
I've had many names and many faces through out my career on Gaia, but you can just call me Gemini

-Formerly of both The Sons of Plunder clan and the mega-clan: Ghi'stalt.
-Gas masked characters are my avi of choice.




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Pwason Report | 10/02/2017 7:09 am
Reyla Vangis Report | 09/28/2017 10:12 am
Reyla Vangis
The new currency is Platinum. It directly correlates with gold, 1 plat is 10mil gold. You can switch to it in Account Settings. As far as I know so far, gold is still worth using if you pay Lake Kindred, but it's more worth using plat now if you do anything else on the site. Papa Saw is back to being a viable way to farm currency. But you can also get plat doing all the old stuff like posting and daily chance and all.

Oh nooooo, not the 3DS gonk major bummer, I feel your pain dude. The incidents I had with my old one had me pretty distraught. Good luck!

MHS is good, it's the perfect marriage of Pokemon and MH, with the turn based gameplay, raising eggs to be your perfect partner, and battling your friends. The animations are super anime too, it's a bit over the top but really funny. It's released now but I haven't gotten the full game yet. It's on the top of my list though.

Reyla Vangis Report | 08/16/2017 7:39 pm
Reyla Vangis
yeah, no more demo for Splatoon 2 sadly.

Had like 2 weeks of no/shitty wifi due to vacation, come back and the new currency on here is live, wut. I'm curious to see what the best way to get Platinum in zOMG is, now. And how much you get for like surfing and voting and stuff.

I keep neglecting my Animal Crossing town. I really should visit people each day cause I want to renovate my train station and that's how you get the request (I think it's like... visiting people 100 times or something). Do you have a usual time you play it?

ALSO. Have you played the Monster Hunter Stories demo?
Reyla Vangis Report | 07/17/2017 10:13 am
Reyla Vangis
*tackle* Been a little busy with IRL stuff so I haven't been doing Gaia things as much as I should gonk Also Splatoon 2 is coming out in a week, and I was crazy into the first one, which means I will probably neglect socializing except with other people with the game. D8
Also your background is borked because Photobucket is being a bunch of poopyheads.
Cozy bunbun Report | 07/06/2017 1:42 pm
Cozy bunbun
I was trying to get some items together for the mask but
at that moment the internet connection got disabled LOL
Let me know what you think of the two items and what
you've already got so I can help you out further ~ !
Cozy bunbun Report | 07/06/2017 10:19 am
Cozy bunbun
Hey there! I hope you still remember me but I
was going to help you find some /base/ items
for your Skull Kid cosplay avi. I'm sorry it took
so long and that I didn't let you hear something
from me but school & work got me very busy
but I've got summer vacation now so I'm be able
to catch up to all of my messages without stressing ~

Prince of Thieves, Night Fright Skin are the items btw
Cozy bunbun Report | 06/22/2017 4:55 am
Cozy bunbun
I'll gather some items together in the avi builder and
when I'm done I'll send you a pic of the results 4 u 2 judge c:
Cozy bunbun Report | 06/22/2017 4:53 am
Cozy bunbun
hell yeah!
Cozy bunbun Report | 06/14/2017 2:28 pm
Cozy bunbun
Noooo don't say that! It's not about competition, is about achieving and improving.
See it like a challange, like a inspiration, not a competition! If you need any help with your Skull kid just call me!
Cozy bunbun Report | 06/14/2017 2:06 pm
Cozy bunbun
Damn, that's a really good skull kid cosplayer! But the mask is a bit off though
I also know this multiple cosplayer who has a Skull Kid cosplay as well
Skull Kid <---- here's the link to the cosplayer hehe, he's good!



The Gemini Knight

The Gemini Knight's avatar

Registered: 07/12/2006

Gender: Male

Birthday: 06/15

Occupation: Vagabond

Reyla Vangis
Evil Reelando
Weeping Rose
Dracorex Titan