Rawr. Im a Kitty Kat.

Hi. Im erin.
Some call me ernie.
I dont have a problem with that.
I think its cute.

Well then..
Here we go.
Im 14. If you can drink legally.. then leave.
Your too old.
My birthday is November 19th. Yes. Very soon.
Leave me comments.

I play.. the guitar.
but i suck at it. learning isnt my specialty.. x]

Well. I have seasonal affective disorder. If you dont know it.. google it.
But. Even if i didnt have it. Im still the same person.

Hmm. I support gay marriage. But im straight.
You couldnt put me in a stereotype.
I have monkey slippers.
I waste all my money on candy. I do what I want.
I love rja. ahem..i worship them actually. xD.
Hm. When I get mad.. Its best not to talk to me.
Im a blonde. But. That doesnt mean anything.
I hate rain. Bad weather makes me cry. I hate posers. They're ghey. But
sometimes you gotta tell yourself to get over it. Not everythings the way you want it to be.
Im an atheist. Theres no god.
Disagree with me? Ok. Fine. Leave a comment.
Its not like im going to change my mind or anything.

well. anyways.I love random strangers. Special strangers though.
Yeah. Those are the best. Weeeeee. Did you read all the way down this far?
Then I think your rad. lets hug.

Think im cool?
then so are you.
add me.
What do you got to lose?

You know.
Everyones life seems bad. But remember. Theres always someone out there suffering more than you are.