
Last updated;06/23/09.

my name is danielle & i like that boom boom pow
seventeen, southern california, and fabulous.
imna shake it up this summer, dontchuu ever forget !!;D

currently fangirling over:
2NE1 (CL bom, squee~) & wondergirls (uh hello, YOOBIN much?!)
oh, and harry potter too. but that's a given.


Viewing 12 of 73 friends


Camera Shots

Just brief snaps of my life.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

jjoyo jjoyo

Report | 08/01/2009 7:04 pm

jjoyo jjoyo

Yeah; my birthday is in December and I skipped a grade back when I used to be smart. :'D And wtf... Calc BC? My brain melted just looking at those words. D:

Lol, her birthday is August 12~ And aww, why aren't you going? ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHANCE. >>;
I'll PM you what I have, haha. It's not formatted I was just getting some stuff together. Let me know what you want to add and such so I can post it. I've got gold coming my way so I can renovate this av. >D
jjoyo jjoyo

Report | 07/31/2009 7:15 pm

jjoyo jjoyo

Yeah, I'm 16 now. XD Don't worry, I can't do proper math... well... ever. -___- I sucked at math in high school. There were kids taking precal as freshman (okay, so they were all Korean or Thai -- but still) and I took it as a senior. X_____x

I neverrrr go to Chinatown, but I need cute stationary so I can send Sunye a birthday letter. ^^ It's way too far downtown for me -- I live in NYC, lol.
Oh, I was actually just making a template for a thread. XD I guess I can post it now or send you what I've got so far since I already publicized my av by posting about WG on some other thread. >___> I can't help it, Wonder Girls is all I think about since I met them (in that FAN*TASTIC contest). Are you entering that? XD They haven't come to LA yet, but they're gonna be there this August~~
jjoyo jjoyo

Report | 07/31/2009 7:03 pm

jjoyo jjoyo

Haha, yeah, I had one when I was like... 10, then another two years later in my freshman year of high school. I quit the summer after my sophomore year, so when I was... 14. ^^
I had a huge gold giveaway then. Should've saved it, not like I remember the account now. XD

And now I'm 16 with another account. >__> Bahaha, give it a month for me to be able to show my e-face... maybe less if I can beg my friend for gold. biggrin I'll work on that tomorrow when we venture to Chinatown.
jjoyo jjoyo

Report | 07/31/2009 6:41 pm

jjoyo jjoyo

Three years? Jeez... I haven't even had this account for three days. I forgot the password and username of my old account after a, er, two year hiatus.

We should! But... I have a starter avvie. I can't show my e-face on the boards yet. D;
jjoyo jjoyo

Report | 07/31/2009 5:03 pm

jjoyo jjoyo

Thank you. ^^ It's some premade thing I found on Tektek.
Oh, I was looking for an Offical WG Thread (there isn't one! T___T) and I saw you post on some WG-related thread. ^^
jjoyo jjoyo

Report | 07/31/2009 5:00 pm

jjoyo jjoyo

My name is Danielle too, and I'm obsessed with Yoobin too. O__O
And Harry Potter. And I was obsessed with CL once upon a time.

Report | 07/15/2009 10:30 pm


ooh CL and Bom are my favorite 4laugh

Report | 07/15/2009 10:10 pm


ehh i don't really like it too much either. :/
i love their song Fire though! heart

Report | 07/15/2009 9:59 pm


i love 2NE1 (:
slimy charmander

Report | 07/03/2009 7:48 am

slimy charmander

I love how the gap between the last comment and the one b4 that one is like a year... anyway hello cutie!


how is she so cute D:[/size:2484b02d96]