
TeeRen's avatar

Last Login: 09/14/2024 3:42 am

Registered: 06/30/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/19


The noobiest gamer you'll ever know!

x Games currently playing:
- Genshin Impact. Preferably EN speaking players, but still willing to help anyone and everyone. Besides, we have the power of Google translate and emojis on our side.

- Gloomhaven JotL campaign. Muddlemuddlemuddle.



[Private Message]

These scars will remind me to never tread that path again.

x Name: Tiffany

x Age: 27 years old

x Location: The far-off memories of the whatsernames and whatsisfaces. Sometimes, the occasional photographs and journal entries.

x Additional Notes x
- Constant dreamer
- Constant glutton

Unfortunately, I do not go on Gaia as often as I used to; however, if you would like to chat, you are more than welcome to send me a PM!...but please be aware that it might take a couple of days/weeks/months for me to reply back!