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vampires night

manga fox

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my life

cant go out in the sun. or what bout the part wher im alergic to garlic. scared of crosses, dieing by a stake threw my heart,silver herst me, crave for blood. those are all lies.. well exept for craving for blood but thats about it but there lies mor


i love the show host club

my favoirte anime carracter is the hetochi twins

i love the books sieries: vampire kisses, hush hush,night world

my favorite food is sushi

the kind of men i like is heart felt kind yet misteryiose and has an dark look about them but it also doese not bother me if ther emo, goth, or cuts them self..... i do not like goody 2 shoes

statice on gaia:relation ship with sora

favprite colers: black,whight,and red

favorite movei: interveiw with a vampire

and i also love the pool

The devils jinx

The devils jinx's avatar

Birthday: 02/15
