
Technician92's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 03/23



Hi! My name is Andrew......usually. I have gathered many nicknames over the years, I am a man of many names XD

I enjoy reading, mostly fantasy, however, scifi and mysteries are good as well.
Playing guitar is becoming an interest of mine and I have just started learning. I love music, and playing guitar allows me to create it, as well as listen to it.

For the past 2 years I have been learning swing dancing. Swing is a lot of fun and I love going out to the local dances. If you don't know how to swing, I highly recommend it.

I am a positive person and enjoy the warm weather. I will do anything for my family and friends. They are everything to me.


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gemela_dos Report | 03/15/2011 5:59 pm
Lookin' pretty snazzy for a newbie XD.
8minbefore Report | 03/12/2011 5:29 pm
Welcome to Gaia! :3


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