The Host King--- Tamaki's avatar

Birthday: 04/08


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Lokianna on 08/27/2021


Welcome, my little lost kitten~!
*sweeps into a bow*

It's not often I have guests visit me at the Suoh Mansion, I must admit I'm a little embarrassed.

If you're looking for some entertainment though, allow me to lead you to our wonderful Host Club!

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Crazed Confession Report | 07/29/2014 6:32 pm
Crazed Confession
"I know they'll accept it, I just want it returned...But that's just me being selfish..."
He blushed again and looked back at Tamaki.
Crazed Confession Report | 07/29/2014 4:32 pm
Crazed Confession
"N-no, because I-I know they don't like me like that..."
He pouts a bit and hugs his legs to his chest.
Crazed Confession Report | 07/29/2014 3:04 pm
Crazed Confession
"I-I suppose that's one way t-to put it...."
He looked up at Tamaki and fidgeted.
Crazed Confession Report | 07/29/2014 1:05 pm
Crazed Confession
"I-I told you I'm fine with my fans~!" He huffed back at Tamaki and crossed his arms.
"Th-this is a more p-personal matter..." He glanced back at Tamaki and back to the floor.
"L-Like love...." he muttered out as his cheeks were nice and red.
Crazed Confession Report | 07/29/2014 9:56 am
Crazed Confession
*looks up at*
*looks away and whines a bit*
Crazed Confession Report | 07/28/2014 9:35 pm
Crazed Confession
*Shakes head no and keeps my eyes down*
Crazed Confession Report | 07/28/2014 9:27 pm
Crazed Confession
O-Only in certain situations.....
*fidgets and keeps glancing at and looking away*
Crazed Confession Report | 07/28/2014 8:18 pm
Crazed Confession
Y-Yes, I-I suppose I am...
*covers my cheeks with my hands without obscuring my mouth*
Crazed Confession Report | 07/28/2014 4:45 pm
Crazed Confession
Y-You're so awesome sempai
Crazed Confession Report | 07/28/2014 3:29 pm
Crazed Confession
*turns red in the face and flails a bit*

