
Hey everyone!!

Name: Ashley
Gender: Female (you never know)
Age: 16
Grade: Graduated - now off to college!
School: Going to Online college.
Orientation: Bi
Status: Dating the most wonderful guy alive!! >.<
Religion: On a spiritual journey...
Favorite Movies/Anime: Inuyasha, Princess Monanoke(eh?), Howl's Moving Castle, 28 Days Later, Saw 1-3 (haven't yet seen 4), Spirited Away, Alot of others...
Favorite TV Shows: Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Kodocha, Case Closed, Negima, Bleach (Just now watching...), Family Guy, South Park
Favorite Reads: I love any book. And usually you can tell what's going on just by watching my face. My emotions give the story away! (So I'm emotional.) Some of my favorites are Riding the Flume, The Wanderer, Foster's War (The covers are barely attached to the book!), and Harry Potter, which I've just now read all 7. They're awesomely awesome!!
Favorite Music: All the way from Classic to Heavy Metal. It just depends on what I'm in the mood for.
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Writing, Art, Photography, Reading Samantha's awesome stories!, Cooking, Cleaning (yeah, I know, weird.), Family, and Friends.
Favorite Season: Autumn (Isn't it beautiful!)
Favorite Color: I don't have one...
Favorite Holiday: ...That's tough... I would have to say Thanksgiving, because I get to see my entire Family.
My outlook on Religion (dont hate): I believe that all religion's are true to those who believe. Earth is a place for each of us to find that religion that speaks to our soul. When we die I believe our spirits will go to the world of our different religions. Only certain people may know the truth of the other worlds, but most will believe that what has happened to them is true to their religion. For example, Christians believe that non believers will be burning in hell, but actually their real selves will be in the world of their religion. You see?

Inuyasha and Kagome - How cute!
User Image
Kyo and Tohru - *sigh* Need I say more?
User Image

My dream avi: (stare at her awesomeness!)

((Currently being upgraded!!))

I love the most wonderful person in the world. Michael James Mackay. heart


Viewing 9 of 9 friends


The Stuff

My life from day to day!

Even though I know that my deepest thoughts will most likely not be read, I feel the need to warn those who have overpowerful emotions or have gone through trajic events. This journal will most definetly reopen a few deep wounds.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/25/2008 7:01 pm


Gah I cannot believe your mom changed your password..


User Image

Anywho, talk to me sometime, cuz.


*huggles* :^_^:

Report | 06/24/2008 7:15 pm


I told you I'd get you a cell phone User Image

Report | 05/10/2008 8:20 pm


Stupid question, I'm sorry User Image

Report | 04/04/2008 1:00 pm


Just in case you come on here before I get a chance to talk to you, are you okay?

Report | 02/19/2008 5:57 pm



Report | 02/14/2008 12:18 pm


Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart!! User Image

I love you more than the light; more than the dark; more than the stars; more than the trees; more than the grass; more than the meadows; more than the mountains; more than the waterfalls; more than the sun rising up out of the sea of the morning; more than the sun sinking below the mountains of night; in short, more than anything in the whole wide world!! Please don't ever forget that. User Image

I love you, my sweetheart
The Final Kira

Report | 02/04/2008 5:39 pm

The Final Kira

quite fine quite fine

Report | 02/04/2008 11:49 am


The Final Kira

Report | 02/02/2008 1:23 pm

The Final Kira

The journey of 1 is the journey of many. Sent this 2 10 ppl u care about 2 help them begin there journey.

Hey, how r u? Nice look

Report | 01/31/2008 6:14 pm


Give this rose ())>-%-- to everyone you care about, including me if you care. See if you get a dozen before Valentine's Day.


User Image

Michael is the nicest person in the entire world! Thank you so so much for donating to me. I will love you now and forever.

I do Avi Art