the big green marker

the big green marker's avatar

Last Login: 08/11/2008 6:55 pm

Registered: 05/19/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Wherever I go, there I am.

Personal Website

never again will i remove the 'stache

No items equipped.

you'll never know unless you speak with me

yo, glad to see you stopped by, high-five for you
i wish i didn't have to address this, but please don't hate: i know there are things about me that you won't like, but there's nothing that you can change about me unless i want to be changed, and there's no reason to tell me you dislike something about me, because i don't care
anyway, a little about me: i love writing, much more than talking. i love reading, especially in those "perfect" reading spots, just made for reading. i love coloring with colored pencils

good stuff:
giant stacks of books
expressing yourself
treasure hunting
putting in a hard day's work
candles and wax
beds with mass amounts of pillows
exploring others' minds
other good stuff

not so good stuff:
being close-minded
not trying to make a change
not caring
not respecting
not trusting where trust is due
not to be trusted when you are trust-worthy
other not so good stuff

some facts about me:
there is no such thing as a "fruits basket" or "naruto" spoiler in my world
i found a four-leaf clover the other day (and now it's a three-leaf clover)
i like speaking/signing languages outside of my native tongue
i'm learning to play the harmonica
i volunteer at the library
i participated in the day of silence for a week

my current interests:
going home
going to anime expo
getting back to my regular diet instead of all this crappy-crap food

and there you are; a sort-of-summary of myself

feel free to contact me on

canadianmeds on

also, if you're interested in sasunarusasu fanfictions, please check this out:

"those weird feelings no one ever gets"

lastly, i'd like to say that i would like to marry suigetsu and sakura and possibly neji. i wouldn't like to marry naruto, sasuke, or karin, but i would sleep with them/date them. the problem is, of course, they are all fictional characters

my natural want for material items

your voice, within and without

View All Comments

Catch_A_Dream Report | 07/22/2008 2:56 pm
When did you get a new Gaia? Hello Too!User Image
Sugy-nin Report | 07/04/2008 7:55 am
Yeah, I know you're not going to read this, so bye bye.
Aclysmic Report | 07/01/2008 8:40 am
googleplex is referred to a number with 10 zeros behind it

kinda... im trying to think out the first chapter

cause i usually go along as i type (which is how sasuke's fairy got all 6 chs up in just a few days)

but this is turning out to be harder than i thought

but im progressing
Forgotten Teddy Bear Report | 06/30/2008 9:05 pm
Forgotten Teddy Bear
You remind me of the beauty in the world that has been lost.
Sugy-nin Report | 06/30/2008 7:46 pm
Hell nah.
Aclysmic Report | 06/30/2008 7:07 pm
yes googleplex

nightwish is pretty much my favorite band

they are from finland (^.^)

thats why i want to learn finnish (^.^)

Sugy-nin Report | 06/30/2008 6:40 pm
*giggles* Acorn >w<
Aclysmic Report | 06/30/2008 6:07 pm
yeah, love is love no matter who you are

lol x epic googleplex (if there is one)

do you listen to nightwish?
Aclysmic Report | 06/30/2008 5:32 pm
naruto/narnia? wow ive never heard of that one before

crossover section? it exists? where for i must find it (lol)

the only straight pairing i like out of naruto is sasuhina

im a yaoi fan

but i avoid yuri cause yuri makes me uncomfortable User Image makes me feel really weird
Aclysmic Report | 06/30/2008 5:10 pm
really? then this should be interesting

- -

o 0


is that suppose to be a trick question?

naruto/naruto crossover is mostly (form what ive seen) the same couples

sasusaku naruhina tenneji, ect,ect

i havent heard of many anime crossovers so i though it might be cool to cross a game with an anime

the tricky part is which section should i put it in
