much larger than she is.

Honed senses: Talia has both sharp sight and hearing, as well as advanced skills of perception for a normal human, as she has the ability to sense and identify people sneaking behind her back without looking at them.

Acrobatics/Free-running: Talia is an accomplished acrobat, capable of scaling buildings, and running from rooftop to rooftop with ease.

League of Assassins training: Talia had undergone the same training that most League members are required to achieve. Being the daughter of Ra's al Ghul meant that Talia was subjected to a higher level of training than most members, making her skills in combat and weaponry even more advanced.

Expert interrogator/torturer: Talia is a very effective interrogator and torturer, as she taught Oliver how to use a Mongolian skinning technique on men.

Master archer: Talia has proven herself to be a proficient archer.

Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: As the daughter of Ra's al Ghul and a member of the League of Assassins since childhood, she has been extensively trained in combat.

Master swordswoman: As a member of the League of Assassins, Talia is a master swordswoman.

Medical knowledge: Talia knows much about the human anatomy. In terms of healing methods, Talia can patch up most injuries on herself or others.

Multilingual: Talia is capable of fluently speaking English, Russian and Arabic.

Occult knowledge: Talia has some knowledge of magic and mysticism, as she fully understand how the Lazarus Pit functions and is the only known person who have used it aside of her father.

Stealth: Talia's stealth is shown on multiple accounts; whereas she is able to slip into locations unseen to retrieve important documents and valuables. Her stealthy skills have further shown she's been able to shoot arrows from a close distance without anyone noticing her presence.

Network: As the leader of her cult, Talia has a group of loyal students that she trained to be effective combatants and killers. She is also has a very allusive lifestyle.


Lazarus Pit:
Talia has used the Lazarus Pit's waters to live well beyond her lifetime and maintain her youth over decades.

Customized hunting arrows: Talia used a number of arrows as her weapon of choice.

Customized PSE Chaos AD Compound bow: Talia wields a personal compound bow. It is possible that this bow is the signature bow to the League of Assassins.

Darts: Talia uses darts to knock out and poison her targets.

Talia al Ghul's cult suit: Talia, as well as the rest of her cult, wears a protective suit of black robes, similar to the usual garb worn by League of Assassins but much more loose fitting and close to a burqa for appearance.

Sword: Talia carries a double edged sword as her sidearm, and can proficiently wield a pair of katanas.

Quiver: Talia wears a quiver to carry her arrows.

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Crimson Robin Report | 07/02/2014 5:58 pm
Crimson Robin
[[ OH NO. You clearly said speed up that a**. Don't say you did not talk about my booty. ]]
Crimson Robin Report | 07/02/2014 5:50 pm
Crimson Robin
[[ I am not sure what you are implying to do to my a**. I think it sounds painful. I do not, in fact, like painful things on or around my a**. ]]
Crimson Robin Report | 06/29/2014 1:12 pm
Crimson Robin
[[ Duh. That is exactly what I was saying. ]]
DanieI Bryan Report | 06/05/2014 7:10 pm
DanieI Bryan
"Just making sure you're alive." Roy says with a small chuckle then gets back serious "Any crazy things been going down in the glades? I've been avoiding bringing it up around Thea can't screw things up this time." Roy says starting to put his shirt on being done with training for the day. Roy grabs his favorite red hoodie and also grabs his black leather jacket to put it over it. "So you ready to head out?" He ask Sin ready to go get some fresh air.
DanieI Bryan Report | 06/05/2014 6:42 pm
DanieI Bryan
Roy would finch a little bit but play it of as he didn't jump cause she kinda caught him off guard and scared him. "Where the hello did you come from Sin?" He says stopping his training as he was working on some jab techniques. Roy walks over grabbing his shirt as he uses it to wipe the the sweat of his face as he hears Sin ask him about Thea. "I went out with her last night we went to dinner, I think we're getting back on together." Roy looks at Sin as she doesn't seem in a up in your face type of mood like she usually would be Roy kinda feels she's bothered and uncomfortable. "Sin....Sin yoooo you there?"
DanieI Bryan Report | 06/01/2014 12:18 pm
DanieI Bryan
Roy is stunned to hear update about Thea listening to the secret Sin spilled out Roy is sorta glad inside that she's at-least okay. "Look I got your back on this no one will hear about this." Roy informs Sin with sincere eye contact making sure she 100% trust Roy. "You have no idea how long I wanted to hear about her, I'll pay her a visit soon enough."
Deathstroke Wilson Report | 05/25/2014 4:08 pm
Deathstroke Wilson
(( I only have one statement to answer that with: Welcome to Gotham. ))
Deathstroke Wilson Report | 05/25/2014 3:59 pm
Deathstroke Wilson
(( Now I am laughing. If they put the real Deathstroke on Arrow it would be over in a minute ))
Deathstroke Wilson Report | 05/25/2014 11:59 am
Deathstroke Wilson
(( He is. I look at the show as a mostly separate universe. They really didn't do him justice ))
A Darker Shade of Red Report | 05/25/2014 10:52 am
A Darker Shade of Red
(( I do my best, you are too kind ))


Tell me, or you will spend the next decade in a white light of pain.


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