Some Stuff About The Sorahime

Hello! You've found the Sorahime's little spot on the Gaia place! Is this Barton or Durem or that Gambino place...the Sorahime really doesn't know! Anyway welcome! The Sorahime is a one of a kind person.

The Sorahime's Papa is Nyan, who is a world famous adventurer and hero, the Sorahime loves Papa very much! Don't tell other humans or monsters or things because its supposed to be a secret but Papa is what some humans in the Empire of Something-or-Other call "Kami-sama." (Don't make fun of the Sorahime's Papa's name or the Sorahime will roast you and eat you with lots of Sriracha sauce!)

When Papa was an adventurer and hero he met Sorahime's Mama Alekysis and traveled with her to lots and lots of places and fought lots and lots of bad humans and monsters and things together...saving humans and things and towns and important places. Lots of bad humans and monsters and things get nervous just hearing Papa's name but the Sorahime isn't supposed to tell bad humans and monsters and things that Papa is the Sorahime's Papa though the Sorahime doesn't really understand why. Anyway Mama is strict with the Sorahime and doesn't really like the Sorahime to stay around home too often, Papa says it is her instincts that make her that way, so the Sorahime loves her Mama too!

At first Papa didn't know the truth about Mama either, because Mama hid it from him, but she is really a Chiang-Ku Dragon. Its supposed to be really REALLY rare for a Kami-sama and a dragon to have a baby together but Mama and Papa did and so came the Sorahime!

The Sorahime is...hmm...young? But with Kami-sama and Dragons its sort of like dog years but in reverse or something? Anyway I can look whatever I want to look like and talk to whoever I want to talk to.

If you are a bad human, monster or thing though don't try talking to the Sorahime unless you want to get roasted and eaten with Sriracha sauce. Papa says I'm not supposed to eat humans or things that look like humans even though they smell so good when they are roasted, like roasted pigs, but I can just burn you to ash and enjoy the smell and eat something later.

The Sorahime also has an older brother named Ryuji and an older sister named Akiko but their Mama's are different from the Sorahime's Mama. The Sorahime loves both the Ryuji brother and the Akiko sister very much!

The Sorahime doesn't understand many complicated things but the Sorahime will try to talk to anyone and try REALLY hard to understand!

Tamiya Sorahime was initially created for Palladium Books RIFTS Table-Top RPG. However she is anything BUT canon.

Our game group had played through twenty years of the canon timeline with our characters reaching ridiculous levels of experience, obtaining far too much wealth, power and had made innumerable epic accomplishments. Some of those characters were household names far and wide; Whether spoken with admiration or dread.

Realizing that characters like that were not all that great for adventuring with newcomers we decided to do a "generations" style of game. It wasn't difficult to work into the campaign since SirTenzan had already created Tamiya Nyan's successor, Tamiya Ryuji, in fact he was already in game play as a Wilderness Scout. (Think Ranger with a post-modern, post-apocalyptic kinda twist.) It wasn't difficult to imagine Sorahime as my next character.

Alekysis had LONG been in love with Nyan but realized he was married, understood what marriage meant to humans and given his early life hatred for dragons never expected it to come to fruition. However, it finally did, much to Alekysis's surprise.

Our characters were attempting to damage the war potential for the Coalition States, the Big Bad of RIFTS North America, continued to grind in their ongoing war against Tolkeen. Instead of slaughtering hundreds or even thousands of CS Soldiers though we'd come up with a solution to destroy processing plants, understaffed outposts/supply depots and to harass and interrupt interstate transportation. Despite our best efforts though the war took a turn for the worse and we learned that two of Tolkeen's major cities had fallen. None of our characters took this well. Before thinking about what we would do next, now that these two strongholds had fallen, our characters decided to do what any good adventurers do to sooth a loss; Drink. Lots.

It was that night that Nyan and Alekysis had an affair. They were two simple adventurers trying to make a difference in a war much larger than themselves, their reputations or powers. It was in each others arms that they found comfort. Nyan was not the type to engage in such frivolous encounters even if alcohol were involved. It was more a realization that when his wife was far away and safe in the very country he himself had founded, it was Alekysis that he could turn to, who had traveled far and wide with him, understood his mind, understood the deep responsibilities he held and what he was trying to accomplish.

The affair was more of a breakthrough in Nyan's psyche as to his sense of loyalty, honor and devotion versus his natural human emotional state. He never expressed regret to Alekysis for what had happened though it remained a one time thing - until such a time as he could properly convey his realized emotions to his wife. (Which he did soon after, as we abandoned our current plans for a mass evacuation plan for refugees from Tolkeen deep into the post-apocalyptic American West.)

When the "generations" campaign was brought up it was this encounter that formed the basis for Sorahime coming into being. This is also where the non-canon part comes into play. Nyan was, at the time, imbued with power by Hachiman to accomplish a number of tasks and to help establish his faith in the Americas making him something like a Godling or Demi-God. (Both of which are Racial Character Classes in RIFTS.)

His desire to manifest the emotions for Alekysis which had been stirring subconsciously for untold years in conjunction with that power created a miracle. A hybrid between a divine being and a juvenile Chiang-Ku Dragon. (Not quite an adult but too old to really be called a Hatchling.) Although Nyan later was divested of that divine power when the tasks they were provided for were complete both Ryuji and Sorahime had already inherited some of that power.

Sorahime is still a VERY young character and nothing about her youth has been typical of a Chiang-Ku Dragon, Godling, Demigod or Human. In fact none really know how she will develop as she ages. (SirTenzan has postulated that this MAY be how Dragon Gods in the Megaverse setting of Palladium Books initially came into being.)

Her natural appearance is similar to a Chiang-Ku Dragon, a six legged serpentine dragon, but lacks the mane, is more slender in build, is longer and does not feature the typical coloration but rather instead has opalescent colored scales and eyes.

Like her mother she tends to conceal her natural form through the extraordinary metamorphosis abilities she acquired from her mother. She's not particularly ashamed of her draconic nature, as where her mother is, she just feels that it's a pain to navigate such a large body in a relatively fragile environment - such as in human cities!

She is extremely fond of her "Papa" (Nyan) though doesn't quite understand the whole thing about him losing the power that led to her. She's leery of her "Mama" (Alekysis) as dragons are instinctively territorial in the RIFTS setting, especially towards dragons that are younger than themselves; Even their own offspring after only perhaps a few months.

Before her father and mother though she is especially fond of her half-brother Ryuji. While she has to be very careful when handling her half-sister Akiko, as she is perfectly human, she can genuinely play with Ryuji and even get a little rough without worrying about hurting him too bad. Furthermore, while both Nyan and Alekysis would prefer her not to wander from the Misty Isles Ryuji has taken her on a few adventures and has served greatly as an inspiration to her. Her feelings towards Akiko are that she's a nagging older sister but doesn't dare go against her lest she tell Ryuji or Nyan.

While she acquired many of the things that dragon hatchlings typically acquire during while still within the egg, such as several skills, an instinctive understanding for magic and such she lacks a lot of the common sense and wisdom that hatchlings typically acquire.

During game play Sorahime was more soft spoken and skittish than anything but was re-imagined later after reading the Dark Hunter series and becoming familiar with a character named Simi. Her style of speech and dress is now based heavily upon this lovable character found within the pages of that book series! xd

Sorahime is still only level 3 but is easily as strong as the average mid-level dragon hatchling character. She is a major psychic, like her brother, was given Magic Tattoos by her mother and possesses the Godling's Gift of Magic. The drawback to all this power is that she is very slow to acquire new levels and abilities.

This Avatar is intended for role-play but is also used as a secondary account.