
"For every evil there is a greater good, for every innocent there is a protector, for every story there is a hero.....unfortunately not all warriors fit that story. This is the legend that is the shadow of Iga, this is the evils that I have committed and the vengeance that is incomplete. But the elders say that every hero goes down the path of darkness before he returns to the light. I killed them in disagreement for they don't know how wrong they truly were, I have been walking between the paths of dark and light ever since I can remember....this is my story"

Chapter I

From birth he was known as death in a blanket. An infant of a child with a desire to fight and was already naturally skilled physically and his mentality was as sharp as an arrow. Still he was not yet good enough for the trials that were to come. As he prepared for this he was to spend his childhood training. His parents sought an oricle who told them that a great evil was growing within their son and they sought out to make sure that the evil would not come to pass. Unfortunately they did not live to regret this for Hyro was the one to end them both. For this he was torn from his only brother in the midst of a time of war where his father was to be a general. But seeing as he had met his untimely death at the hands of a boy this child was to become the greatest asset for the Iga village.

Born In Iga under the Hattori clan he was a very skilled ninja who had surpassed his childhood sense Zaoh Tai, in the ninja arts and became a shinobi at the age of six. As he grew up he was trained with the branch families of Iga which were the Momochi and Fujibayashi Clans. The Emperor Toudou Takatora, was impressed with his progress and requested that he was to become his personal body guard when he became of age till then he was to be trained under the Emperors lead Samurai, Hattori Hanzo of the Iga village and later of Tokugawa. Hanzo was a skilled samurai lancer who was known as Oni Hattori for most of his years because it was said that he was a devil on the battle field. He became an expert in ninjutsu then passed all he knew to his new disciple. This young apprentice advanced in rank and became known as a shadow, an assassin who was great in all the aspects of the name ninja and truly brought the teachings of Nindo honor.

Chapter II

Hyro also practiced in the arts of Bushido. A Kensei or Sword Saint named Miyamoto Musashi trained Hyro personally in the art of the sword. Musashi was a legendary Samurai known to be one of the greatest swordsman in the land and taught Hyro all he could untill it was time for them to part ways. Under Musashi's instruction he would learn the Niten-ryu style's which were the wakizashi and kenjutsu. This would prove to add to Hyro's over all malice as he took further training under Hanzo and the way of a shadow and recieved his first blade. The smaller version of his masters sword.

He was taught that a shadow was to obey his master without hesitation and to take a life if needed even if it meant his own. He was a killing machine with a continence that left him doubtful of his wrong doing and later prayed for the fallen. He was born between good and evil and yet he sided with nether and both at the same time and eventually this took a tole on his way of thinking. Later on in life his master Hanzo granted him the rank of Lunar-nin, an elite shinobi rivaling; if not surpassing the rank of Sanin, who performed suicide missions alone and flawlessly but most of all without question. Shortly after, Hanzo and Musashi encouraged Hyro to embark on a journey, his final task to become a great warrior and possibly gain the titles his previous masters had received and when he should return a place beside the Emperor of the Iga village would be waiting.

Chapter III

Upon his journey he became more than just a man in the eyes of his enemies and was consumed by the souls of two divine beasts that were said to take a host and together they would become one with the demons of dark and light. They would combine only with the body of worthy warriors who truly took no sides but their own and allow them to live forever but loose their souls in the process.

Throughout his days his name was known to all only half whispered as the Pyro Ninja, an assassin who left his mark a blaze throughout the land. Upon entering the Crimson Monarch of Assassins under Lord Leonardo Tashio, his name remained the same but was known as the Scarlet Samurai who bathed in the blood of the fallen as would remain a bodygaurd to his new master. His lust for blood had increased with every assassination and was known as the slayer of the innocent which took a tole on his continence.

As the Crimson fell apart his name had changed once again and but soon after he seemed to disappear from all existence one year.....some say that he had fled to the mountains to reflect on his past but what had happened was that he had taken his own life being unable to bare the constant voices within his head from those he shared a body with that condemned him to hell. The following year he had resurfaced to the world of man as an unknown mercenary and was called the Wandering Ronin who seemed to come across chalenges everywhere he had travled.

Chapter IV

Throughout history his true name was echoed in the distance as the Shadow of Iga, he was known to bare the the two demons inside him that would eventually have full control of his soul and would become the Oni Ookami, a monstrous Silver Wolf created by the fusion of both that were already holding up within his body and their host. For this he was constantly hunted by killers of all profession and had even went to a meeting between the 100 greatest assassins of his time and they were all dead before they knew he was in the room.

The Shadow of Iga was too dangerous to be let loose and become the Oni Ookami. Heavenly devinites walked the earth and even demons surfaced from the bowels of hell to reclaim what they had lost or kill what they could not control. It was said that this beast was an armored Wolf that stood ten feet tall on all fours, silver tinted fur tips that were tougher than diamonds. Saber tooth teeth and claws that could tear through heaven and earth leaving the gods in awe. But of course, this was seen only as amyth amongst those of common decent.

Hyro was in fact a weapon but one that could only be controlled for so long under any master. This included himself, knowing this he searched the land fighting and killing the strongest warriors he could find giving armies motive to destroy him by killing the innocent relentlessly in search of his own death. He could have taken his life once more but he felt that his punishement would be to continue to walk the earth until an honerable death would meet him but only those worthy enough to defeat him would be granted such an honor. This lead him back to Iga village so that he could confront his master, Hattori Hanzou in a battle to the death.

Chapter V

When he finally returned to his master he found that Oda Nobunaga and his soldiers destroyed the Shinobi of the Iga village. He had lead an army of Samurai incased in red armor who swept the land like a plauge killing all in their path, no one was spared. Hyro was surprised to find that they took the life of Hanzou as well. For this Hyro pledged his life to annihilate the Samurai in cased in the blood of his people then Hyro took up the sword of his master and fled the village slaying any stragglers that he could find. He was followed through the bamboo forest by many Ronin hired by Nobunagas Oda clan and would find that they would be a problem for he could feel the power of demonic origin flowing through them.

Surrounded Hyro was forced to fight them all which succeeded in only adding to his blood thirsty needs. Being surrounded He found himself running out of room but stood firm and was ready to die with only his sword at his side...a warriors death, but he would have succeeded in taking them all with him none the less. This battle was never known to others for no one lived to report the outcome but rumors had spread that when Hyro places his hand on his sword and decides to unsheathe it, a flash of blinding light can be seen and when it disappears all is quiet and before you know it...you have already been sent into the next life.

Searching far and wide for these samurai not caring for the monster that grew within him for he would let it just as long as he had gotten his revenge, Hyro managed to slay them one by one murdering men, women and children alike until the day he could finally be at peace. Till then he would attempt to keep his "humanity" a little longer, but his actions were less then a mans actions only that of a monsters with him obliterating any and everyone in his path who shared the blood line of Lord Nobunaga. They say that he has died a few times but comes back to the world of man with only his vengence driveing him till he is completely taken over by his inner deamons. It has been well over 5,000 years since he departed from Iga, he continued his mission from then on and he managed to keep Hanzou's blade crimson to this day......

Chapter VI

"Sometimes I find myself asking how is it that light and darkness may coexist in one form or the next, as I bring myself to this question two voices are always their to answer" "Where their is Light their is Darkness and in Darkness a Shadow never fades" "I have been brought to this world with a flash of light to unleash my vengeance in a crimson rain and to engulf my enemies in a shroud of never ending darkness, but my deed has yet to be done....I am Hyro....The shadow of Iga, The last of the Iga Village"

After many years of killing Hyro began to have a thirst for something more than blood. This thirst was only quenched by the souls of the fallen that he was forced to consume by the will of the demons that lie within his body awaiting the day that Hyro lets them out. His soul is brittle and he kills to keep it intact but his goals have been rewritten. The age of the ninja was begining to fade as weapons and methods were evolving. He found himself a broken, beaten and blunted tool of war forgotten within the shadows of his past.

Chapter VII

He is now the head of a family and has layed down his sword but his prior loyalties have never been unmade for he would serve the cause of those who had gained his allegiance and his respect. As a human he was intitled a way into heaven but now that he has become more and more like that of the Oni Ookami, Hyro's very being and state of mind have become demonic. Voices within his head have caused him pain as he is forced to listen. His mentality strains as he is bombarded with the voices of the deamons within and he has grown old but the only signs of such is that his hair had changed from black to a silver like white in color.

As time had gone on Hyro had been recruited into the Paragon family. An elite unit of warriors and tacticians who call themselves Team Chaos who are allied with Team Judgment. Several days within their orginization and betrayal has broken loose within the ranks of the Paragon and a civil war between the families has begun. A shadow Law Syndicate and the Lords of Darkness have joined the fight against the Paragon family and its leader Von Mizota. Hyro had said once before that he vowed to stand by those he had created a covenant with, the Crimson Monarch and now the Paragon, it would seem that he will be forced to take up his sword once more but not for himself. Even so, he seemes to be doing this for his own selfish reasons for he gets to consume the souls of those he will come to kill.

War was coming again and death was almost cretin this time he will be around to be sure that all is not lost. It seems that he must paint death in the blood of the fallen for another cause, just when he finally has found something to live for. But no matter how hard he tries to be soft hearted to his family, he is still the underlining demon of a man within. Hyro is honor bouned to protect the Paragon for like the Samurai he lives to serve.

Chapter VIII

"It is quite ironic, the elders were right after all.....I am becoming good.....Oh how it pains me to be. But here I find myself with more souls on my plate than I can count so in the end I suppose I am still evil. But if you are victum to my blade I ask that you shut your eyes when I come for you and do not let this face be the last thing you see before you depart this earth. For heaven might hold it against you"

Many days have past, his wife is gone and his family has broken the bonds that once tied together. All that remains is his brother and his son but it seems that Hyro may not be far behind those he has murdered on the road to death. Samurai surround him at every corner of the earth and often faces off against those who are not only capable, but have the strength in skill and in numbers to end his life. Hyro has long since laid down his sword as his family fell to pieces. Many warriors have caught wind of this as Hyro no longer follows the way of the Shinobi completely and infused his teaching of Nindo with that of the Bushido. His martial arts is all he has to against his pursuers as the wolf now lives among the sheep.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen....the hunter has become the hunted as enemies compile on all fronts. But I shall not flee from impending death, we all must die some time. Why not in a blaze of glory as the bell toles on my final hour, I have laughed in the face of death far to many times to quit now........Let them come..they will find that a lone wolf has nothing left to loose for I have had many masters but I bow to none"

Hyro has long sence died and his soul, along with the Oni Ookami's were torn to apart and shreded within the confinds of hell granting pain of epic praportions. But they were spared for the Goddess of the moon bore pitty for them and for this reason they have been resarected as one being.

Chapter IX
"By the gifts of the goddess I am granted redemtion on a road to a narrow path...."

His will remains his own but his purpose has changed. Family and friendships mean nothing, only the loyalty to what he once had partially remains. The goddess of the moon allows him to exist as long as he can maintain balance between his own endugments and that of the demon that he is to serve. This creature is bound to him and he to it thus in a sence they are in a twisted partnership for one can not live without the other.

"...Darkness and Light once surrounded me but I have come to find that Good and Evil are but a point of view...."

Stripped of what was left of his humanity, he is a soldier reborn. Hyro, once a renouned shinobi has now become consumed by the very demon that granted him eternal life through a packt written in the blood of his fallen enemies. His body, mind and what is left of his soul are now bound to the spirit of a demonic wolf who allows him to live forever still but this comes with a great cost. In order to keep what is left of his soul he is forced to feast on the souls of other.

Chapter X

".....My life will not be generalized into such categories, for my path is my own..."

All known techneques and powers have been relinquished to another that contains a portion of his soul, no longer the tool of war that walked between darkness and the light. Now, he stands as the remanence of an era who simply walks an uncertain path. He has become the Oni Ookami in its truest state, Hyro is mearly its human shell who has nothing to aid him but skill itself and the abilities granted to him by his inner demon.

"...As for my fate, it shall not be predetermined by those of Devine dicent or otherwise who wish to control me or wish to stop me...."

Chapter XI

He knows no joys of the world, only memories of what once was but this is shrouded in a sence of everlasting loathing. Pain is his friend, torment is his teacher, angwish is his punishment, suffering is his pleasure, hate is his tool and eternal death is his gift. He has surpassed the defenition of sin and his evil intentions have reached such a level that they could match that of the Devil's himself.

"...For hell could not hold me and Heaven, could not destroy me..."

Hyro seemingly has fallen off the face of the earth once more but it is said if their is a full moon that has risen in a crimson hue you may find him indulging in all that is impure.

"My enemies who have wronged me are without honor but vengence is not a valid reason for my actions......redemption in the form of a blade is all I have to offer them....but a swift death will not be promised for you should never send the Devil to do Gods work"

Chapter XII

Several years have passed and much blood has been shed that has only lead to his defeat. Hyro fell to the blade of the one who caused his suffering. Kenzo, a shinobi of great skill and even greater potential fought along side Luca; a warrior monk. Both were Hyro's brothers whom were equaly skillied in their own art. The battle took days to end as Hyro was slowly beaten and broken, though he had lost Luca suffered a massive amount of injured and Kenzo nearly died of blood loss but in the end Hyro would come to fail and fall into the abyss of hell.

"I have failed...Ancient Katana and Naginata pierced my flesh as I did so many others...so many innocent..so many guilty but I am the only demon among them....the only true Devil...hell is coming for me once again...will I have the strength to over come it? No this is my last breathe here on this forsaken earth. Come then, demon and devil alike. I will face you with a smile in my final hour...or will I?"

Upon his death Hyro has been resarected buy the very hands that sought to end him. The sinner was saved my saints and with their combined knowledge and power Hyro would return renewed. No longer would he be of his name and whatever path he would choose would be his own...he has been granted a second chance but whatever he would do with it is all up to him. His name is unknown now, like before it has changed. Taking up the path of Bushido once more he wanders as a ronin bound by his honor and nothing else. The justice he would bring and the heroic acts he would undertake would soon give birth to his new name The Immortal Zen

Chapter XIII {Unwritten}


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Aine The Heavenly Whisper

Report | 12/01/2009 12:57 pm

Aine The Heavenly Whisper

"No need to apologize~ I was foolish to come to you without aid..." She said, watching with a smile. "Take care.. Uncle."
Luca the Tiger

Report | 11/30/2009 7:37 pm

Luca the Tiger

"If thats what it will take to make things right...I accept your challenge"
Aine The Heavenly Whisper

Report | 11/30/2009 2:05 pm

Aine The Heavenly Whisper

She laughed slightly. "No worries.. I will take good care of my sweet little pet wolfie.. He will not go down that road as fast as I can help it."
Aine The Heavenly Whisper

Report | 11/30/2009 1:59 pm

Aine The Heavenly Whisper

"And who would this 'he' be? If it be that of my love then I must say 'yes'..."

Report | 11/30/2009 12:45 pm


"My same wishes for you... Zen-san."

Report | 11/30/2009 12:42 pm


"I am happy for your new redemption... Keep your new soul close and I pray that you do not deter once more... I can not ask you for more..."
Keyenai Kimara

Report | 10/11/2009 1:45 pm

Keyenai Kimara

"I pity you"
Keyenai Kimara

Report | 10/10/2009 12:24 pm

Keyenai Kimara

"Smart elder, you are,"

Report | 10/10/2009 8:10 am


“My apologies then, Hyro Shindo, for giving you the benefit of the doubt that was laid so plainly before me. It is true that I hold upon my memories tightly. I do, I truly hold them so tightly to my own wretched heart, but it only because my wretched heart will not let my emotions for you die like you wish them to. You can say whatever you please, but if my feelings for you were to subside then I would be lost all together. To look upon Kenzo is just like looking upon you, but at least he has a heart. He can freely hold me as he pleases and he may show what he feels unlike you…” She whispered, her eyes downcast. “You may hold respect for me. You may even be unable to kill me, but the notion is not returned. Even with the face of my lover… If you dare place a hand or paw to anyone in my heart then I shall end your damned existence without a second glance and your soul will roam the lands without relent.” She was silent after that, simply staring upon him, but not with hate. She could never hate him… And that was what frustrated her.
Keyenai Kimara

Report | 10/09/2009 7:10 pm

Keyenai Kimara

"You waste your breath daily, dear~"