"Look inside my heart, and be amazed."
I hate you, I hate me, I hate everything. kay?
I'm not the best person, & never will be.
I cry & laugh.
I don't matter.
I give up on a lot of things.
I try to help people, but I fail.
I sometimes wear very heavy eyeliner/eye shadow.
I care for only a few, & maybe you later on.
Screamo s**t calms me down & builds me up.
It's hard for me to trust people.
I don't wanna grow up.
I'm Christian.
I go to church every Thursday night, and Sunday Morning.

I like to be alone.
I'm not fake. If you need me to prove to you that I'm not, no problem.
I love when it's rainy & thundering.
The sun can go suck a d**k.
I look depressed a lot, but I can be happy.
Being lied to is something I don't like.
& Probably neither do you.
I cuss a lot.
Being labeled pisses me off.
I get physically hurt a lot.
I'm not very talkative, unless I have something to talk about.
If you're gonna be a b***h go away, please.