
(1) What did you want to be when you were younger?
A vet. Didn’t every little kid?
(2) What's your favorite type of music?
(3) What do you spend most your time doing?
Reading. Or writing.
(4) When you're home alone, what do you do?
Turn the radio up blasting and dance around, singing along.
(5) What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant?
Mmm…Probobly Taco Bell. I love the little tacos. I love them good.
(6) Where is your favorite local place to hang out at?
The little shopping center thingy down the block.
(7) Are you a farmer?
No, but I played one in Oklahoma! At theatre camp.
(8 ) If you could marry anyone who would it be?
Matt Dallas! He’s soooo cute!
(9) How much do you think about the oppisite sex
Not much. Once in a while, but rarely.
(10) Did you ever have an imaginary friend?
When I was little I used to pretend to have one because all my friends had one and I didn’t. I never actually had one. I used to talk to my stuffed animals, though.
(11) What kind of grades do you make?
B’s or C’s
(12) If you could go anywhere where would you go?
England! I wanna go badly!
(13) How many people do you live with?
4 others. Mom, Dad, Sister, and Grandma.
(14) What is your favorite sport?
(15) How many kids do you want?
2 at least. Maybe none at all. If I have one, I want another so that the child won’t get lonely. Maybe adopt one.
(16) What would you name them?
My first boy name is Seth and my first girl name is Nicolette.
(17) What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear?
(18 ) Coke or Pepsi?
(19) What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy?
Chips and Sunglasses
(20) Have you ever been in a wreck?
(21) When do you usually go to bed?
10:00 or !0:30, maybe later on weekends…
(22) Do you have more dreams or nightmares?
(23) Do you practice any type of religion?
Yes. Wicca. I luff it!
(24) How many friends do you have?
A hell off a lot
(25) What's your greatest accomplishment?
To become a Broadway actress or be part of the New York Phillharmonic.
(26) What do you plan to be when you're older?
Either a famous bassist or actor.
(27) What do you normally wear to bed?
Whatever I was wearing that day
(28 ) What's your favorite thing to do?
(29) What color hair do you have?
Blonde with highlights
(30) Do you sing well?
(31) Have you ever been in love?
(32) Would you eat a cockroach for $500?
No. Add three more 0’s then maybe…
(33) Are you afraid of the dark?
Only during a scary movie or after one when I walk to bed
(34) If you had to sum your life up with a song what would it be?
My life’s too varied to be put into a single song.
(35) Where's the last place you've been?
My sister’s room watching T.V
(36) What color would you say you wear the most of?
Darker colors…I’m not afraid of light colors, I do wear them, it’s just that I like dark colors.
(37) Do you get along with your parents?
My mother, yes, very much, my dad, well, let’s just put it that we’re like two positive ends of a magnet. We do not attract.
(38 ) Would you consider yourself 'popular'?
Yes and No. Yes because everybody knows who I am, and no because I’m not a preppy girl.
(39) Do you live in the country, burbs, or city?
(40) What was your most painful experience?
Slicing my finger open.
(41) What was your most happy experience?
Any time I’m with my friends
(42) Have you ever been stalked?
(43) Have you ever egged a house?
No. It’s tempting, though. MY vice principal lives around the corner.
(44) Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)?
No way!
(45) Do you support PETA?
PETA? What’s that?
(46) Do people think you're crazy?
No, I think I’m insane
(47) How many people are on your buddylist?
(48 ) Do you get dates easily?
I don’t want to go on dates so when asked, I normally turn them down. I’m much too busy.
(49) What's a big secret you have?
Why would I tell you?
(50) Have you ever drowned a fish?
Yeah. Why? Wait…
(51) How many songs do you know all the words to?
(52) Who is your favorite superhero?
Major Victory!
(53) What is your biggest pet peeve?
(54) Would you consider yourself racist?
No. I luff everybody. I mean, differences are what make us human.
(55) Do you read books often?
All the time
(56) If you could change anything about you what would it be?
My writing skills! I want to be able to finish a story. I’ve got one in progress, a novel, but I can never end without a cliffhanger! I’m a great writer, but all I write aer continuation after continuation…
(57) What is your favorite type of gum?
Bubble Yum
(58 ) Do you snore?
(59) Are you afraid of thunderstorms?
No, I luff them!
(60) Do you care what you look like?
To a point
(61) As a kid, what was your favorite cartoon?
Ahhhhhhhh! Real Monster and Rugrats
(62) Whacha wearing?
Pink shorts and a gray “All You Need Is Music” shirt
(63) When's the last time you kissed anyone?
On stage in Oklahoma a few years ago. I’m not a huge kisser.
(64) When you listen to the radio, what kind of station is it normally on?
106.1 WBLI
(65) What's your best physical feature?
My eyes
(66) What's the best thing about your personality?
It’s always a surprise with me and you never know if I’m going to be as hyper as I normally am usually.
(67) What's the worst thing about your personality?
You never know if I’m going to be a b***h one day.
(68 ) What physical feature attracts you most to the oppisite sex?
Hair, his eyes, and his smile.
(69) What personality trait attracts you most to the oppisite sex?
I’d like him to be sweet and charming.
(70) Are you picky about who you date?
Not really
(71) Have you ever flown in a airplane?
Many a time
(72) What size shoe do you wear?
(73) Do you wear makeup?
(74) Have you ever went bungee jumping?
(75) Ever been to Paris?
(76) Do you believe in Vampires?
Semi. I write about them.
(77) If you could become a Vampire, would you?
(78 ) Do you have any phobias?
Not anymore.
(79) Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Yes >.<
(80) Have you ever stolen anything?
Yes. I was 5 and didn’t know, okay?
(81) Do you eat seafood?
Lobster and Crab only.
(82) When you were a kid, what was your favorite movie?
(83) Ever drove while drunk?
(84) Do you drink a lot or at all?
(85) Have you ever lit yourself on fire?
I lit a curtain on fire, and my shoe once…
(86) How many people do you trust with your life?
My mom, sister, grandma (maybe not, she’s a bit crazy), and my best friend Amanda.
(87) Are you considered intelligent?
Sometimes. When I’m not being stupid.
(88 ) What label would you fall under?
A mix of sorts.
(89) Do you talk on the phone a lot?
Not really
(90) How often do you take a shower?
Twice a day
(91) What's your favorite candy bar?
M&M’s. Oh, candybar? Hershey’s Milk Chocolate
(92) Ever got a detention in school?
(93) Ever been suspended from school? If so, what for?
(94) Which is better: Punk or Prep?
(95) What is your worst habit?
Nail Biting
(96) Do you like jaw breakers?
(97) What is your bestfriend's name?
(98 ) Would you call yourself independent or dependent?
Both. Dependant in some areas, and Independent when I can be.
(98 ) Do you like gossip?
No way.
(99) What do you buy a lot of?
(100) Do you have any medical problems?
Athsma and I don’t know if this is a medical PROBLEM, but I’m double jointed.
(101) Are you listening to anything right now?
(102) What's the last movie you've watched?
Ant Bully
(103) Who is your favorite friend?
My best friend
(104) Who do you get along with the best?
(105) Have you ever been in a fist fight?
No. A stage one, yes.
(106) Who would you like to see run for president?
My friend Stevie.
(107) Did you ever fall asleep in class?
Yes. In math in 6th grade. Nobody even noticed.
(108 ) Who would you say you look up to?
My friends and family.
(109) A one peice swimsuit or two peice swimsuit?
One Piece
(110) Have you ever been in a talent show?
(111) Ever been camping?
(112) Shorts or jeans?
Ripped jeans
(113) Double dates or just the two of you?
Single dates
(114) Do you go to camp?
Yes. Usdan Center for the Preforming Arts
(115) When's the last time your parents spanked you?
(117) Can you rhyme well?
I’m a poet. Wouldn’t you know it?
(118 ) Have you ever belonged to a gang?
(119) Know people who belong to a gang?
(120) Do you smoke ciggarettes?
(121) Indoors or outdoors?
(122) Have you ever gotten beaten up?
(123) Do you know how to cook?
Does burning water classify as NOT knowing how to cook?
(124) Do you know how to do laundry?
(125) When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat?
Up to 2.
(126) How much do you weigh?
(127) Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny?
I consider myself average.
(128 ) Do you watch the superbowl?
Once. Boooooring!
(129) What's your least favorite color?
Pink! OMG, I hate it.
(130) Have you ever faked being sick?
All the time
(131) Ever done something illegal?
(132) What's the longest you've stayed up?
53 hours
(133) Are you afraid of dying?
A little, but that’s a long way off
(134) What's your biggest regret?
Getting into fights with my father.
(135) Ever picked up a hitch hiker?
(136) Is your name on any bathroom walls?
(137) Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Used to have a boyfriend, dumped him a months or so ago
(138 ) What annoys you most?
Illiterate n00bs
(139) Fave 'scary' movie?
(140) Fave 'action' movie?
Indiana Jones!
(141) Fave 'romantic' movie?
Moulin Rouge
(142) Do you have an accent?
Long Island accent
(143) Who is your role model?
Wasn’t this asked before?
(144) Do you like surprises?
I luff ‘em!
(145) What kind of job would you like to have?
Something that makes me rich
(146) Do you like to dance?
(147) Ever took ballet?
No! Okay, yes, yes, maybe I have…
(148 ) Bold or pastel colors?
(149) What is your normal Friday night like?
Reading in my room
(150) What brand do you wear most?
(151) What do you normally watch on TV?
I don’t watch it often
(152) Do you have any 'special' talents?
I’m double joined and I can play String Bass and Piano…
(153) What is your biggest fear?
Failing all my friends and family
(154) What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
Jumped off the roof onto my parent’s car
(155) Can you play a musical instrument?
String Bass and Piano
(156) What star sign are you?
(157) Do you prefer public schools or private?
(158 ) Do you care what people think?
Not really. I’m me.
(159) Have you ever shot a gun?
(160) What are your favorite board games?
(161) What is/was your favorite subject in school?
(162) Regular ice or crushed ice?
(163) Blue ink or black ink?
(164) Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit?
Semi-tight tops
(165) Have any peircings?
(166) Gold or silver?
I can only wear gold
(167) What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
(168 ) Do you blow dry your hair?
(169) Would you say you're a cuss-a-holic?
(170) What's the last book you've read?
Cobra Event
(171) Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
I’m frightened by both. Britney is a whoreish brat, and I don’’t like Christina’s music…
(172) Spiderman or Superman?
Major Victory!
(173) Have you ever broken a bone?
(174) Shower or Bath?
(175) Do you have any cavities?
They’re filled now
(176) Have you ever wore braces?
(177) What do you live in?
In a large house
(178 ) Would you choose true love or 100 million dollars?
True love, because then I’d be happy enough to work and make that money
(179) Do you have Cable?
(180) Do you play any computer games?
(180) How long did it take you to finish this?
I dunno…

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Viewing 8 of 8 friends


The Playbill

The playbill of Theatre Chic

My thoughts of the day and my progression in theatre.



Viewing 6 of 6 comments.


Report | 01/10/2008 2:32 pm


hey!! havent seen u in a while!

Report | 06/18/2007 11:04 am


Hugs randomly
Midnight Deth

Report | 09/10/2006 12:57 am

Midnight Deth

Halloween is the best, I love it more than I love the free candy and slutty costumes.

Report | 09/09/2006 8:46 pm


Nice Hat!
The Angelic Shadow

Report | 09/05/2006 1:33 pm

The Angelic Shadow

You ask about my name, no?
Well you asked for it so now you get lectured. Bwa ha. And ha.

It is a form of both good and evil.
It is basicly what humans are.

The shadows are a dark and evil thing,
While the angelic light is but of pure good and have not one drop of evil in them.
The world will never be perfect,
The shadow of an angel could be what an Angelic Shadow is.

It could be a heavenly figure with the eyes of a cold blooded killer.
But the truth is, the best way to explain the Angelic Shadow
Is Yin and Yang.
One evil and one good formed in one.
Are humans not the same way?
If not, then are we pure evil? Or pure good?

I'm done being weird now, if you still don't understand, please PM me.

Report | 07/31/2006 6:32 pm


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----THIS JUST IN----
*Top_Hat will donate 100g and She wants YOU to draw her!*