The Fem Soldier

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Birthday: 03/05

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Serial Experimentss Lain Report | 08/01/2022 1:04 am
Serial Experimentss Lain
Cute avi
Kuroko Kusanagi V1 Report | 04/11/2014 10:47 pm
Kuroko Kusanagi V1
nice username
Medics Oktoberfest Report | 03/05/2014 2:23 pm
Medics Oktoberfest
Have a very happy birthday from ze bottom of my ubercharged heart..
rohheit dreschner Report | 11/26/2013 2:30 pm
rohheit dreschner
He crossed his arms. "Maybe I just wanted'ta be nice to ya or somethin'! Idunno, ya seemed down so I didn't wanna make ya feel worse or nothin'. Hey, I coulda just closed my ********' door and ignored ya! 'n well you're a friend'a col's so..."
Team Skull Grunt Report | 11/26/2013 2:28 pm
Team Skull Grunt
" Yeh, she was m' sunshine 'n all, sweet gal. 'n 'm sorry to hear that, but yeah, I have some beer in a cooler, lemme git ya one." He stepped over to his truck and pulled down the tailgate. " Ah went on a trip a few days ago, 'm 'p sure the beer back here 's still cold." He pulled himself up onto the bed of his truck, opened the cooler and took out two bottles. "eeyup, 's still 'p cold!" he hopped down, opened both bottles with a bottle opener on his pocket knife and handed one to vicki. " 'ere ya go!"
rohheit dreschner Report | 11/25/2013 6:26 am
rohheit dreschner
Grant raised an eyebrow. "Eyyyy, vicki! It's no big deal, really! I'm sure it was somethin' pretty important 'n all! I ain't sore about it or nothin'. he gave her a pat on the shoulder. "definitely not somethin' ta shoot ya over!"
Team Skull Grunt Report | 11/25/2013 6:21 am
Team Skull Grunt
"Sh' got pretty darn sick. 'N she didn;t make it.." He replied simply, pulling off his sunglasses to clean them off with a rag from his back pocket. "Sh' was the sweetest gal, my lil anne. I just can't think about bein' with anyone else."
mixjuice Report | 11/22/2013 12:48 pm
She paused for a moment, thoughtful. "But I do plenty of fun things," she said after a moment, raising an eyebrow. "I'll admit to being quiet, though, but I don't always have very much to say anyway, so..."
Team Skull Grunt Report | 11/21/2013 2:21 pm
Team Skull Grunt
"Aw, well thank ya. But eh, I dunno' bout that, to be honest. Anyways, not really interested in any of em, Won' be as lovely as M' ol' fiancé anne. Jus' wish she was still around n' all." He gave the soldier a small smile.
rohheit dreschner Report | 11/21/2013 2:19 pm
rohheit dreschner
Grant yawns and yells "Yeah yeah! hold on! 'm coming!" He opens the door and leans on the door frame. "ey Vick how're ya doin? Whaddya want? I was kinda takin' a nap when ya just decided to pummel my frickin' door ya know."


File #3735

Name: Victoria "Viki" Anne Smith.
Employer: Reliable Excavition
Class: The Soldier
Age: 35 years old
Home town: Detroit, Michigan

Personality: Victoria is extremely bipolar, being able to switch from pure joy, soul crushing depression, and blood rage in a matter of seconds. When she isn't having mood swings, she's a bit of a loveable jerk, she pushes her friends around a little, but will be there for them no matter what if they have earned her loyalty.

- Blood
- Boxing
- Fighting
- History
- Her Truck
- Playing the Drums and the guitar
- Baking.
- Smoking
- Alcohol

- Idiots
- Zombies.
- Vietnamese
- Fancy French food.
- Doctors
- Cowards

Physique: A extremely well built woman, she has amazing upper body strength being able to bench press 300 pounds, so she is a wee bit slower then normal soldier classes. She stands at 6'3" and weighs 224 pounds and 8 ounces.

Current Load out: The black box, A custom made buff banner that uses drums instead of a trumpet, and A Market Gardner.


Victoria was born on May 4th 1939 to Sally Nier and Solomon David Nier, her mother was a Car mechanic and her father was a World War 2 Veteran. She went to highschool and signed up for for the army, serving a few years in Vietnam, earning a couple medals but stopped because she was tired of fighting and to get married to her captain. She had 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, then joined Reliable Excavation because as much as she hated to admit it, she missed war. When she isn't kicking a** in the battlefield, you can find her either in the gym, practicing guitar or drums, or working on her truck.


RED Team Sniper
The lRED Medic
Espion Bleu
Victoria Momo
PIayer 2
Not Your Medic
rohheit dreschner
Team Skull Grunt
Lyons Amoso
Gladdy Daddy

MERICA, ******** YEAH