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Claire Redfield is a current member of the human rights organization, TerraSave. She is the younger sister of BSAA operative and former S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield.
Claire is strong-willed, having grown up confident with training from her older brother, Chris. Her bond with her brother is quite strong, as we first see her coming to look for him after he had gone missing from his home in Raccoon City. Immediately after the events of the outbreak, she passionately continues her search, which results in her infiltrating Umbrella's Paris Lab Facility just to find Chris, despite her being only nineteen years old.
She is quick to draw opinions on people, whether it be when she feels someone is hiding secrets, or even when someone is wholly untrustworthy.Subsequently, she easily establishes connections with people, despite sometimes seeming aloof and sarcastic, as she initially treated both Leon S. Kennedy and Steve Burnside. Claire responds more positively to the young girls she meets, Sherry Birkin, Rani Chawla, and Moira Burton, and becomes protective of them.


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Faith Seed Report | 07/18/2015 11:51 am
Faith Seed
It wasn't long before HUNK received the exact coordinates on his PDA and other information regarding Ms. Redfield. The Umbrella agent was currently maneuvering his way throughout the cities back alleyways and abandoned apartment complexes. Little to no infected were stalking him like the last one he'd dealt with back in the sewers—but he still kept his guard up and gun loaded. It wasn't long before HUNK drew closer and closer to the drop off point the Terra Save agent was. He made sure to be quick and quiet but he hoped he hadn't lost her. The agent tucked himself away in the shadows of a nearby building as he withdrew his PDA once again and scrolled through the long texts of information, stopping short as a recent picture of her showed up on screen. She looked about the same as she did all those years ago back in Raccoon, he'd only seen her by pictures of course and while he was being railed by his employers for the hugest ******** up in history—all of their doing. HUNK scoffed to himself as he shut the device off and stuffed it back into one of his many pockets. Now that he had a face to go with the description he'd be sure to search the streets if he didn't find her in the building. Double checking his pistol out of bad habit the agent sighed and quickly took off in the direction of the building; by the looks of it alone he assumed it was another apartment complex or abandoned hospital, or perhaps a hotel. The only buildings that had the space for a chopper to touch down was one of the three, so it was a good thing he had an idea of what terrors could be awaiting him in either of the three. Lots of infected no doubt, survivors too—and hopefully Ms. Redfield wouldn't interfere with his work by rounding them up like cattle for a slaughter. Although it made his job a lot easier he much preferred taking them out individually. It was much quicker and quieter that way. Going through the front entrance of the building was a foolish idea considering it was right beside a large street that was crawling with infected given the distant shrill cries of the dead. Taking out those things willingly was below his pay grade and frankly HUNK didn't have the bullets or energy to bother with them, so like any sensible agent he went for the back entrance. The area wasn't well lit but lucky him his new set of goggles were equipped for such a thing, a shame he didn't have this sort of high grade equipment for Raccoon. It may have just saved him the extra scars and trouble of infected. HUNK flicked the night-vision on and silently made his way down the cramped, gravel paved street. It suddenly got quiet all too fast and left him more on edge than ever before. His eyes raked over every nook and cranny of the area before a large glowing exit sign greeted him just about a few meters away. As the door to it flung open the agent instinctively switched his camouflage on, his heart pounding in his chest as the cold brush of fear ran down his spine. Had that infected tracked him down? HUNK backed away into the shadows and nearly laughed at his stupidity when the familiar face of the Terra Save agent came to view. His shoulders slouched as his gun raised up and took aim for the center of her chest. Quick and clean, he thought as his index finger moved from the guard to the trigger. He was seconds away from pulling it when a loud, earth shaking roar ripped through the silence. A silent curse slipped past his lips as the gun lowered and a giant, pale humanoid looking beast jumped out in front of the Terra Save agent's path. Large claws stretched out a good two feet from where its fingers should be with a span of its pale flesh burnt and raw with blood streaming down its bare body. HUNK ground his teeth and crept up behind Claire, his hands shoving her forward into the BOW's direction before he whipped around the two and took off with a wicked smirk pulling across his lips. Killing two birds with one stone never got old.
Cynical Gambler Report | 07/01/2015 3:40 pm
Cynical Gambler
There was nothing more satisfying than knowing that he was successfully getting under someone's skin and pissing them the [********] off. Nick relished in her dead giveaways and it only seemed to make that all too arrogant grin of his grow by the second. "That so? Well excuse me but I don't really keep tabs on all our governments branches and s**t. I try my hardest to avoid crap like that, but whatever sweetie, this is your show. I'm nothing but an innocent civilian caught in the cross-hairs." Oh, he was an a*****e, a complete and total a*****e that didn't know when to stop. With this town turning to s**t and zombies–even considering the possibility made him feel like a goddamn nut job–frolicking around and tearing out people's throats, Nick still didn't know when enough was enough. Though he will admit that given these unfortunate circumstances he will feel obliged to spare some of his bullshit and at least try to cooperate. At least until his a** was out of the fire. What was said next had Nick's eyes practically rolling out of their sockets. "Maybe things like that won't happen if state your name first instead of chasing an armed stranger down. Ever thought of that?" The con-artist scoffed as the agent turned around; going as far as to mockingly point his gun at her and mutter some profanities under his breath. Quickly dropping his childish act Nick reluctantly followed Claire with his gun still drawn and dangling between a clenched fist. "Completely infected? This place looks pretty goddamn infected to me! I mean Jesus Christ, lady, are you wanting things to get worse or what?" By the looks of things they already were. When had it gone from complete and total chaos to a damn ghost town? Nick's pale gaze scanned over the barren street laid out in front of them, nothing but the aftermath of whatever was going on greeted them. Aside from the surreality of it all there was a very ominous and sinister undertone that had the man's skin crawling in disgust. It's like his mind couldn't grasp the situation yet at the same time it did. It was a sickening feeling but he wouldn't linger on it for too long. He may not admit it out loud but this agent was right, survival was the most important thing to focus on right now. Everything else can wait until it's all over with. It took a moment for his mind to register but seeing the woman take off down the street was a good enough reason for him to start running as well—and holy s**t was this lady fast. Nick focused all his attention on her and easily ignored the distant terrified screams of civilians a few streets down. Call it what you'd like but Nick figured it was better some stranger than him getting mauled to death. "Yeah, yeah. I'm right behind you sweetie, just lead the way." He spat in response to her head craning back in his direction.
Cynical Gambler Report | 05/16/2015 9:25 pm
Cynical Gambler
Alright. Maybe most of this was of his own damned doing, but getting his a** chewed out by some broad wasn't making any of this easier. Nor was having her gun pointed at him helping with the hostility felt on either ends, and coming to realize that she was just some suit for an organization he'd never heard of was just the icing on the goddamn cake. And if that wasn't enough now she wanted to play hero and save him like some damsel in distress. Luck isn't being much of a lady tonight, Nick thought with a roll his eyes as he smoothed out his shirt, absently ran a hand through his hair and checked his wristwatch. Acting as if she was wasting his precious time by trying to offer him a safe route out of the city. He paused after the momentary silence was drawn out into an ill fitting and awkward one. A s**t eating grin broke out as his eyes flickered back in her direction. “Oh, you're done talking my ear off? Fantastic.” The con-artist was already taking steps away from Claire as he spoke. “Never heard of 'em, and honestly if your superiors thought it'd be a nice idea to send out one person to evacuate a whole town, well.” Nick let his own sentence trail off as he shrugged his shoulders, eyes intense and a wicked smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth. Even with an armed agent standing a few feet in front of him, Nick somehow found the gall to mock her and allow insults to fly out left and right. Of course this attitude of his was short lived when he took in the sight of all the chaos surrounding them. Infected running about, people screaming and scattering like ants whose hill had been kicked and trampled on, and not to mention the numerous bodies haphazardly lying in the road and sidewalks. When had it gotten this bad? That smirk of his seemed to shrink the more his mind began to work and wrap around the gravity of the situation. Whether this woman is apart of some s**t-for-brains organization didn't matter at this point, now did it? Two is always better than one and if push comes to shove he could just ditch her a** and find his own ways of getting the hell out of here. Nick's eyes narrowed in her direction as he huffed and folded his arms over his chest, taking one step closer and cocking his head in the direction of some infected that didn't seem to take notice in them just yet. There was no point in hiding the fact that just seconds ago he was ready to leave without a second thought, so the con-artist thought it would be best to choose his words carefully just incase this woman deemed him unworthy of hitching a ride out of here. "Fine, but I'm keeping my gun."
The Darc Knight Report | 04/29/2015 8:01 pm
The Darc Knight
Sounds like a problem lol
BSAA Piers Nivans Report | 04/28/2015 7:22 am
BSAA Piers Nivans
The new was rather...unsettling but Piers wouldn't let it seep under his skin. As long as TerraSave was around and continued tending to the wounded things wouldn't be as hectic. He already knew for a fact that aside from himself the BSAA was sending out units to wipe out all infected from the towns. Having some time between now and nightfall would actually give Piers a little more time to prepare himself since he'd gotten up way before the sun rose just to make it here. However, having no civilians able to give him some insight on what happened was a let down in its own. As Claire lead him to a medical tent, Piers looked inside and grimaced at the sight of a woman covered in bandages. Antiseptics and the coppery scent of blood hit his nose, causing his stomach to churn as Claire described how they had found the poor woman. In his line of work he couldn't quite recall any specific infected or BOW that could have done something that severe. He could call it in and hopefully scrape up some answers. "It's nice to hear she's already making a recovery. But what could have done this?" The soldier mused as he massaged his temples. So far nothing seemed to make sense but that could be because he had yet to sit down and have a cup of coffee. Mornings weren't exactly his thing and without coffee his mind could be quite groggy, but enough of his own petty problems, there was some questioning to get done before sundown. Piers checked his wristwatch with a sigh before his eyes shot in Claire's direction. "We've got some time between now and tonight. A lot, actually. Do you mind if I ask you a few more questions?" He paused as a few workers passed by carrying heavy looking boxes. "Do you guys need an extra hand with unpacking?"
Faith Seed Report | 04/24/2015 7:52 pm
Faith Seed
Too close, too damn close. I should have thought that one through, HUNK thought with a sneer as he began his ascent. After reaching the end of the ladder he heaved the cover to the manhole, shoving it to the side as he pulled himself back to the surface. Bodies and small fires had taken over most of the streets, the sight alone brought back some awful memories of his night spent back in Raccoon City. HUNK pulled his pistol from its holster and checked the ammo clip before heading out to a more secluded area. "This is codename HUNK reporting in, I've extracted some of the labs information and taken care of most of its employees. I've run into some trouble but I'll report back ASAP after I've finished the job." A gloved finger was mashed against the button to his headpiece as feedback rung through his helmet, all of it coming to a quick stop as his boss spoke through the other end. "HUNK, we've got a minor setback. TerraSave has sent in an agent to extract civilians and lead them to the cities exits." The USS operative clenched his teeth in frustration, his eyes rolling and a short sigh escaping his lips. "I'll take care of them, just give me a location." He reluctantly replied as his pistol was holstered once again. "The agent's name is Claire Redfield. She was one of the only survivors of Raccoon City. We can't risk having her poke her nose around and exploit us a second time. Taking her out is now your top priority, and do it quick. She is currently east of where you're at. Her helicopter just touched down. Now go. HQ out." This was starting to feel like a Raccoon reunion, all he needed was Wolf pack and a deformed scientist hunting him through the sewers. Quietly chuckling to himself, HUNK took off in the direction of his new target.
Faith Seed Report | 04/24/2015 7:51 pm
Faith Seed
With the lack of productivity and rebuilding of an 'empire', Umbrella didn't find much use for a security service division. Loyal dogs that were sent out to clean up the messes they've left behind. However they did find some use for the more sufficient and coldest agents. HUNK being one of them. Since the fall of Umbrella he and a lot of other agents found themselves picking up the broken pieces along with what was left of the company. Missions involving a cleanup crew were a thing of the past – HUNK now found himself acting as more of a scavenger. Always he kept an eye on the BSAA and more recently a group calling themselves TerraSave. Both were familiar with bio-terrorism, fought against it and helped aid those who were effected by it. Needless to say his orders brought a bit of bemusement. With each investigation the groups launched HUNK was to be sent out and riding on their coat tail. Remain undetected and if any infected were encountered he was to extract organs and limbs. Umbrella was planning something, but what? It seems his questions would soon be answered. It had been no more than a week since his last mission when HUNK received a call. Turns out one of the research facilities they've been working on exploded into chaos as one of their test subjects went rampant and began infecting all the workers, by the time someone had picked up the phone to call it in half of the city was contracting the virus. The BSAA, and TerraSave were already there and in full numbers since this virus was airborne, and now HUNK was going to get thrown in head first. It was already the late afternoon by the time he'd arrived to the scene. The sewers were the first place he decided to go through seeing as parts of the facility were built underground. So here he sat, waist deep in mud, grime and floating body parts as he fumbled with one of the grenades he had strapped to his belt. As much as he wished it wouldn't come to this, he had to do it. This goddamn BOW was stalking him and he knew it. What better to throw it off guard with a grenade going off? HUNK had already ripped the pin off and was holding the safety lever down as his eyes raked over the different tunnels he'd gone through prior; sitting and waiting for the creature to appear. It felt like hours until he finally heard water sloshing and lapping inside the tunnel to his left. The USS agent stood and tossed the grenade into said tunnel before taking off inside the tunnel just across from him. Five seconds later an explosion rung through the sewer as large pieces of cement came crumbling down and splashing into the murky water. HUNK's ears were ringing loudly as he double timed it and jumped for a ladder that dipped down into a deep pool of sewage. He was practically hugging it as the tunnel he'd just came from collapsed in a wave of burning debris. Grimacing, he remained on the rungs of the ladder while taking a moment to collect himself.
The Darc Knight Report | 04/23/2015 7:01 pm
The Darc Knight
Cold but good! You?
The Darc Knight Report | 04/23/2015 6:53 pm
The Darc Knight
Must be true razz
The Darc Knight Report | 04/23/2015 6:34 pm
The Darc Knight
Still difficult to comment, but I'm getting the trick lol

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