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Tanisha Angelia

Tanisha Angelia's avatar

Last Login: 01/30/2020 1:02 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Trondheim, Norway

Birthday: 05/14/1983

Occupation: Forex trading


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My Random Babble

I dunno if I'll post much, I'm not a big writer (but I tend to write a lot when I first do). I got a lot of random stuff on my mind all the time, so you'll never know what subject I might bring up whenever I do.

Personalia [ Last Update : 26 January 2009 ]

About Me
My real name is the same as my avatar, but I prefer to just be called Tani. I'm a 25 year old girls-girl from Norway. My zodiac is the Taurus with an asc. of Leo, this astrological combination is pretty accurate when wanting to know how I'm like; I'm a down to earth, proud and honorable woman! My Chinese zodiac is the Pig by the way.

Likes and Dislikes
I don't smoke or do drugs. I basically don't drink alcohol either, but I don't mind a glass to fine dinners though, or in other similar situations - I hate beer though; I'm not a party person, I love to stay at home. I'm not a complete sofa potato though as I really do enjoy trips in the mountain, forest etc. too; my activity level usually shape itself according to who I'm with. Also, I don't like coffee, but love tea or hot chocolate.

I like serene music that touches your soul, but also music with a fast and good rhythm as long as the drums and bass are used sensibly. I get frustrated from most screaming and hard music.

My favorite movie genres are sci-fi, comedies and artistic stuff like animes and cartoons, but I normally don't watch TV or movies by myself so unless I got someone else that wants to watch something I rarely watch TV or movies. I rather play games and browse the web instead, lol.

I got pale skin and naturally blond hair, but I bleach it even blonder, mainly to dry it out as it gets super greasy otherwise. My eyes are a bit varied in color, but mainly green (emerald). I'm trying to keep my nails long, but I keep failing at it. *cries* I'm sort of heavy built, but otherwise thin (could always been a bit more toned though). I might look a little butchy at first glance, but I'm mainly a femme as a person, and I dress and act accordingly.

As a person I'm reserved and a bit shy, especially on my own around people I'm not familiar with; though I've become more confident now on my older days. However, despite this I'm actually a leader-type or at least people tend to see me as one and make me one often, especially over the web where I'm considerably less shy (maybe because I always have an opinion about everything and like to get things done). I do enjoy being a sub-leader though, but I really hate being at the very top, which is why I show a more subjective side around friends. My subjective side is further strengthened in a relationship because I really love to be owned (it makes me feel wanted)! As a result I'm also very loyal and honest to the one I love (and maybe a bit clingy too), but I bite back and won't accept it if anyone try to abuse this side of me.

As a friend I'm unfortunately less loyal as I tend to priority love and personal interests over friendship, maybe also a result from the fact that I'm not very social and prefer to maintain a small network. However, I'm kind and understanding (at least, those who know me usually compliment me for these things), which may cover some of my anti-social flaws.

I must admit I'm a hard critic, but that's because I like to have an opinion and not because I'm really negative; I consider myself a positive person overall. I also have a bad habit of bragging, but as it's actually a sign of me having personal worries (I guess I try to boost my own self-confidence that way) it's fortunately not a constant thing. Because of frail nerves (it's a thing in my family) I tend to get depressed easily though, but I'm also very easy to cheer up. I love the feminine and are in many ways a big femme, but my random and crazy side have made me do some butchy things too, like joining the army! On a humorous level I'm mostly serious, ecchi and sarcastic.

Family Background
I don't have much contact with my family to be honest, though I'm slowly getting more contact with one of my cousins at the moment. Basically I'm really more focused on starting a new family together with that special one rather than trying to patch up things with my current one. ^^;

My family on the mother side was somewhat split up because of my grandmothers alcohol abuse (which was a result from frail nerves; like I mentioned earlier it's a thing in my family). Despite the frail nature of our genetics it's a very artistic family where basically everyone have a form for talent in art or music (me included)!

My father side is more socially strong tough, with several people having a good standing in the society, like i.e. my uncle that was a local leader for the political division he represented. It's a rather large family, but one that is very spread all over Norway, so after both my dad and uncle passed away I kinda lost the few remaining bonds I had with this family side.

Personal Situation
For the moment I'm settled in my own cozy apartment. It's perfect for my own needs, though it's a bit small compared to the amount of junk I have, which makes it hard to keep things tidy. Economically I've had a mostly healthy situation after I moved out from my mom, I'm an expert at handling money and quite capable at making them grow. Unfortunately my father passed away not long ago (about a year ago), but he left me with a small fortune and an estate business; a small business though, but with some funding and work it may have further potential. I'm currently trying to find a more stable source of income though.

I'm a Liberal Christian. That means I don't belong to any church or theologically named group. I do my own spiritual research and study philosophy and theology beyond traditional Christian standards. I am therefor no fanatic and able to listen to the opinions and beliefs others have.


View All Comments

Mandarine Whoo Report | 07/29/2009 3:10 am
Mandarine Whoo
meow :3
Tanisha Angelia Report | 04/11/2009 11:33 am
Tanisha Angelia
Takk ^^
Katta94 Report | 02/28/2009 7:36 pm
fin side^^
Tiger-sama Report | 01/27/2009 11:49 pm
Aww! Det var trist å høre :/ Hvorfor har du sluttet å spille domo?

Alt er bra med meg :] Enn med deg?
Tanisha Angelia Report | 01/02/2009 6:56 am
Tanisha Angelia
Ah, hi Toora! Ouf, I haven't checked in on Gaia for a long time now, my profile is so outdated too... x3 Been busy getting into a new market now, I plan to make some serious investments etc. ( from $5000 USD and up, maybe as much as 10k ) so had a lot to prepare lately, including a lot of new things to learn (it's why I have left DOMO as well, I had no time to run the guild or anything anymore). But that aside, I wish everyone a Happy New year! ^^ I hope everyone is doing alright. :3
Tiger-sama Report | 11/24/2008 1:13 pm
Hei Tani ^^

Det er Toora fra DOMO User Image
Tomiko Neko Report | 05/17/2008 3:11 pm
Tomiko Neko
Oh, I likes this Profile Tani-chan. You should try and add some zing to your avatar though. I like the alignment of my avvy to stand out. ^^
Tanisha Angelia Report | 01/13/2008 11:23 am
Tanisha Angelia
No problem, I'll tell her. ^^
Eucalypt Report | 01/13/2008 10:07 am
I can barely go on the PC lately so tell that to Tamiko for me,will you?
Tanisha Angelia Report | 01/13/2008 10:04 am
Tanisha Angelia
Hi Euca. ^^ In case you didn't know my laptop crashed, which is why I haven't been around in a while. Built myself a new comp now, so I'm back on now. ^^

And yay, finally able to enjoy cell-shading! XD


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