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Well, as most of my friends may have noticed, I've been too busy to get on.

Sure, I've been trying to stay commited, but everything is getting in the way of my freetime.

I'll try to get on as much as I can, but don't expect much of Mr. Phoenix.

Miss you guys.


Why hello there fellow Gaian! I see you've made it to my office! Well, since you're here, I might as well introduce myself!

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I am Phoenix Wright! Defense Attorney and all around good guy! (I hope.)

My life is that of a basic attorney. Except for the fact that I run into work alot. And I mean alot. Sometimes in the oddest of places, which turn out to be the oddest of cases. Ha, that rhymed!


Well, Gumshoe would think it was funny.


ANYWAY, I heard about this world of "Gaia" and thought this would be a great place to start over! So, long live justice and I hope to see you around! I just hope not in the witness stand. :3

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Oh? You're curious as to who I work with?

Well, I'm not very good at explaining people in detail, but I can try.

Now let's see,

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Well there's Edgeworth, whos been my friend since childhood. I consider him as a sort of rival. ... You know. I'm the Defense Attorney and he's the Pro Prosecutor? We yell "OBJECTION" back and forth until the judge goes nuts or Von Karma whips us? Er, actually, she's pretty fond of whipping me.

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Which I guess leads me to her, Miss Franziska von Karma. Her father was Manfred von Karma, who had a perfect record, until I "defeated" him in court. Ever since then, Miss Von Karma has been determined to beat me and avenge her father in a weird sort of way. She literally picks on everyone. Poor Gumshoe.

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Ah! Gumshoe! Well, he's the main detective of all the homicide investigations and well, a bit clumsy. However, he comes through for all of us when he shows off the evidence he's so good at finding. He also loves to bug Maya.

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Oh yes! Maya! Maya Fey! She's a spirit medium in training, so to speak. A medium is a channeler who specializes in channeling spirits of the dead. If she's successful, her whole physical appearance changes! It's pretty cool but scary to watch. She'll normally bring back her sister, Mia Fey to help me out during a trial. (And she's AWESOME and, and a genius...?)

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Mia. ... Mia Fey was sort of my mentor and boss, but was murdered by a man named Redd White. I can't say it's easy not having her around, but Maya and Pearl will channel her for me whenever I need her judgement.

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Oh, speaking of which, I forgot to mention little Pearl Fey! Or Pearls as I like to call her. She's Maya's cousin and sort of a medium prodigy, with a lot more power that Maya. She's also very cute, but can be very quit around people she doesn't like or know.

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And then there's Apollo Justice! He's a bright young attorney who was sort of my "replacement" after I turned in my badge. Ahaha, don't worry though! I can assure you that I'll be all my old self here! After all, I'm starting over! Technically. Ah, no need to make things more complicated.

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Ah! And how could I forget Trucy! Trucy Wright is my adopted daughter and expert magician. She can almost always be found with Apollo, and she's quite an interesting girl!

(Don't worry. There are more characters that I will discuss, but I'm not that great with my typing indurance. Ahaha.)


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Oh! Look at the time! I've got a client waiting for me in Durem! I need to head out! Well, I'll tell you more about my social life later! I can't be late again!

The World Through the Eyes of The Phoenix

Along this journey, I've found myself asking just one question.

What does it really mean to defend someone?

It's only natural for living creatures to fight to protect their own lives.

But what makes us human is that we fight for others.

But who do you fight for? How hard do you fight?

That's the true measure of what human life is worth.

We defense attorneys are warriors who are constantly challenged with that question.

But even when the battle is over, and the bonds that connect us are severed...

We always return...

Time and time again.

~Phoenix Wright

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And now for...

-Art and Donations From The Public-

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By: Officer Cybil Bennett

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By: Jenna Husko

. Thank you Ace Cutie Kaoru Yuuka for the Silver Pocket Watch. <3 As I said, I'll never take it off!


Viewing 12 of 37 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/24/2012 5:00 pm


RIP The Greatest Phoenix Wright Cosplayer to be on Gaia. cry
Ghilani Surana

Report | 05/27/2011 12:54 pm

Ghilani Surana

Hey, Nick!!! How've you been? Has Charley been okay? Before you ask, no I do not think we've met before! biggrin
Just thought I'd say Hi.

Report | 06/27/2010 8:30 pm


I am a huge PW fan and just wanted you to know that your profile made my day smile
Ace Cutie Kaoru Yuuka

Report | 12/28/2009 12:29 pm

Ace Cutie Kaoru Yuuka

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"Well well, hello~ It's been some time, ne?"
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"I hope you're doing well!"

Report | 08/11/2009 5:21 pm


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``Why yes, old friend~ Superjail is the way to go now~``

That and the jerks at The After Court Apartment Complex became
complete douchebags and were flaming us and talking bad about us...
me and Kaoru, that is...
Ze Toxik

Report | 07/23/2009 7:33 pm

Ze Toxik

HOLD IT! I never yell...Humm...Ok,I do yell.
iWatermelon Loving Koala

Report | 07/15/2009 4:24 pm

iWatermelon Loving Koala

-whip- HOLD IT!! -whip-

What a foolishly foolish fool you are. You and your foolishly foolish win against me and my father. One of these days, Wright, one of these days...

-whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip whip- Hmph! I am perfect >.<"

Report | 07/04/2009 1:43 am


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Hey Nick!

Report | 06/29/2009 12:59 am


I came back from the dead.




*groan and fall asleep*

Report | 06/14/2009 7:31 am


I miss you... D:


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