
Hey, welcome to my profile. My name is Nikki.
First off, I should warn you, the next however many paragraphs, or lines of text, are mostly likely going to be filled with useless information about myself. Keep reading if you're curious, however, if this sort of thing bores you, I suggest you take your leave now. xD

Okay, so as I previously stated, I am Nikki. I've been on gaia for quite a while. I had an account way-back-when, but I quit, and then I got one once more. My second account got hacked five or six times then it was banned, for whatever reason. After that, I thought I would quit, but I didn't. Instead, I created a new account, and went off of there. Since then, I've had six or seven main accounts I've switched from, and currently, I am on this one and another one, though, I will soon be resided purely on this one, because I like this one better.

The reason for my moving around so much is simple. I'm rather scatterbrained, which results badly when I have so many people on my friends list. I loose track of who I talk to and who I don't. I can't even remember who I met where, and it's no fun anymore. So, I simply move accounts, and whoever will add me from my old account, adds me, and those who don't, well... they cope. c:

So, now from my explanation of myself and gaia, I move on to my personality and prejudices. In a nutshell, I'd describe myself as harsh, opinionated, completely insane, caring, empathetic, and very sensitive. My feelings are easily hurt, which is never a good thing, especially when dealing people over the interwebs. I also have a hot temper, which means I get upset rather angry. It can sometimes be detouring, but I've learned to deal with it. I can't be anything but myself, and the more I try to be someone else, the more I'm wasting the person which I am. No matter how good or how horrible I am as a person, it's still a life wasted, if I try to be someone I'm not.

Oh, and going on from that. A strong pet peeve of mine, is when people judge purely on such things like religion, ethnicity, orientation, appearance, possessions, and anything of that sort. When you judge someone, in a positive or negative way, it shouldn't be on whether or not they're gay, whether or not they believe the same thing as you, whether or not they have a lot of gaia gold, or real life gold/possessions, it should never be on how ugly or pretty someone is, and it shouldn't be on the color of their skin, or their pixels skin. It isn't right, and I can justify why.

Why would it be wrong to to judge based off of appearance? Well thats simple. Ever heard of the saying "It's not the outside that counts, it's the inside"? This plays very well into why you should never judge based off of skin color, ethnicity, or appearance. Nobody can help the way they were born. They're beautiful? Thats great for them, but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You may think someone is very pretty or very ugly, while someone else thinks the opposite. Just because you think something, doesn't make it true. It's simply how kind they are. If they really are kind, a great majority will see beauty, because guess what? Kindness is a beautiful thing.

Also, I want to express my great dislike for Cybering. I have nothing against people who date on the internet-- however, I really don't think that pretending to do it with little star astrecs is very mature. Why? Well because, this is not only a PG-13 site, but you really aren't... well... you know: Doing it. You're just thinking about it, which I'm sorry to say, something you could do without discussing it with someone else.

Why I don't disagree with dating online is because it's a personal choice. It's never been a forte of mine to go around dating online, because yeah, it's not extremely safe, but if someone is willing to take the chance, then good for them. When you're really in love, you don't need a body. All you need is a mind. Though, I find it rather repulsive when you walk into a rally, jigsaw, or even a thread and all you see is "Lol u wanna b my gf?" and then a "Yah". Seriously, thats not a great way to find your significant other. I do believe that someone would have to get to know someone else if you want any chance of a relationship to work. If it has worked for you before, then you're lucky, however, I personally believe that you are rushing into things WAY too fast.

Oh yeah... and a little more on me...

First off, I would like to introduce you, to my strangeness. I'm literally literate. Get it? Got it? Good. I'm funky, bubbly, and sometimes very crazy. I have a weird passion for fiction things. I spend most of my time, talking to my friends either over the computer, my cell phone, or real life. I love to read, and have a thing for writing. If there is nothing else that catches my attention, then I simply sit down, and start to write.

I draw anime a lot too, someday I hope to have my own manga series. I doubt that will ever happen, but I can have wishful thinking. I'm headed for an Elite College, something I want very much. I prefer to be fun loving, to down right serious, though, I have my moments. I'm very sensitive, I'll admit this.

I would like to clear things up. A lot of people hate people who hate illiterate people. Alright, I hate illiterate people, and by that I mean: Someone who can't understand real English. I have nothing against those who use chatspeak over the computer, it's their choice not mine. However, if you use chatspeak so much, that you are ignorant to real words, then I think you may have a problem.

You should know, that grapes make me hyper. I have no idea why, so please don't ask me, unless you want a random answer. I am often random, and will stare off into space. If I'm listening to music and thinking at the same time, then I start pacing, without realizing it, it's a habit of mine, just like biting my lower lip, when I'm concerned.

You should also know, that I can't spell for beans. Bare with me here, I try the best I can. I believe that grades do not determine your intelligence, they only determine how hard you try.

I'm positively absolutely, one of the most interesting people you will ever meet... well, maybe not, thats an opinion not a fact. However, I challenge you to talk to me, and I will forever be grateful. I am not easily entertained, and so, I appreciate anyone who can.

I really detest clothes shopping. Blah!!! I hate it. I love to shop for books, and occasionally anime and video games, but never clothes. I really loath the color hot pink, unless it is used right. I'm not sure how thats done, but there have been a few cases were I've seen that color and not completely hated it, in fact, in a few, I've loved it. I don't like people who are prejudice, based off of ethnicity, race, religion, possessions, or sexuality. I hate to break it to you, but material things do not, bring you happiness! Not even on gaia! People can like whatever they like, be they are girls who like girls, boys who like boys, or someone who likes both! It's their choice!!! I'm a daughter of god, I'm a Christian. I know people who hate Christians, and I know people who hate people who aren't Christian. Again, people can believe what they want! I won't try to force religion on you, I'm simply stating what I am.

Quotes I very much enjoy:
1. "To the world, you may be just one person, but to just one person, you are their world."
2. "It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives."
3. To quote the great Renee Decar "Uh-oh spagettio's!"
4. "I followed my heart, and it lead me straight into a wall" Quoted by Nightmares Scar.
5. "You're just jealous because the voices in my head talk to me, and not you.
6. I'm worse then evil; I'm the author."
7. "Girls are like telephones, we like to be held and talk to, but if you press the wrong button, you are disconnected."
8. "I'm not crazy, I'm psychotic, there's a difference!"
9. "Do you get it? no you don't get it you just think you get it, which is different than actually getting it, get it?"
10. "I don't care if you don't like my mood swings because I'M A GIRL AND IT COMES WITH THE TERRITORY!"
11. "Most women would rather have beauty over brains, because most men can see better then they can think."
12. "Men are like a deck of cards, there is the occasional king, but most of them are jacks."
13. "Love is giving someone the power to break your heart, but trusting them not too."
14. "I love you is eight letters long, but then again so is bullshit!"
15. "I've tried to see it through your point of view; I just couldn't get my head that far up my own a**."
16. "When push comes to shove, we all fall over."
17. "Be daring, be different, be impartial, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative visions of the play-it-safes, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." ~ Cecil Beaton.


Viewing 12 of 18 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Metallic L E M O N A D E

Report | 08/03/2009 10:46 am

Metallic L E M O N A D E

happy birfday... <3
Kendra Lovegood

Report | 07/02/2009 8:43 pm

Kendra Lovegood

sup holmes?
Mono --- Chr0mez

Report | 06/30/2009 8:51 pm

Mono --- Chr0mez

I <3 you. Thank you for recommending me D.Gray-Man.

You are right! It is a great anime! I can't stop watching it. xD
Mono --- Chr0mez

Report | 06/27/2009 12:49 am

Mono --- Chr0mez

I began to read the manga, but I found the chapters looooong.

Thanks for reminding. I'll try to watch it! =D
Abominale Toaster

Report | 06/02/2009 6:53 pm

Abominale Toaster

Hey,what movie did you pick for the enternatonal events? Taken Yellow Submarine Rush Hour 2 The Fast and the Furious 4 Pride and Prejudice Goal Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Like Water for Chocolate Innocent Voices The Devil's Backbone and Shaolin Soccer ( I want to be pared with you guys)

Report | 04/23/2009 9:31 pm


Here is the link to the pokemon rp Pokemon

Btw am I going to your office tomorrow after school?
Denied Silver Star

Report | 04/12/2009 7:43 am

Denied Silver Star


Report | 04/04/2009 5:22 pm


kk ^_^
im a hipster mister

Report | 04/04/2009 5:07 pm

im a hipster mister

M'kay :/ Why do you want to see it so badly?
-pokes back-
XD Hiya.
;~~; I'm sick again.
For some reason,, I just had to get sick on the first day of spring break -__-
What's arriba?

Report | 04/04/2009 4:01 pm


Oh yea, I made a new rp. ^_^


"Be daring, be different, be imparcial, be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." ~Cecil Beaton.