My Name

Vicente/Vince - Valery/Val - Forest


My Personality

If you didn't know me, I'm a hyperactive, Immature, confident, funny person that is quiet sometimes. If you knew me, here are three things you would know.

My favorite characteristic about myself, the art I like to draw sometimes, and the stories i write. I'm a quiet person that would rather be independent, but enjoys the company of others.

I do like to be competitive when I'm familiar with what I'm doing. Otherwise, I would much rather be the spectator. I don't think I'm a fast learner, so I'm not the one that can jump into any situation and be good at it. When I don't know what to do, or I'm hesitant at doing something, I become timid and lost. Although, with focus and determination, I'll find the tricks that get the ball rolling and find out how to do it best.

I like to think of myself as a loyal person. My friends mean everything to me and I cherish every friendship that I've made, be it new or old. I'll try my hardest to be the best friend that I could possibly be. ^u^

My favorite book series is Artemis Fowl,
and from this series the Arctic Incident is my favorite read.

Some of my favorite authors are..

Eoin Colfer
Lauren Taylor
Stella Cameron
Bill Wallace
Jade Taylor
Harper Lee

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