
[WARNING::This should be read in a thick Brooklyn accent.]


Hey buddy.

You. Yeah, you.

What do you think you're doin' in my profile, eh?

Just wandering around? Oh you'll be wandering around alright.

In the hospital that is.

What's that?

You came here to learn more about me? Why do you wanna know more about me? You with the cops or somethin'? No? Just curious? Well you'd better be careful, buddy. Curiosity killed the cat.

I guess I could tell you a bit about myself since you're so inclined to learn about me. The name's Taylor. Taylor Van Sayre. What nationality is that? ******** knows? All I know is that I grew up on these streets here in Gaia and I made my way in life. No one gave me nothin'.

How old am I? Why do you wanna know? You a ***** or somethin', stalking profiles lookin' for yer next victim? Well guess what: I ain't tellin'. Good luck findin' out.

You still wanna know more? What if I don't wanna tell you more, eh? What are you gonna do then? You know what? Yer questions are buggin' me. You'd better scram before I call my buddies. Send me a PM or somethin'. But don't stand around here starin'!


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What are you starin' at, buddy?

Ain't nothin' to see here. Keep goin'.

[[OOC in brackets. Read my posts with a thick Brooklyn accent and it will make sense. <3]]