
My life is all about glitter & rainbows, b***h.
Hi, I'm Caitleen, and I love
;to scream
;to draw
;fellow plague rats
;my best friends
;how eveyone is beautiful on the inside
;how my hair now has red highlights
;how adorable my friends can be
;to play the piano
;glitter eyeshadow
;to sing
;to express my feelings
;Ariana Grande
;and music

I absolutely DISLIKE
;People who talk to much
;marmalade on burnt toast
;people who trash my music
;people who have horrible come-backs
;immature brats
;people who cause drama
;jokes that become way too much and its just not funny anymore
;how people take control over me
;douche bags
;kids who arent tolerable
;how people think they're the s**t
;highly conceited human beingsu
;when people label me
;Oh, and i dislike people.