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Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 06/02/2012 4:33 pm


You're not lazy =] just write about the work you did and why you did it. If you made a character look a certain way because you just like the look then explain it. Just brainstorm it all out. Do your best biggrin
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 06/02/2012 3:17 pm


That's why you word it by saying you chose it because it was an interesting idea that you wanted to see put into a game and why. Did some of the characters appeal to you and why did you create them the way you did? Things like that smile
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 06/01/2012 3:35 pm


Well, most assignments need a paper explaining your project. Like, why you chose that project and what your purpose by doing that was and the features of your project. It makes sense as a summary type thing.
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/31/2012 6:31 pm


I would think the game part would be obnoxious. Then again, I'm into writing more than other things xd
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/31/2012 3:45 pm


Oh >_< school projects aren't usually fun. Some do take forever. I don't like it when the teacher has like 5 pages on what to do for it >_<
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/31/2012 3:35 pm


Yup yup biggrin

So, what's up besides studying?
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/31/2012 2:11 pm


Ha ha razz sounds like a plan biggrin
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/31/2012 3:08 am


Ooh, so you've been studying ahead of time. Whew, I say you deserve video game time right now xD ha ha. Well, that's good that you're studying hard biggrin hopefully it'll all pay off!

Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/31/2012 2:24 am


Wow, exams are still going on? How long of a period for exams? I remember at school you would study and all that and on finals week they'd give you 3 days. They would all be shortened days - about 4 hours total. You go to your 1st hour and 2nd hour classes, and on Tuesday your 3rd and 4th hour, and on Wednesday your 5th and 6th hour. Then you had either a big break after that or at the end of the school year - you'd have the summer off. smile

I'm doing excellent! biggrin Thanks for asking ^_^
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/30/2012 2:25 pm


Yes, I hope so, too smile

So, how are you doing? ^_^
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/30/2012 12:15 am


Indeed =/ definitely with a job such as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or something of the sort - you need self control, too. Also, if you're empathetic, you need to be able to identify if the feelings you are feeling are yours or somebody else's.

Rofl xD haha...sometimes it so feels like that's what you gotta do. I know you're kidding and would never do it. It's just a bit funny razz yup, probably one day and I hope it's soon 3nodding
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/28/2012 3:34 pm


Well, psychiatrists and psychologists have their blessing and curse. They can get into someone's mind, but when they do - it can be incredibly hard to get out and it's not always safe to do.

I would think there would be a limit to stubbornness, too, and they have to give in sometime. However, being married to my husband almost two years and knowing his mom...I've never really seen her cave. =/ She went to the doctor the first time, but she wouldn't cave when it came to a seeing specialist.
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/28/2012 12:17 am


Well, if that's the case - you could be a psychiatrist. They are a psychologist, but the only difference is they can prescribe medications. They're a medical psychologist razz

Yeah, although it keeps the peace a bit better when we don't try with her. We bring it up like little by little, and that's the best we can do. I know I would hate it if someone kept saying, "You NEED to go to a doctor!" all the time. I usually do if I feel that something needs to be checked out, but my mother-in-law is a different story. We try and that's what we can do. Only she can make the true choice to go, and if we can't convince her then I don't feel it's our responsibility if it doesn't work. She hasn't ever been one for listening.
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/26/2012 12:48 pm


His degree is a bachelors of science - psychology.

Indeed, communication is definitely key biggrin it always is and always will be.

Well, we both don't get along with her, but don't want anything bad to happen. It's just...we have tried so hard and she's elderly so if she doesn't want to go, she's just going to say "no" and that's her right as an adult unless an absolute emergency happens and it needs to be called in. I just don't want her family to end up suffering a terrible ordeal that I did with my grandma because it's incredibly difficult on an entire family to watch a loved one die of a stroke. She believes she's doing okay taking daily aspirin so that's her choice to remain on that and not see the doctor. It's been months since her stroke so I'm not sure how much a doctor will be able to tell about it anyway. Although, it would be nice if she at least got a CT scan or something to make sure there aren't anymore clots. We do wish she would eat better, though. My husband and I offered to cook since we can make the foods she likes - just in a healthier way. However, she doesn't like to eat what me and my husband cook. It's her poor food choices that probably helped with the stroke because everything she makes is either deep fried, soaked in butter, or battered. If she would just eat healthier then she would lose some weight and do a lot better for her and her family. she grew up eating those types of foods as a farm girl and that's the stuff she's always cooked. It's hard to get her to change for her health. She just simply won't do it. The woman enjoys chaos so if we keep bothering her about it and it gives her a reason not to like us even more or to cause an argument, she'll keep saying "no". I think it's her husband that needs to push her to go because he may be able to have the most influence on her and know how to persuade her into going. Thing is, she hardly listens to him and last time he tried, she weasled her way out of an appointment.
fluffy2759's avatar

Report | 05/25/2012 7:13 pm


Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/25/2012 12:31 pm


Yeah, ha ha, jealous of the wheelchair xD that's an interesting way to think of it surprised

Yeah, getting out of that old house boosted your mood after being away from it for a few minutes, and it didn't really ever feel good to go back. I was happy when we moved out of there, but we moved out of there also because we didn't want to have to move with them. My mother-in-law was looking at real estate since we moved back in and on my husband's birthday decided to say, "Surprise! We're moving!" It was the worst...she always ruins his birthday. I guess it's hard for me to get along with her because she definitely doesn't respect my husband. She tries to get us to argue, but it never works because we are too open about things to each other razz but we're hoping we don't have to be here too long. Since my husband has his bachelor's degree, and he's trying to find a job. Although, if he does get a job soon, we'll have enough to move within a few months, most likely.

There's no convincing my mother-in-law =/ she'll always make plans if he keeps her from going to the doctor, make excuses, and legally - we can't force her to go to a doctor's appointment if she doesn't want to go since she's way past the age of a legal adult. So we've all stopped trying and bring it up from time to time, but when we do - she just gets annoyed and mumbles about it. We've tried to get her to realize that from the stroke at least that she needs to see a doctor because they can kill you. I know how dangerous they are and my husband and I tried to explain the dangers of that. As far as mental illness is concerned, we can't prove she's mentally ill and if we were to say that we think she is mentally ill because of certain things, she'd deny it completely or get incredibly mad. It's hard to just tell someone that they are mentally ill. It could just be depression and not being able to forgive herself that is causing her weird behavior, but she'll deny that, too. When we noticed gaps in her memory and stuff like that she gets mad and says, "No, I don't! I remember everything!" There's no convincing her, really. It'd take something to actually happen before she listened to us and even then it may be too late. She doesn't listen to me or my husband anyway and doesn't even listen to her own husband so I can't expect much. I know she doesn't like psychology majors because she doesn't like people trying to figure her out. We know this because my husband is a psychology major and if he figures something out, or is able to counter her argument in a positive manner she says he's the "devil's child" and stuff. So, it's hopeless.

we've tried out best to try to get her to see a doctor. She just doesn't think anything is wrong and picks to believe that she's perfectly okay. If someone tries to tell her something is wrong or if she doesn't get treated - a lot can go wrong then she gets angry, doesn't want to listen, makes excuses, etc. So, if she doesn't care about her health, it isn't our problem because we have tried our best. Whenever we try to tell her any bit of advice when it's not medically related, she won't listen to it at all. Even if you say, "You shouldn't leave food out too long so it won't spoil and make people sick and possibly die." she'll leave it out all day anyway and serve it to people. So she really doesn't listen. I can't say we can do much else for her =/
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/24/2012 6:36 pm


Sorry &gt;_&lt; I tend to type a lot. It's a habit, although sometimes I do try and keep it short when I can so people won't have a whole page to read. Sometimes it is hard to help when explaining is needed &gt;_&lt;

One day, I'd love to have a house by the sea near like your friend :D houses like that are amazing!!! I totally agree about the wooden stairs with carpet - makes life easier :XD and it does look nice!

Yup yup, I'm trying to not use a lot of pressure on it. Trying to stick with the wheel chair or make sure I have somewhere to sit because I noticed standing for over a minute starts making my knees feel bad so I avoid it. I know that once they're healed, though, I'll need to re-strengthen them by doing light exercises or stretching. It would be great if I had a pool or something - minimal to no pressure on the joints in a pool.

I guess in a wheel chair I've been embarrassed in front of other kids for being in one so I'm a bit more hesitant about them because of that embarrassment factor even though it's nothing to truly be embarrassed about. I mean, it helps a lot and look at the bright side - you always have a chair no matter where you go! Where people are standing in lines, you get to sit :D it does help, though.

Well, one of the times I looked on the couch and thought someone was laying there and something moved and looked at me - just looked like a dark shadow. No one was on the couch - there was a jacket there, though. It freaked me out. That's the only creepy occurence I had there. It was mostly the heavy environment. It wasn't like heavily haunted where you have cabinets/doors/drawers opening and closing, lights flickering on and off, ghost sightings, etc. It was just that the environment felt heavy, dark, evil maybe, scary, sad, angry, etc.

My mother-in-law will never see a doctor. We took her to one, but it took so much effort and her husband saying, "You need to go!" and we got her an appointment and then she was referred to a neurologist and was supposed to make an appointment at this one clinic. However, my husband has offered to drive her down there and stay with her and she won't do it and when her husband tried to make her go, she got out of it. She's taking daily dose aspirin to help with that. But with how I think she's special needs...she has a lot of mental problems running on her side of the family. She's incredibly high functioning if she is. So high functioning that I didn't even take it into consideration until after my husband mentioned that something like that may be wrong. That would make sense since she acts so unpredictably and sometimes it doesn't seem she has a danger factor - she'll leave the stove on and other appliances and leave the house. We've told her she can't do that and she does anyway so when she does we make sure we're home so if something does catch on fire, we will be there to stop it or at least call it in. I've heard she's caught the oven on fire before so it doesn't ease my conscience any (especially since my Dad is a firefighter and he is so picky about stuff like that). But the thing is, I asked my husband if she could go to a doctor to see if she has any type of medical issues, but he said that she's so old now and she doesn't really care about her health. By the food she always eats, she definitely doesn't care. I think also, it may not be special needs, it could be that she won't forgive herself for stuff she did that she just mentions as "bad" or "terrible" and takes it out on others. Because if people can't forgive themselves then they can have a hard time forgiving others and since they feel bad about themselves, they are more likely to pick at others. So it could just be that she has depression or something of that sort or just likes scapegoating. The scapegoating and depression are most likely, I think.

I honestly don't know what my mother-in-law was thinking the day she left without even telling us, really. She told me that morning when I
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/23/2012 4:38 pm


Yeah, unlike my husband and I - they stay in the house all day. Yes, it is absolutely that hot in here. Here, it's hot out during the day, but no where near that hot. Because of the pool at the complex, it gets incredibly humid so it keeps in the heat incredibly well. We don't even know when we'll go back to get our stuff since it's way too hot to do any kind of physical activity. We lived in an apartment and I liked it after we got all the heavy stuff inside the apartment, but getting it down the stairs is the other half of the battle. Also, since I got the knee injuries - stairs have been a challenge. My knees were getting better and then after vacation - going to places that require walking and I didn't want to suck up my pride and get a wheelchair - I didn't realize my knees would suffer so much. When I did get the wheelchair - it felt so much better. I got to the point where I just couldn't stand. My in-laws have a new house that's all one story and they have a wheel chair I've been using. It's very wheel chair accessible, which helps. I think my knees will be able to recover a lot better when stairs are eliminated. A second story house would probably be a lot better than a second story apartment :D because with furniture, you can leave it on the first story until you have adequate help to carry the heavy things to the second story when needed. Plus, there's a lot of houses that have nice carpeted stairs that makes moving heavy items easier :)

We've lived at my in-laws place before. The last couple times they were at another house that was almost too small for their family. There was something that was just so dark about that house, too. I'm not sure what was in that house or why there was a huge feeling of hate and anger, but I could not stay in that house for more than 1 day without emotionally breaking down. The environment was so heavy. I think there was evil that was hiding in there. Also, it didn't help that the house was almost too small for the family size - well, it could fit everyone each in their own rooms...the problem was that it just felt tight with everyone the way the rooms were arranged. After my in-laws moved into their new house - that dark, evil, and angry feeling is gone. The environment isn't heavy - it's incredibly light - as it should feel. I don't feel mal intent or anything else. I think everyone can get along better with the amount of space that's here. It's a bigger house and the rooms are spaced in such a way that is appropriate and feels like you truly have space. But all in all, I have a hard time getting along with my mother-in-law because she doesn't make sense. I honestly believe she has special needs and is just high functioning, but we can't prove it and she avoids doctors like the plague. If you treat her as a special needs individual...like, not arguing and agree with her - just be nice to her and participate in cooking and stuff with her and it's usually peaceful. However, there are those times where she will snap out of nowhere. She tends to let anger build up a lot so things will appear as if they are going so smoothly and everyone is getting along and she has earned your trust back and then she'll do something stupid like leave the state for a whole weekend without even bothering to tell you about it and you're the only one at home. That happened to me while my husband was at work. I was half asleep and people were up and then I fell back asleep and when I woke up and walked out - no one was there. It looked like everyone left in a rush. There was uneaten food sitting out, dishes in the sink, laundry in the washer, etc. and it scared me. I called my husband and he had to call his mom and get back to me and then told me they left for another state to see his grandma. We weren't invited or anything and had to pet sit their dog all weekend and deal with our cats, too. It just scared me because I thought that they were taken hostage or there was a family emergency where they had to
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/23/2012 1:59 pm


I've been doin' alright. Our apartment got wayyy too hot D= it felt like a sauna in there and for our health and our cats health, we're in the process of moving to my in-laws. They have a bigger house this time so hopefully it shouldn't be all that bad. Plus, anything beats the heat of that apartment. We moved stuff yesterday, and today we're resting because we're really dehydrated just from a couple hours of work. We were both nauseated, dizzy, etc. It should never get that hot in a room. The people below us run their heaters like 24/7 and it seems like a spite thing for a lot of different reasons. But all in all - I'm glad we're getting out of there and I'm not looking forward to being at my in-laws (where we are at now), but it's better for our health. The cats were scared when we moved 'em out and a bit angry, but they're getting used to things again. We just don't know when to go back to our apartment, though, because it's just that hot in there and opening the window, turning on the cooler, turning on the bathroom vent, and turning on a personal fan all at once wasn't helping =[ but we'll face the bright side that we can save money this way. Once we get the heaviest stuff out of the apartment safely - we'll be good. I hate living on the second story because it's so hard to move heavy objects like a bed. Overall, I'm doing okay for the moment =]
Aquatic_blue's avatar

Report | 05/21/2012 11:11 pm


Ah, that makes plenty of sense razz
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