
Name: Chris K.

B-Day: 7/23/93 (July 23, 1993, Leo)

Age: 13

Where i live: New York, NY

Likes: Video games, Cute Avi. girls, When Girls say "u look cute/nice", My friends, Bein' on the Computer, StickArena, Sonic the HedgeHog, Bein' Quiet, Anime, stick figures, Anime girl pix (as u can see at the bottom....dont think im a perv...i jus like the pix)

Dislikes: Bored, Retards, Bein' bothered (in other words, when im busy doin' sumpin' leave me the hell alone to do it...), waiting, School

Colors: Black, Red, Green, and Blue.

People on Gaia find me quiet.....but i am. Thats how i get all the friends that r girls.....but not in real life tho. Im still a Quiet person. I try to adapt in other places so i would "fit in" wit u guys
im used to it....but sometimes i jus go thru hell during the week at school....even tho i am a quiet person.......
If a Moons Out at night......My Emotions start going out of control.........It Takes over me.......my Cuban side reacts to it.......

Gibbous Moon - Emotions change......
Half Moon - Personality changes......
Full Moon - 24 Hours of Hell and Violence.....

Only thing i kno is that i am who i am............