The Accountantinator

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Bonjour-Cat Report | 02/05/2016 8:30 pm
Boop emotion_c8
Baarbieee Report | 03/30/2014 7:25 pm
cool avi
Bonjour-Cat Report | 06/24/2012 1:06 pm
Why is Shaq's girlfriend living in Cookeville?! That doesn't make sense. (: Hey, if you ever need extra money you could take embarrassing pictrures of Shaq and sell them. But that would be oh so very mean. Did you ever answer the door to the magazine chicks?
Bonjour-Cat Report | 06/23/2012 8:32 pm
Haha thats terribly clever. c: No telemarketers, my parents are generally mean to them so if I pick up I listen to them for a good while. We get alot of those religious people who come knocking at the door, those are... weird. Do you get those too?
Bonjour-Cat Report | 06/22/2012 8:58 am
You only spoke in Russian?!?! Ohmygosh, that poor telemarketer. c: what did he say? Did he hang up right away, or did he still try and sell whatever he was selling?
Bonjour-Cat Report | 06/17/2012 9:59 pm
No I was just gone for a little c: but you're right... silly system.
Bonjour-Cat Report | 06/06/2012 8:33 pm
Haha its fine. c: I'm very glad you had a good trip. !! You'll have to tell me all about San Fran when you get back on here! That's an order! mad
Bonjour-Cat Report | 05/29/2012 7:48 pm
Yes! haha there is also a Quickie-mart. (: Pretty much every fake store has an actual store based of off it. Goodluck on that task of yours... Sounds long and tedious emotion_8c
Bonjour-Cat Report | 05/27/2012 7:50 pm
No, I'm failry positive you left. -.- I sound like a creepy clingy stalker, sorry haha. Oh, so you're addicted to Mw3 too? D: Gosh every boy I know besides like, 3 are too!. My secret weapon is my best friend Hanano. (:< Shes fluent, probably more than fluent. Hows work?
Bonjour-Cat Report | 05/27/2012 7:43 pm
You disappeared! -.- You're my best gaia friend, you can't do that! Ouch, thats rather suckish with the fake accent guy. Maybe you could kill him, then take his spot! Nobody would ever notice : D I'm leaving for Japan on July 8th. (: So far we're just using flashcards and other various websites. BUt I have a secret weapon so its all okay. >:3 Why did you leave for so long?!